Triglavian Ganking

they were busy scanning my rait about 2 minutes ago so don’t get too happy

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Why would I waste my time when the risk/rewards are so lousy?

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Yeah, as I just said, it’s just about ISK printing and not about actuality interesting or new PvE content. Why should CCP invest into this when all you want is just a buff to rat bounties and some more automation so you don’t get distracted by the game so much. Right?

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There is no isk printing in mining.

please STFU until you understand what we are talking about.

Who said this ?
I asked for sources. That is, even before giving any kind of judgement.
And yeah 4% instead of 2% is a 100% error rate in your data.
With this level of error you are not even allowed to within 10km from the conference building.


Well I did, though I have the impression that the loot table was adjusted downwards from when they first appeared. I liked it because I did not have to travel from my base as they were there to be jumped on and it added to the pot of materials with little real effort apart from pinning the blighters down, but as they mostly warped to belts and customs offices and if you know how to use D-scan it was easy, though my system has some alternatives so it can end up with a bit of warping around. I also get the impression that they started to avoid me. But I could be paranoid… All in all a nice addition to keep players on their toes.

Another observation if you do shoot them they can spawn up to five in total in a spwn, I have also had a new spawn warp in on me after I had just finished a previous one. So they can be interesting even for the right ship and skills.

Have fun…

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You remember risk vs reward?

Not everyone is interested in dumping isk to trash “just for fun” like in PvP. Some of us actually want to increase our pixels wealth while having fun.

Also, why now hisec is more dangerous than most of other areas of game.

I have nothing against additional challenge and less afk mining. but let’s don’t trash designed game balance.


hahah hahahahahaha hahahahaha

…yeah no.


You can’t be serious…

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Says the guys who affirms that mining in HS is isk printing ?

Where did I say that highsec mining is ISK printing?

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Here you literally said that about HS players :

I don’t see what you claim I said in that sentence you just quoted.

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You said that HS players are just about isk printing (this was a discussion about why HS players would engage in this activity).
mining in HS is done by HS players (they are the main people concerned by those rats)
Therefore you say that HS miner are all about isk printing.

So tinkering around.

  1. this insta-lock insta-kill thing. BULLSH!T they couldn’t insta kill my “board my ibis” fit Ibis.
  2. They are moderately fast and the whole 5 pack swarm hits for about what a RLML Osprey Navy Issue does, and neuts for less.
  3. tracking is going to be an issue, they romp around in the 1600-1900m/s range, and auto-blap drones, orbit in the 12km range
  4. They don’t point, so even if you are big and slow as long as you tank > 600dps = align all you have to do is pay attention.

last time I checked they had 800 scanres and no delay to target. that means they can target you under 1s unless you are <25 m sig IIRC.
People told me they were targeted between the “align” and “cloak” on a cloaky ship.

Now maybe CCP fixed that. ESI still says 800 scanres.

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Than it changed

I was less than 25km stopped in an Ibis with nothing but a civi AB, civi gun, and a salvager. Aligned and warped left grid at 75% of all 750 of my unbonused shield.

I will say the loot isn’t worth the ammo to kill them but that is the worst of it.

their range is 18km on the disintegrator.

Noted, yet I was getting hit.

That was also completely untanked in a corvette.

Suffice it to say that they are NO challenge to an actual combat ship. I blasted the neuter off in a FW fit tormentor, I could have smashed the rest of them I would wager but it wasn’t worth paying for the paste to run the SAAR.

Literally 0 threat to the ship.

I two shot them with my actual abyssal ship. (edit) looking at the combat log that was an exaggeration 20s TTK with my T4/T5 fit munnin so 6-7 shots

the missile has more range I guess ? Dunno, could not be bothered to find the data. They target 75km away though. and have a +50% range on missile

Yesterday at least, it was told they were respawning without any way to stop them ; also increasing in size, to get something like 300 DPS with web, neutra, and remote rep.