Triglavian Battleship Fit Speculation and conjecture

would be nice if it’s not a lazor type but if it uses ammo. To limit it a bit

At Fanfest they said it was going to use ammo (including T2), but that could just as easily mean something similar to crystals. The only thing I really got a sense of is that these weapons will have high cap usage.



[Leshak, Unnamed loadout]

Damage Control II
Large Armor Repairer II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
[empty low slot]
[empty low slot]
[empty low slot]

500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Scrambler II
Heavy Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 800

Heavy Energy Neutralizer II
Heavy Energy Nosferatu II
Medium EMP Smartbomb II
Medium EMP Smartbomb II
Large Entropic Disintegrator II (?), entropic charge II (?)

Large Anti-Explosive Pump II
Large Nanobot Accelerator II
Large Nanobot Accelerator II

as far as the new weapons go they are focused for brawling so not sure on the utility of adding a MJD to the Leshak. however, for a escape rout it could ser its purpose, the problem is that the ship would have to kill its tackle if it wants to keep the cap mod (in the case that its really needed due to the weaponry).

ship is supposed to have bonuses to both neuts/vamp and smartbombs so it would eat less cap i think. layout is similar to Megathron except for the lesser amount of highs. three remaining lowslots are either for more tank or for any kind of damage amplifier modules for the new weapon in case that they exist, if not it could very well be something cap related (and thus open that remaining mid for MJD) or for plating, or for a double repp setup.

stats are need to know how many drones and ammo/charges you could carry. but its a good start

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21500 pg…nice.
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T2 Gun requires 17500 PG on Sisi. If that stays the ship will be completely useless for anything other than structure bashing. Really hope CCP tweaks those numbers.

The Leshak is so forced into Armor, yet it’s completely crippled by a lack of PG.

A Navy Apocalypse eclipses the Leshak in terms of armor, resistances, spare powergrid and capacitor. I hope the Trig ships get buffed because as it now stands they’re a little underwhelming.

[Leshak, Leshak]
Damage Control II
Corpum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Corpum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Entropic Suppressor II
Entropic Suppressor II
Imperial Navy Capacitor Power Relay
Energized Explosive Membrane II
Corpus X-Type Large Armor Repairer

Thukker Large Cap Battery
Imperial Navy Cap Recharger
Shadow Serpentis 100MN Afterburner
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier

Large Entropic Disintegrator II

Large Semiconductor Memory Cell I
Large Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Large Auxiliary Nano Pump II

Valkyrie II x5
Hammerhead II x5
Salvage Drone I x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Vespa EC-600 x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Acolyte II x5

Occult L x500
Mystic L x300

a solo PVE fit.

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it was raised to 21500 recently. due to the recent add of the t2 turret.

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What’s the base DPS/range on this fit? It seems a tad confusing as it has elements of PvP and PvE but is fit for neither. There are no smartbombs or neuts in the highs or warp disruptors, scrams or cap booster in the mids nor tracking computers, max damage, drone link augmentors or tractor beams for PvE. I also don’t understand the mix of uber-expensive EANM and then a T2 DC and explosive membrane.

I can’t believe they’re tweaking the stats at this stage since they’ve probably had the available weapons for more than a month now. Did they not run any fitting scenarios before releasing this to SiSi?

the range runs from 14km to 52km. the expensive membranes and crap are to get the resists up. (omnitank best tank?) the web is designed to slow down fast moving frigates as I have had issues hitting them at close range. it doesn’t need nuets or smart bombs if you are doing PVE. you could totally swap out the membranes for something else that would provide resists.

the close range starts at 640 ish DPS then can rise to 1300+. midrange starts at 500 ish and goes to 1041. Entropic Disintegrators operate in such a way that the longer the beam has contact with the target the more damage it will do.

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Yes, but why mix Deadspace and T2 when some of the C and B-types offer more resistance and are relatively cheap? A pair of tracking computers will serve you better than a stasis web and light drones can easily take out frigates.

