Trig Ship Nerf

Yeah, thats the problem with you “doctrine guys”. You know some theoretical numbers but you have no clue why the ships fits were designed the way they were. You don’t even realize that the shield eHP and for most part the hull eHP are pretty much irrelevant in any fight your overlords would decide to field the BeamHarbinger Doctrine (hint: because you would also bring massive RR to keep them alive so all that counts is the pure armor buffer to prevent them from instapopping, newb). You also don’t realize that no Dreka, solo or gang would even try to “approach” such a Harbinger but would reposition and try to get a closerange warpin on that Harbinger(fleet) to force it to a closerange fight or at least force it to leave.

No matter how you twist it, the Dreka is still the superior ship by a large margin and to be honest it should be nerfed quite a bit more, like all trig ships. At least when it comes to pure buffer (cut down at least -20%) and the boni to neut/sb (which should be completely removed).


Hey…I’m not the one who drew up the ‘comparison’ in the first place…lol. I never at any point said I would take on a Harbinger with a Drekavac. So…well argued, against yourself.

I accept your surrender. The Harbinger was only one example, we can repeat this with every other Battlecruiser Hull in the game, the Dreka beats them all, easily, by most stats except sheer initial damage. Which it doesn’t need, since it is designed as REMOTE REPAIR ship that stands it’s ground and wins the fight over time. It is no Hit&Run or InstaGank ship. If you want that, use another one. PulseLaser Harbinger for example!

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People who know that something is overpowered will constantly complain about it because they’re afraid that it will get nerfed, so they need to set a false narrative about it to preemptively balance out that equation.

This isn’t a new thing (see: caps, marauders, null-sec income).

Lol…looked up Killboard and the first thing I saw was Drekavac ( with 3 Trimark pumps ) dunked by a Caracal in highsec.

‘The Drekavac beats them all’…yeah.

No power in the world protects anyone from his own stupidity. Random kills where no one will ever know what exactly happened there hold exactly zero value in any discussion.

Ah yes…well I haven’t yet quite acquired the skill of having an excuse for everything.

Would you like to fight my Drekavac with your Caracal?

That’s why.

Well, that explains it all.

Game just became -20% interesting. I predict a -20% member decrease. Well done CCP.

Yes all players fly these ships, everyone is affected. Oh wait no.

Also, that’s quite the impressive murder spree you have there, are you really sure a GM would be ok with that?

Whoa, GRIEFER alert!

Double negative. So you expect a 20% increase? Sounds like CCP did their job right then.

They should’ve increased the base DPS and lowered the ramped up DPS.

That would have made them even more OP.

This would just kill the uniqueness of the weapon system, which is the opposite of the purpose of the change. Why not just use lasers if that is what you want?

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A 5-10% tweak pre-nerf in the opposite direction wouldn’t have made them OP.

indeed, they were already OP.

It’s normal to introduce a new mechanism with OP stats so that people are enticed to test it.
It’s also normal to tone it down once the devs have had their data.

They still are OP. They still offer way too good hull stats on basically all of their ships (not entirely sure for the Damavik, since I am not using that particular one). CCP could nerf base armor, signature, base speed and remove the neutralizer/SB boni and they would still be at least good, if not very good ships, compared to all other faction’s navy ships.

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