Training time issues we are 2019 now, CCP is back in 2004 still

he’s been offered help, given advice, people have tried to reason with him and help him see why he’s wrong, he is not interested in help or advice.

he’s troling the forums hard on a Doomheim char he doesn’t give a shite about.

i think we can all see where he’s coming from and we all know where he should go :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

He’s going at it from an irrational standpoint, so only so much can be done, yes.

In any case, if it amuses him, I don’t mind, it amuses us as well, in some odd traditional way.
He seems to embody so well the total anti-thesis of what this games and philosophy combated against since well, the very beginning.

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true :slight_smile: but the Trolls gotta Troll, until he’s force logged off :skull:

He’s either a nutjob or a troll; the other remote possibility is satire.

Poe in the house.

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I’m impatient, i burn to know what those changes will be.

Just a couple of you focusing on me does not unvalue my point…it just shows YOU are unable to see it because of you beeing inside your bubble…

As i said before this is sad…but not my problem at all…

You all will leave in rage if the point comes you have to realize that the picture i’ve painted has become reality,you will state that you’ve been “betrayed” by CCP giving up 15 years of tradition and you will NOT realize nor understand that it was the only possible thing to do…

I will hug you then,but you will still leave…

A fully 180° turn to mainstream including a no pvp in high policy with bans of you act against it for example…

This is not all certainly but part of it…

But even THIS SLIGHT change rages those unreasonable people…just because “we did it otherwise the last 15 years”…times change is not on their agenda…

What about the player structures? Balos, could you share your knowledge about that subject please?

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Removed a ton of off topic posts. Don’t do it again. Thanks!

if this is true and it’s not your problem then STFU! please :slight_smile: and thank you.

I beg to differ but my post was pretty bang on topic, sending out the window the all too common trap-argument that somehow Eve had to evolve for 2019 and beyond, be it training times or pvp, or any other displeasing and uncomfortable aspects of the game to some…

To reiterate on my deleted post, there clearly is a market for the game as it stands as a hardcore survival mmo already (plenty of markets for that kind of game today), and that making it more “mainstream” as some would like, ie: removal of HS pvp and more 100% safezones, is simply not justifiable other than serving for ones personal motives and ideals for the game, and therefore not worth giving so much devtime attention to, should CCP be worried in keeping the game as it’s always been, or to just Trammel it.

Aircraft carriers are very vulnerable without their support fleet…

Problem is we have Balos only seeing Eve as an isolated solo carrier doing his thing in peace.

The problem is me beeing right and some others don’t like the conclusuions i have to draw for what this game has to become in order to survive…

But as i said…not my concern…i KNOW i am right regardless what they spit out…

They have their own pety interests for the game shall not change…look behind the curtain and you see it’s all about their own convinience…

Guys like xxxTRUSTxxx are just so furious about me because they cannot stand the fact that their normal tactics to shut someone like me up or scare me away do not work at all…they cannot stand that i KEEP my opinion regardless what they say…and that i’m right…they simply do not like the picture they see in the mirrow i’m holding…

Except, what you feel you’re “right” about:

You’re actually not.

by a long shot.

Eve has its niche hardcore survival and sci-fi market out there, even in 2019, and beyond, because of current and upcoming similar survival game titles having their own specific market successes.

Yes, even in 2019, the feeling of blowing someone else’s hard-earned pixels because I can, does sound compelling enough to join and do it, if only for the pure kicks of it, because it’s in the human nature to indulge in being the “bad guy” from time to time. There will Always be a market for that, and until the end of our time.

What you keep saying Eve needs change is simply your own personal interpretation of what the game should be, and is simply not shared by the current playerbase, or any potential playerbase looking for a hardcore sci-fi mmo out there.

You need but look on Steam as to the relevance and public interest in realistic survival game environments in these current modern times, and that should be enough to shut your own self up about being “right”, and do it all by yourself, once and for all.


And a “this does not work” or a “we did this in this niche for 15 years and it worked” is also not valid simply because another (maybe better?) approach was never tried…

This alone proves my words…all other opinions are just a “we do not like it and so we do not need it and so we declare it not acceptable and not working”.

Where is the PROOF that it would not work?

The simple word of the people who actually have to loose something(and may it be their own convinience) is simply not even close to be enough…

THIS is the problem…part of it of course…bust still remarkable…

And no…

It’s what the mmog market wants…

PVP only in specific areas of the game…many if not all games have that…its part of a changed mmog style and CCP has to accept that…

The only other option is to perish.

I mean…where would YOU set the trigger for a change?
Actual we have 20-25k…may it be 15k? 5k?

Im not questioning that it wouldn’t work, it just wouldn’t be AT ALL the same game, and it’s so difficult to be sure if it would or wouldnt work because there are already so many mmo’s with a similar approach to such pvp mechanics and 100% safezones.

What we do know is that Eve is very different in that it requires conflict and asset destruction to function because it’s a single shard economy. If you allow for one zone to be 100 % safe from conflict, and an influx of unlimited and unstoppable supply to be created in that area, what good do you think that will do to the game’s economy ? Tank it with player boredom and an overwhelming supply of stuff … ??

So again the real question here again is the big “Why”, why would you even want to change the game’s core mechanics suited to a different target population when you could already grow with the one you have already, and advertise it as it is well enough for the same like-minded targets ?

All Im saying is, there is a market for everything, you just have to reach it properly.

Wanting it to change because the tide in the mmog market says so, or hiding behind the mmog game market tide because that said gameplay suits you better personally as a gamer, is simply no way to go about this, even if you claim to have CCP’s interest in mind.

Which I highly doubt you do btw, still speaking from a doomheim account and all… post from a subscribed account if that is really the case, and then maybe anything you say might start to show some tangible substance.

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if eve was like a normal mmo, 1-2 months max youd be done with the game and grinding pvp and dailies, theres not other classes to lvl up and max out in 1-2 months, theres no dailies or pvp battlegrounds for you to grind so get the new season of armor and weapons. you do your 1-2 months and log off and go find a new game until the next expansion.

eve would already be dead with instant gratification if you could reach"endgame" in a couple of months, resulting in even lower player numbers

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