Triglavian Ganking

should be 3↑↑↑3
(that’s 3^3^3^3… with the number 3 appearing 7.6e11 times. exactly 3↑↑3 = 3^27)

That’s a lot of Triglavians.

Been passed them loads of times at gates in small ships (frigates/cruisers) so that I’m quick to warp, they’ve never responded but I don’t hang about. They do seem to have a delay before they engage giving you time to get away if you’re quick.

I lost a starter ship in an asteroid belt on one character, first belt I warped to there were 6 or 7 ships so spent time trying to figure out why so many. It was because there was a group of scout Trigs mixed with normal rats. The scouts opened up on me, not a bad lesson to learn when in a starter ship.

I have noticed on the names of some of them that it does suggest they can scram, although have not witnessed this. Did they scram the starter ship? No idea, 3 hits and the ship was lost, there was a least 2 firing at me.

Edit: Asteroid belt was in a 0.8 system just to clarify.


They don’t scram. Normal trigs do most damage, Starving neut your cap, renewing reps others, blinding debuff you.

I can confirm as well that Triglavian Recons have warped to me in offgrid locations, however i have yet to be decloaked since i usually slowboat off in a random direction.

Has anyone noticed them escalating drastically more in the last few days? It used to be i would engage a fleet on a citadel or gate and one wave of reinforcements would arrive in invaded systems, which was easy pickings in a Kronos and decent ISK for salvage/loot. Well just the other day i did the same thing and got smashed by a battlegroup of 3-4 Leshaks in a suprise 3rd wave of reinforcements before i even finished the 2nd. Killed me before i had a chance to exit bastion to warp off.

Also regarding the scanning of citadels i believe they are using some form of integrated hacking module similar to the ones we have, tethers shut down for sure and I heard someone say in local they couldnt operate their citadel guns.

I dunno, Billy has been trying to replicate this without success (no tether), and is it possible to hack an unfueled structure?

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Lol my Billy is certainly not that… Coherent

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I just thought of calling you in this thread and then realized this thread was too serious for the both of us.

(I mean we don’t meet the criterion, not that the thread does not deserve us)

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I have probed the scout ones down in deadspace, well actually what I mean by that is in space which has nothing else on grid but near things like belts and customs offices and moons, which surprised me a few times.

In terms of escalation, I obviously and correctly assume that you mean the invasion systems themselves and on gates and around stations / structures which is what I tend to do. My experience is that when they start withdrawing these reinforcement waves are very random and very numerous, I had about four waves on me at one point and I almost lost my ships.

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OMFG that’s so cute <3

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I stand (sit) corrected.

I was able to get a couple to orbit a ship I had tethered outside a structure and they spent a couple minutes going around the structure and scanning it, then another minute or so orbiting the ship and scanning it. It never “broke” tether (note: I never said they broke tether - I had previously stated that they were shooting at a ship that was tethered outside a structure. Now I know they were just scanning it apparently.)

When I first saw it happening a few days ago it looked like they were shooting I was pretty far away at the time), but on closer examination they have some kind of scanner that creates a sort of translucent pyramid on the Trig ship and then from the tip of the pyramid a conical ray shoots out towards the thing being scanned.

The “pyramid” shape stays orientated to the target even while the Trig ship moves, giving the impression that it is moving around the Trig ship when in fact it is the Trig ship that is moving.

Seems the regular Damaviks do Thermal/Explosive and Kinetic/EM damage while the Blinding/Renewing/Starving only do Thermal/Explosive damage.

We’ve popped all but one of a spawn, leaving either a Renewing or a Blinding rat and then had an Alpha slowboat away from the belt in a cruiser.
The Trig faithfully chased the Alpha until we popped it just before the next downtime. By then it was over 95,000kms from where it had started.
Oddly enough, even at that distance, when regular belt rats would spawn (or warp) to that belt, they would still appear on the overview despite the distance.

If we can catch them at the structure again, we’ll check to see if we can lock/shoot them and will check to see if that scanning does anything to the ship being scanned (like increase sig radius or something).
Just for curiosity’s sake.
But it could take ages from them to make another trip to the structure.

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OK, I have just confirmed that you CAN lock/shoot them with your structure.

We just had a 5 spawn land at a structure and one of the guys took control and started targetting them. Naturally it took ages and the Trigs just sat there.
Until he got a lock and started shooting them (and using other mods).

Naturally, they started shooting back. Not really what you want as structures don’t care if damage is from players or rats, it still puts you into Repair Cycle mode.
Of course, 5 Trig rats aren’t a major threat by themselves. At least not in a system that isn’t being “invaded” by them.
Of note, the whole time they were being shot at, they ignored the one ship that was still tethered as well as the guy in the HAC that was hunting them.
Until he started locking them up as well. As soon as he started to lock them, he was hit with damps from the Blinding rat (gotta love the insta-lock). The other remaining rats also started shooting at him as well as at the structure.


She usually doesn’t.

I don’t mind the trig rats, they are annoying, but as im sitting here watching what is going on I haven’t lost any ships. But I’ve lost a lot of drones T2 lights, mining drone IIs my pride and joys Augmented mining drones, now those were really painful to lose. I just would like them to stop targeting my drones its starting to get expensive.

I’ve had them red boxed on my ship (I waited for them to agress me) then I launched my drones, the then processed to kill 1 of my T2s before going back to red box on my ship, lucky i carry a few spares so i could relaunch.

Still think this is better than the original version in every way.


It seems the Triglavians are unionized and get at day off once in awhile as there haven’t been any around for quite awhile now (again).
By coincidence, it was 7 days ago that people also noticed the Trigs had disappeared. Again, they were present after DT and then a few hours later they just disappeared.

Curiouser and curiouser.

It does say in the lore that they are highly ritualized. But I doubt the triglavians have a sabbath day. More likely than not it’s them moving systems or a bug.

I logged on this morning and there are none in my system, did a complete check including combat probes, must be taking a day off after I have been blowing up their scouts continuously for the last couple of days.