East Coast, US
I played for several hours today (about 11 am to about 2 pm) with no noticeable issues. Client connected just fine, game play was uninterrupted, and local seemed to be working fine. I was playing my main and one alt.
Thanks for all your hard work, CCP, for jumping on this and staying engaged. For all of us it’s just a game, but for all of you, it’s your business, careers, and reputations on the line. I know you can and will resolve this.
I’ve experienced “could not connect” with a working “connect” button about 3 out of 5 logins for the past two weeks; I’ve experienced delayed loading of chat channels or failure to load local entirely about 1 out of 15 logins; I’ve experienced disconnects once ingame 2-3 times total, and I’ve experienced gate lag only once during the initial incident.
The game has otherwise been perfectly playable for me without VPN.
My ISP is Charter Communications, I’m east coast US.
lol that’s just make me laught, really when i see a post like that, johnnyboy if you are so clever, why you haven’t yet resolve all these problem on eve and teach eve devs how they must work?
where is your “intelligence”? an old adage said " if you can’t do better than the guys who have already do their best then close your mouth and watch them doing a job you are not able to do better than them
Um, while you’re 'lol’ing about intelligence, mangling your spelling and your grammar, and being ignorant of the fact that some people actually do work in network IT and know how these things operate…
…you might consider that if you don’t work at CCP, you can’t fix their problems, no matter how good you are. And if you’re good enough, you can’t work at CCP, because they don’t pay well enough to retain talent.
Update here. I am among the earliest group reporting problems. I tried logging in today and was successful at first, then finally one account was disconnected. After that I was never able to successfully log in on the first try, and if I was able to log in on the 2nd or 3rd try chat was borked (either not connecting or displaying inaccurate information). I did not experience a lot of market lag, or the unending warp tunnel of doom effect when I did undock.
But, I don’t consider my experience of today’s game play to be stable enough to undock something expensive, or difficult to replace.
So, considering what I was experiencing in the middle of the week, it has improved; but, not enough to actually to play.
Wow to bad. I was hoping things would be resolved sooner then later. My accounts expire in about a week. May just let them and keep tabs on the issue and come back later after Eve is 100% functional again.
Mountain Time timezone in US here; Yesterday was a snow day and I was looking forward to derping. Around 1400 local (2100 eve) started having major disconnects of game client. Previous to this it ~seemed~ mostly a problem only for East Coast folks and didn’t extend to us.
I know this is way down on the list because server access needs priority - but still waiting for fix for chat channels that I would like to remove. When the chat system changed forever ago, suddenly channels that I haven’t been in for years were on the list…and unable to remove/forget them. The screen just flashes a bit and nothing changes.
They should just bring back blackout for everyone until the chat problem is fixed. Having half the players with local working and half with them without is not balanced. If everyone didn’t have local then at least there would be a level playing field.
donc c’est une discussion stérile qui n’a pas lieu d’être et donc cela ne sert a rien de venir pleurer sur ce que ccp fait ou ne fait pas si u n’es pas content désabonne tes comptes comme tout ceux qui pleurent sur le traavail de ccp et changez de jeux au lieu de vous faire mousser avec votre pseudo intelligence superieure
Hey CCP what you need is a refresh button to allow players to manually disconnect then reconnect to chat channels. I have one guy that is currently being listed in 4 different systems.
В локальном чате, на протяжении 7 систем, постоянно висит один и тот же человек. Призрак исчез при появлении ещё одного живого игрока. Кнопка “Обновить чат” была бы к стати.