It’s not trolling when it’s the truth.
Fact; A DDoS is a “Denial of Service attack” on an online entity, usually in order to cause financial and reputational harm to that entity;
Fact: A DDoS is not the “fault” of the entity being attacked;
Fact: Yelling at CCP over this is moronic and childish.
I GET that it’s frustrating, I was really frustrated over the 2, 3 days I could not play, right up until I realized it was a DDoS… IE: NOT not something CCP could DO anything about…
I understood that CCP was being attacked and the POINT of the attack was just that, to DENY ME and YOU access to EVE. And THAT crap pissed me off good… but I was not mad at CCP, I was and AM really mad at the people perpetrating this… but NOT at CCP. They are fighting to keep their business going, they are BUSY fighting to keep the servers up so the people running the DDoS do not get what they want… which is YOU all pissed off at CCP…
But there you are… and the Aholes are getting just what they want cause you are mad and instead of seeing this in the light of reality… you cuss and denigrate CCP… just like they want you to.
fwiw it seems more and more like interconnectivity issues among the various services- I was before able to get through launcher but not connect to auth. Sometimes I could, and then get to char selection. Now, I cannot get past refreshing token to the SSO service, even though I can get bland response from the services in a browser. In my experience it seems to be getting handed off into nowhere, timing out, and dropping out. Im East Coast TZ.
This is the message I am receiving, in the upper right hand corner of the launcher:
"Game client for [insert account name] could not be successfully started."
So, I literally cannot even attempt the current workaround.
In addition, as I am now on day 8 of this connectivity problem, has there been any inhouse discussion at CCP about an EVE version of a “wake up call”?
Frankly, I’m tired of being unable to play; and while I don’t mind waiting for the issue to be sorted out, I am going to stop trying to play EVE and start playing something else.
But, I would like to be notified when this situation is resolved.
Could we get an email? Perhaps opt-in for an email?
I get emails for skin sales and such, can I get one saying the game is working?
Personally, my limits have been reached and I’m tired of trying to play EVE, without actually being successful at playing EVE.
IM on an alt
I have been playing since 2003 beta also own 2 store bought retail boxes + one of them is all metal embossed graphics bright silver/chrome
RL Computer engineer for data centers at which worked at many therefore i conducted a trouble shooting test proxy as well a vpn then connect on both to see what happens.
deductive logic / process of elimination
it cant send/receive the authentication handshake using 3 known static ports based on where a player connects from In the geographic locations.
therefore it appears to be a port flood attack at which the socket cannot send the IP_TRAF(VALID)=True fails to revalidate the CERT(SIGNED)CHECK_STATUS=True.False
therefore connection lost
reason is the antiddos method views all the high packet transfer requirements per eve online accounts as
invalid(packets) #if True = ClosedSockets
bans your IP for an unspecified time limit
Annnnd that is the POINT of the DDoS… to PISS you off until you leave. But it’s NOT CCP that is to blame… and yet, that’s who you all are blaming. And yes, if the DDoS’ers get what they want, that would be the end of EVE… think about it.
I love EVE, I have for over 9 years and I am still playing and won’t stop because someone ELSE want’s to piss me off. As for the rest of your diatribe against CCP? You don’t like the things they offer for $$ or for how much? I could not care less.
Today makes the 8th day that I’ve been unable to play Eve. Getting same issues as most other US East Coast players, unable to connect to Tranquility, authentication timeout, if I can connect I get disconnected , screens not loading properly, jumping gates results in serious TIDI and then disconnect, I mean the list just goes on and on. I do hope that these issues are resolved sooner than later. The responses from CCP aren’t forthcoming. Just man up CCP and tell us what the true issues are. From a customer service standpoint the responses and updates of the actual problems are woeful. I don’t buy the DDOS attacks statement for the continued ongoing issues. If there were a continued DDOS issue, I wouldn’t be able to login just to get disconnected within a couple of minutes after connecting. Just re-subbed an account prior to this current connectivity issue and can’t even play. Very frustrating that no serious updates are being sent out on a regular basis as to what the CCP team is doing to rectify the current connectivity issues. I’ll be looking for an RCA (root cause analysis) with the steps take to mitigate this problem going forward.
I haven’t really been raging at CCP. Yes, I do think their communication has been poor. YES, I do think they have bungled their response to this DDoS. Regardless, people have the right to vent their frustration. You don’t have to be here. Hell, I doubt anyone from CCP is even reading these threads.
My rage is for you empty souled losers who have nothing better to do than troll these threads. Whether it be due to some white knights fantasy that one day CCP Steve (or whoever) will thank you for sticking up for him, or if like FairyTail Omawhatever, you are simply a lonely shut in who confuses trolling with actual human interaction. Your comments here are not helpful and are unneeded. If your game works, go play it. I can promise you that the second my game is fixed you won’t catch me in these forums again.
3rd day in a row when local&all other channels aren’t working. Occasionally get connection issue window popping up as well. Both my accounts have these same issues. Game is pretty un-playable as it is. Hope these major issues gets fixed soonTM.
Huh, and here all along I thought it was YOU who was the empty souled loser who had nothing better to do than troll these threads… Huh, imagine my surprise. Oh well, thanx for showing me the error of my ways… that my opinion is worthless and I should just shut up and slink off to some dark dank corner somewhere and think hard on my utter uselessness.
" I can promise you that the second my game is fixed you won’t catch me in these forums again."
I personally think they took the weekend off. They were satisfied with the numbers they had gotten back. So I am hopeful that now that they are back at work they will at least get us connected in the next few days. As for stability and chat, I am much less optimistic.