Wow, can’t recognize sarcasm when when it’s rubbed in your face… what are you, 15? Yet?
Well, I’m off… gotta get home and play some EVE… sorry you won’t be there boyo… =[
Wow, can’t recognize sarcasm when when it’s rubbed in your face… what are you, 15? Yet?
Well, I’m off… gotta get home and play some EVE… sorry you won’t be there boyo… =[
Thank you for the update,
But in all fairness, since you acknowledge that we cannot play this game for a week now, and we pay for the subscription, why won’t you give back to all the players the equivalent in Plex of each day you have issues with your game and we cannot play. 1 month sub = 500 plex => 1 day = 17 plex.
While I understand is not your direct issue, you are still charging the players just as if the game would have worked fine and that is not right.
Do the right thing by your players for once when having these issues with your game.
Kind regards,
Problem with chat still exist
EVE System > Could not connect to chat server
Message from chat console
Thank you for communicating! However, maybe you could do this earlier (on Sunday I almost had a fight with my ISP call center operators… )
Props for proper communication and info in Launcher.
I’m from the East coast Canada and since January 27 I have been having the following issues:
• Unable to log in at all
• Able to log in after multiple attempts which can range from 5 minutes to 1 hour of trying
• Random disconnections
• Very bad lag to the point that it becomes unplayable
To be honest I was at my wits end and was about to give up on this game thankfully I found a solution that works for me.
The solution I found is to VPN through London UK now my everything works fine.
I hope this is not the long term solution for many players like myself paying for additional service for a VPN I doubt it is the way players like myself intended to play EVE online.
Wow, who is the one who can’t recognize sarcasm? Lol.
If its attack…
We do have here a lot of guys who are bored like hell ( can’t play )
Any chance… * hint hint * we can use our computer power and bandwidth to counter attack ?
What about this:
server unreliability issues results in a NPC Assault fleet wiping out the following list.
1 Wyvern
9 Hulk
4 Orcas
3 battlecruisers
17 pods
mass server kick warped the whole corp to a ‘safe spot’ of NPC in null which are a hell of a lot more than HS.
was not able to reconnect until the following morning/late afternoon
i hhave an issue withh chat connection, my chat disappear and i dont know what i have to do…, iv’ve tried to reboot my computer but itss not working
Chat doesn’t work for me on all four of my accounts (reports the port error) and I get kicked out of game after a few minutes. I’m UK based. Totally unplayable I’m afraid.
Thank you for taking the time to keep the communications coming. Keeping connectivity and local chatting seem to be the lingering issues from my view. ( Chat seems to be on again off again)
USA East Coast (Philadelphia) cant log in put in ticket
going on since last Thursday
You can’t turn off Spammers and Hawkers, if you block them they pop up again, same message, different name. Also consider that the ability to “moan” or vent here, with the knowledge that CCP is noticing the Posts, and given the lack of information provided by CCP, is probably the only thing keeping many players in the Game. As I see it this forum post is for those players who have problems and shouldn’t be clogged up with irrelevant posts from the few without.
I am hoping it gets resolved soon. I cannot afford a VPN and I haven’t been able to log in for over a week. If I do log in, I have zero chat capabilities or I will be afraid of logging of again. I am glad for skill queues.
OK, I thnk we can both agree this is a maddening and incredibly frustrating situation. We pay for access to EVE and it IS (again I think we can both agree) an AMAZING game all in all… and here we (yes me too the first days) are unable to login and SO MUCH of what we do in EVE is time sensitive… so extreme frustration. I get it ok? But it is not CCP’s FAULT man, you do see that right?
They are not DDoS’ing themselves, are they? They are not sitting around without a care in the world… their BUSINESS is under attack… how would you feel if you were an employee there? I KNOW how I would feel.
That’s all I really am saying… it is unreasonable to hold the victim responsible for the assault. That’s all. I am actually sorry if I pissed you off or added to your frustration… I actually am a decent guy, old fart, 59, with 5 kids, 3 in their 30’s and 1 who flys with me here. I just get frustrated when people crap on CCP… they MADE EVE man… who else has done that? I am grateful they even tried much less have given us 17 years of EVE… I love this game.
Try setting up a Private VPN, it worked for me.
Fly safe and I hope you get logged in soon.
But if you banked online and a hacker robbed the bank, it is obviously the hackers fault. But you can still get mad at the bank if they had horrible security. I am no historian on DDoS attacks, but I have never been involved with one this disruptive. And at some point that starts to feel like CCPs fault.
You do not have to pay for VPN… take a look at ProtonVPN (or google free VPN) you get one really and truly free account. And with that you can VPN to servers all over the world. I have been connected since Friday and have been reliably logged in and basically stable ever since.
I’m in the UK (south coast) and logged on today with no issues and everything was working fine. If anything the game actually seemed to work better.