Sorry, but your explanation is the kind that makes no sense to me. I keep pointing the fingers at that elephant in the room and you don’t see it. You start your explanation with “I think”, and I recognize this from 1 or 2 other players on this forum who tries to sell me, and others who faced the same fate, the same explanation, in defense for CCP’s non-sensical implementation of “Trigs forced into your throath encounters” (or is it forced into the other end?).
First, there is already a statement about “only fly what you can afford to lose” in the tutorial “Career Agents”, the Advance Military, mission 5 I would believe. And the tutorial is rightfully the appropriate place for that “lesson”. This is a mission where YOU decide to accept and go on the line of fire and end up being overpowered by a group of about 10 pirates scrambling and webifying you while they tear appart your ship. I got that part, the lesson got into my brain and now I delibarately avoid initiate activities where I would be overpowered at this stage where I can’t afford loosing a ship I can’t afford buying anyway or where I could lose my hard earned implants (too late for that, I lost them). Now that I have no implants, I am willing to lose a corvette by entering my first whormhole and see what is inside. Once inside, I’ll pay attention, and try to learn from what I see. So you see, I totally have understood already, before this fatal encounter with Trigs in High Sec, to only do activities where I’ll be willing to lose my ship. The tutorial had done the job already in this regards.
Everyday when there is a Skilling Spree event, I do participate. However, for this activity where I personnaly choose to go on the line of fire, I decide to select a pirate group of the level I know I can handle (through the “Combat Anomalies” activity). When I’ll feel like it, I may as well go mine some asteroid belt in 0.8 system and below, where we can see pirates standing there. For now, I only visited such asteroid belt aboard my Moa (Cruiser, my strongest ship atm) twice, and I decided to engage the pirate roaming there and successfully killed the pirate and the 2 frigates that came in reinforcement. These were asteroid belts in 0.8 and 0.7 systems. If I was to go mine there with my Retriever (my other big investment, besides my now non-existing implants), I would swap the mining drone for light combat drones, and I think I’ll be able to handle the situation if I have to face pirates in those systems while mining in belts. So, I’m ready, prepared, for that when I feel like it. Later, I would try to travel to 0.6 and 0.7 system to take a look at the asteroid belts there. I would go there with my strongest ship, or with my future Astero (I have the ship in the hangar in Jita, I’m just waiting for Cloaking IV skill to complete, which should occure in roughly 1 week. I’m engaging in this game step by step. Some may even say I’m too fearful and I can already engage in some of the game events and activities with the ships I have atm. But I want to take extra precaution, because I’m not willing to lose 20% of my ISK in bank in losing my Retriever in 0.5 or lower systems.
I repeat : I understand, already, to only fly what I’m willing to lose on activies “I decide to participate in”. There was no need to kill me in High Sec in a random non-sensical encounter for that lesson.
Now, I will not avoid your opinion/thought that CCP might want us to understand that we should not feel safe anywhere in this game. Not just “in activities and areas I decide to participate in”. And this is where you guys fail to see the elephant in the room, every single time you repeat that non-sensical explanation. If the lesson is “You can be ganked by players at stargates” even in high sec 1.0 systems, yes, I know !!! But I also know there are consequences not just for me (dying or do my best to survive and/or escape) but there is also consequence for the player(s) who attack me : CONCORD.
—> I repeat: The Elephant in the room is CONCORD ! <----
And after the attack is over, I believe I have the right to put a bounty on the attaking player(s).
So there you have it: consequences.
For me : I’m not safe anywhere, players can gank me anytime, anywhere, even high-sec.
For the attacking player : You can engage anyone you want, anywhere you want, even in high sec. But you’ll have to face CONCORD in high sec as a consequence.
Going back to the Elephant in the room : what is the consequence for the Trigs hanging with their faction navy buddies ? None. Absolutely none. They are free to roam and kill anyone they want anywhere they want. Unrestricted. Unchained. Unchanllenged. Unconsequenced. They have the whole galaxy to themselves, and they can gank, in mob of 10 against solo players, in their battlecruiser size ship (my kill mail confirms what I saw with my eyes, there was Drekavaks in that ambush). No matter how I could fit that Badger, there was no escape. Only destruction.
My Badgers are tankish with up to 15k total HP and would most probably survive an attack from cruisers and battlecruisers size ship of player(s) in high-sec, considering the response time of CONCORD in 1.0 and 0.9 system I’m flying in atm. I’m prepared for that. I could be wrong, and when (and if) that happen against a player, I’ll know to adjust. The attack from the Trigs lasted probably somewhere around 10-15 seconds. Probably because of the neutrilisers they use, I feel I couldn’t activate the shield hardeners, and the kill mail confirms they only needed 9100 hp damage to kill me (now I know shield hardeners are useless once you are scrambled/neutralized). I have to admit I was not alert and did not activated the shield hardeners “before” exiting cloak to jump to the next gate, but that would have only bought me maybe 5-10 more seconds to watch my unarmed Badger be torn apart anyway, because TRIGS GETS A FREE PASS AND CAN KILL ANYONE, UNCHALLENGED, WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE FOR THEM.
I don’t have the opportunity to loot and salvage anything left from the wrecks of Trigs’ dead ships, because my attackers remained unchallenged. CONCORD, faction navy, and EDENCOM didn’t give a damn ****. CONCORD is apparently too busy chasing capsuleer attacking other capsuleer, they don’t have time for Trigs. Faction navy is just too busy flying around stargates to notice and do anything about Trigs: why would they call reinforcement from faction navy or from CONCORD or from ENDENCOM ? Oh, look, doughnuts !
Imagine a mob of ISIS combattants roaming in your yet normal/civilized city, in their shiny Toyota trucks equiped with gatling guns and AKs and machetes in the hands. They put a barrage on Main Street, 10 meters away from a squad of the local police. Then the ISIS mob start shooting at passers-by and at civil vehicules and do carnage while the local police eat their doughnuts watching the scene, without calling in the SWAT, the Army or whatever force available… because it is not their job to deal against heavily armed ISIS mob, they don’t have to call in those who would be able to deal with them. This is how players who try to justifies that it is not the faction navy’s job to deal with Trigs sounds like.
Please, tell me you see the elephant in the room now. Do I need to make it more clear ? Do you really feel the need to tell me this is a game of consequences, when there is none for Trigs ? Do I need to repeat, slowly ?