If this is a PvE fit then it’s over-tanked, under-ganked and shouldn’t be cap stable.


Since there’s only 4 mid slots why take up an extra slot by fitting 2x Tracking Computers?

Also how can you say it’s under-ganked? It’s fit with 2x Entropic Suppressor II modules.

With the Thukker Large Cap Battery and Imperial Navy Cap Recharger the ship should be cap stable, or close enough. Plus the Large Semiconductor Memory Cell I increases the capacity of the ships Cap and the Imperial Navy Capacitor Power Relay increases Cap recharge.

If anything I’d say upgrade the T2 DC for a Deadspace one, better stats with lower fitting cost.

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If this is a PvE fit then you want to extend the range, no? For PvE the minimum is 3x damage modules, and since there are no Entropic-specific rigs (yet) you’ll most likely want 4x Entropic Suppressors and a minimum of 2 optimal-range scripted tracking computers (ideally 3).

If your fit is cap stable for PvE then you’re doing it wrong (other than if you’re attempting to safeguard against disconnects).

I’d probably ditch the DC in favor of a 4-slot tank: 2x EANM, 1x RAC and a large Deadspace armor repairer. If you positively (absolutely) need capacitor a large cap booster would most likely suffice since the Disintegrator charges don’t seem to degrade with use.

Rigs are personal preference but with this fit it already has an omni tank in excess of 60k, so unless you’re trying to gank-proof it (which will be hard if you’re one of the first adoptees as they’ll no doubt be expensive) you could run basically anything.

I ran a brief PvE field test on Assault (Guristas) - probably the worst (or the best?) example for the Trig damage type. I was only able to ramp the DPS up to around 900 or so before the battleships popped. With a few more skills/training I can probably get this to 1100 or so at a slightly faster rate of fire, but even still in PvE you won’t be getting anywhere near the 2000 DPS that some are talking about (unless you’re bashing a structure).

Compare this with my blaster Kronos which is doing 1000-1400 DPS at the same range as the Leshak from the outset without the required spool-up time.

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clearly you and i have differing philosophies on PVE. i usually go for fits like this. high resists across teh board so i dont have to worry so much about specific tanking. then a strong active repairer (armor or shield) with emphasis on staying power. cap stable ships that have strong tank are less likely to warp out…over tanked is a good thing. imo.

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also this. you are right about drones though.

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There’s no way I’d drop 4-billion+ ISK on a pair of Deadspace EANMs for a ship that is probably insanely expensive from the outset. I haven’t run the numbers, but if I had to guess you’re close to the 5-billion ISK mark for the various upgrades (not including the hull). This is just begging to be ganked (even if you manage to get it over 120k EHP).

If we’re just theory-crafting for the heck of it we might as well use Officer modules.

You can get way more performance with T2/Faction modules that will run you a fraction of the price while not painting a “shoot me” sign on the side of your ship, so yes - I guess we do have differing philosophies on PvE fits. However, since we’re taking about fits I’ll throw mine out in a few minutes.

Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Corelum A-Type Energized Kinetic Membrane
Reactive Armor Hardener
Core X-Type Large Armor Repairer
Entropic Suppressor II
Entropic Suppressor II
Entropic Suppressor II

Gist X-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Large Cap Battery II

Large Veles Entropic Disintegrator
Drone Link Augmentor II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Small Tractor Beam II
Small Tractor Beam II

Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

Quark Charge Bottle L x1
Lepton Charge Bottle L x1
Gluon Charge Bottle L x1
Optimal Range Script x2

Light drones to take care of any frigates and Warden II/Curator II sentries to fill the kinetic and EM damage holes (so you end up with thermal, explosive and some kinetic and EM). With your predilection for capacitor fits I made this one cap stable. EHP is around 68k.

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can you put it in such a way that allows it to be simulated on the test server? how are you trying to use this thing…see “i dont understand” why you are using cap boosters (waste of isk) have (what seems to be like) no tank. and split DPS between drones and guns.

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