Tranquility Connectivity Issues Megathread

they are still around o,o just a hour ago i was doing a bunch in a nestor

if you dont get your token through your launcher wont you be able to connect tho … this work around is for those which managing to launch their client via launcher. cause then is there a verified token and you get with that token eventually in. just dont close the client, just hit the connect button on the bottom and the server eventually letting you in. tho i cant tell you how your connection then is afterwards to the game =/

i say it again, everyone which dosnt gets their token through the launcher verified will have a bad time, even if they manage to open the client without the launcher.

because the launcher communicates with the eve online site … if you cant login on the eve online site, dont even try, you wont get through.

Already, pal. I’ve tryied to connect to Czech, France, Estonia, US, UK, German and Iceland also. But things are still there…

give us more popcorn and fireworks,this problem is growing stronger.

aunenen system yesterday 2 people on local me and friend but there was more than 8 ships on dscan. REALLY? that is blackout 2.0

some kind of update went through just now and i get a new message now. at least your not telling me its a problem on my end now.

Currently logged in on my main. It takes an extra stop to get on though. No local chat and other chat windows displaying message “could not connect to chat server”

WOW… I had to use a VPN just to log in and post here… I know what is going on is beyond me… just frustrating when your corp mates can get on… yet over the past week things have gotten worse… for me and my toon’s… I truly hope a solution to all of this is forthcoming and SOON

Thanks for the update. Chat issues I’m not concerned about really, as my Corp/Alliance has other avenues of communication.

Is there anything us users can provide to you to help get logins to work? I’ve been unable to log into the game for over a week now and that is why I have stopped my auto subscription. As soon as I can get logged in and be able to play the game, I would LOVE to resubscribe as I love the game as a whole and have many friends who are also avid players of the game!! So anything I specifically can provide to CCP to help get logins to work, I’ll be happy to provide.

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try a Australian node everything works fine here atm if that don’t work well … then it might be a issue you need to wait out side note could do a DNS flush maybe even a winsock reset just google how to do that for the OS that you use

Return access to the test server Singularity and everything will be fine.


Thank you for the message and for all the work you folks are doing to address the problems. As for me, all the chat tabs have been down for the last couple of days. I’m in null, so not having local wouldn’t be as much of a problem if ALL of the players didn’t have it as opposed to some having it and some not having it. Those of us on the don’t have local list feel handicapped and are more likely to run into trouble. Until it’s resolved just do another null sec blackout for local for everyone. :grin: :grin:
Barring that you might want to consider some serious incentives to keep people around because it’s easy to not subscribe or renew monthly when things aren’t working properly (not trying to be Captain Obvious here but…) so you might want to kick out some in-game swag to say thank you to those of us who are sticking around during the DDoS attacks.
Good luck and keep at it!

Cant connect on any accounts -East coast USA-

I don’t think suboptimal is the word you are looking for. I would go with complete and utter ■■■■■■■■■■■.


TBH though we shouldn’t have to use a VPN for something we pay good money for month after month.


i cant connect to the game :frowning:

you are not wrong its merely a work around till its over

they can keep the free crap i just want to play what ive payed for.

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i still cant connect liveing in Denmark :frowning:


You know from time to time i think i heard it all but than someone comes around with something that is new to me…:slight_smile:

As if the universe is trying to tell me ‘yo you are still stupid dude’ :slight_smile:


Connection from the UK is just about OK - I see the ‘Can’t connect’ dialogue when first starting the client but ‘OK’ and then ‘Connect’ works nine times out of 10. Chat though over the last 24 hours (for example) is either mostly non-functioning or when sort-of working is unreliable at best, with clearly wrong or ‘might be wrong but who can tell?’ numbers in local.