Training time issues we are 2019 now, CCP is back in 2004 still

I still see no proof for your words here as long as it was never tried…i just see imagination that is called “fact”

likewise its only your imagination that proposed solution is “better”. Better for who and why exactly? Current game mechanics work and worked long enough (longer than Wow) to be proven successful. Making EvE to comply with “what mmog market wants” would turn it from unique niche game into a clone of many, or into another Battle Royale/Moba/Session-based game altogether.

You are a troll.


If you are waiting any significant time for a new skill to complete before playing the game some more, you are doing it wrong. There is so much of EVE to enjoy at almost any level of skill, there is rarely a point in waiting for a new skill to be trained unless it’s just for a few hours. If you don’t understand this, then you have much to learn about EVE still, and there is much that you are missing out on.

I can’t speak for others, but one of the most enjoyable parts of EVE for me is starting a new alt. Yes, there are some core basic skills I typically need to get the character going, but I usually have plenty of other things to focus on while that training is occurring. These characters are typically developed with a specific purpose, concept, or playstyle in mind. This drives my in-game activity as well as the training path/progression I choose.

Because these alts are crafted with a particular goal or identity in mind, there are associated activities that form the focus of my gameplay with them. Although each may have specific types of ships that I ultimately want to train for them, my enjoyment of playing those characters is not dependent on attaining the associated skills and skill levels. Rather, each of those characters has a concept behind them that represents a different way to explore the depths of EVE.

Not everyone may approach using alts in the way I’m describing, but the point is that EVE is a game that can be enjoyed on many different levels and in many different ways. If you find yourself thinking “I will be happy playing EVE once I can fly ship XYZ at a certain proficiency but not before”, then you really don’t understand the game yet or what’s possible to do and enjoy in it.


Damn, it reminds me someone, but i can’t remember his name…

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Must be someone who is on a righteous course and is hindered by his begrudgers and opponents whereever they can only because what cannot be that may not be…
Maybe those people are wrong but they refuse to admit it…


Maybe, or maybe he’s just delusional. I wonder why the video game market is stalling right now, maybe the abundance of useless titles…

Maybe the “market” is tired of the BS soup served by the big companies, who knows…

You know, no one seems to care anymore about that …

EVE lacks “I will do XYZ” for the first days, and a friend ended playing after a week because of that - no proper sense of progression on that time scale; plus progression is not based on you actually playing the game.
Additionally EVE has both a good and bad feature in that long skill queue - if you see stuff ends in 12 hours it is a different feeling than seeing 10 skills you want taking nearly a month to complete.
Yeah, once you are playing for a month or two, these unique “features” do not pose problems anymore. The issue with them is getting and retaining people the first days. Recruit some people and see what they like and hate about the first days in game.

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All those that deny that things have changed in mmog playing are simply not willing to accept it.

They see their bubble and only reflect how an altered course towards todays reality would change THEIR gameplay and deny every change at once…they don’t care about “the game” just about “their game”,they do not want “another eve”…

Most of the people here are of that kind and this is surely a problem…

You haven’t shown any proof this other EVE you envision would do any better in the market.


YOU haven’t shown a single proof that it won’t…

I mean how should you if you even deny the try right?

Isn’t this too easy?

Because the status quo is doing fine.
So the responsibility is on you as the person bringing the claims that EVE must make these changes to show why.

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-10k players online since 2016 is “doing fine”?

Well…why leaving a comforting bubble to see the reality if it is that cozy right?

Yes it is. for a start that is only online consecutive logins and you are only measuring the peak per day with those numbers.
Secondly the global MMO market is significantly down by all appearances. Yes this can’t be proven because no one releases their figures anymore. But the Battle Royale market has certainly impacted on the MMO playerbase.

So EVE is not losing market share, which means that the things that make EVE unique are not hurting it with MMO players. And non MMO players are not going to be attracted regardless of the changes.

So yes. It’s on you to show some proof of your claims because the trends we do have don’t support your claims.

Or you could just salvos it and keep blathering on.

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People like you talk everthing nice as long as they can keep their reality…which is not real btw.

Not seeing you come up with any proof here. Just trying to throw mud… sure sign you don’t have any proof

“We don’t have to support your claims”…has to be followed by “because we don’t want it to be real”…to be correct…

There’s no bigger proof for my claim needed than this behaviour…

Wtf are you even on about.
I’m asking for you to provide any sources beyond your own say so that EVE will become full of players with your proposed changes. Since you keep claiming this is a god given fact.
You are becoming more and more wild in your evasion.

I do not evase.i stand still…it’s you circling me like a wolfpack desperately trying to devalue my point…