'Track' and 'Look At' not working on asteroid belts

The ‘Track’ and ‘Look At’ functions are not working for (specifically) asteroid belts. They instead focus on my ship. This is occurring with the hotkeys (C and Alt respectively) and the dropdown menu in the Overview.

All other celestials I’ve tried either of them on work as normal (where applicable; some cannot be ‘looked at’ to begin with).


Just tried it.

Can confirm, this seems to be broken.

Directional scanning an asteroid belt is impossible now.


Can confirm the same. C for changing the camera into the direction of an Asteroid Belt resets the cam on me, and Dscan returns “No Scan Results” even for a full range, full angle scan. Dscaning again without focusing on a belt shows results again. After a while, the camera suddenly moves around on its own.

@Felix_Frostpacker did you bribe CCP or something? :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :psyccp:


So what do we figure…? 1, 3, 6 months to fix?

Depends on how urgent CCP thinks it is to fix an issue that makes it near impossible to find which belt a miner is mining at.

A huge mining buff, this!


Anti Gank Coalition at it again :stuck_out_tongue:

…look at works for me but track I don’t think ever has the once, maybe twice I ever tried it.

neither dscanning or “look at” function works on the belts. The dscan mode on the F9 map does work (for the few who use that tedious feature).

No, why must you drag me here?

Because one way or another you are responsible. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

Only CSM may deliver a time frame past down to the fine good Citizens of New Eden.

Sometimes™ @CCP_Swift - one of a few elite community managers who haven’t gone over to the darker side - acknowledges the bug and gives a target date for a fix (thread needs more NOISE perhaps :stuck_out_tongue:). It could™ happen here too !!..

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I had the same issue with my newly created miner account. doesn’t matter what was in Camera settings in Settings menu, it is doesn’t work at all.
The only issue what helped was the clear cache and all settings.

:warning: Be aware - that means that you will need completely to reconfigure all your characters (the overview settings, left side menu etc.) :warning:

Clearing those didn’t fix the issue for me, but thank you for the suggestion. o7

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im also having this issue, all those lucky ventures i can’t quickly locate and pop :frowning:

confirmed. although the clear all cache stuff i have not tried yet, but seems sus.

[edit: cleared all caches, and even verified game files. did NOT work, so workaround bunk and i’d be highly skeptical of “clear settings”]

Polite bump.

Sorry I missed this! Will investigate and update accordingly.

E: This has been added to the list of known issues and devs are investigating what hamster is responsible.


Might also worth looking into how much difference this made when it comes to mining ship destruction and if the difference is considerable then you could spawn a bunch of diamond rats in belts to blow up mining ships in every sec level which had reduced miner destruction until the missing destruction has been compensated.

:smirk: :innocent: :blush:


besides the methods already listed, even clicking in-space brackets of regular asteroid belts will turn the camera back to the ship (camera orbit mode).
EBR-25755, if that helps