Triglavian Ganks in hi-sec non minory victory systems

Step 1: Buy a Border-5 filament on Jita
Step 2: Get either a cheap fit battlecruiser with highest alpha or stealth bomber
Step 3: Yeet yourself into T-space with the filament
Step 4: Alpha off the grid the first non-Trig NPC you encounter, preferably frigates
Step 5: Wait for a standing tick
Step 6:???
Step 7: Profit

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Not when peeps have -2 with trigs. Thats a bit more complicated. I know few peeps like that.

But maybe taking part in content released by CCP lately doesnt really work as peeps imagine first. I personally feel cheated now.


If you actively went against Trigs and now you want to be friends with them and enter their space, itā€™s only fair that you have to work for it.

When I was in Caldari militia and tanked my standings with Gallente to fascinating -5.61, I had to work my butt off doing SoE epic arcs and grind for storyline missions to be able to enter Dodixie without Federation Navy going after me.
Same rule should apply here.

CCP: Trig Invasion! Defend the Empires in exciting content!

CCP: Trig Space! Grind your way in after trashing your standings in Trig Invasion!

Theoretical CCP next: EDENCOM Space! Grind your way back out of Trig Space!


Its not that. Invasions were going to get over, but now we get even worse situation because the systems are not shown on map, you have no warning and you have gates being camped. How is that a fair deal to peeps who spent so much time defending Empire space?

Its the CCP/PA way of saing ā€œthanks for participation, now ā– ā– ā– ā–  off or deal with that ha!ā€.


Any sleeper or drone NPC

Its hard to warp to the WH cloaked to BM it so you can just warp to 0 on it and avoid getting shot at all? :stuck_out_tongue:

It really isnā€™t as hard as you think, my astero alt has been in pochven since it was created

And as i said you donā€™t even need to kill it, my alt got credit for just tagging something with a target painter, he didnā€™t even do damage :stuck_out_tongue:

Whats more complicated? your trig standings wonā€™t stop you buying a yeet filament in jita and using it

Inside Pochven only? I killed rogue drones outside Pochven and they dont get me any standings with EDENCOM or trigs. I have seen people only writing about Pochven NPCs giving such standings.

Yes it needs to be inside pochven, but its literally any sleeper or drone in there, even the crappy ones that can be popped by drones from a frigate, as i said you donā€™t even need to kill it because chances are its going to die anyway, i had a corpmate literally whore on a drone with a reaper doing a massive 1 damage

-2 is not about it, its about amount of stuff I would have to kill.

Its just stupid game design. I dont care about it now. CCP cheated on everyone who took part in that content on EDENCOM side, defending the space. Now every system can have no warning, being camped by trigs, no info for anyone, new or old.

Our job was for nothing!

:fu: CCP or PA, or whoever though its a great idea to make it worse than it was.

But, on the other side, I suppose EDENCOM is now effectively a SWAT team of High Sec, with neverending amount of work 24/7. :policewoman:


I had -4.89 i didnā€™t have any issue


With what? Are you positive on your main now with both?

I think I will be staying EDENCOM.

I am working on getting him positive with both yes, dropped my trig standing to -3.5 in just a couple of days, the grind really isnā€™t as bad as people seem to think, and i could have been lower if we had found the right system

That doesnt change the fact CCP made the EDENCOM effort mean nothing really.

Now I dont want to spend so much time for bringing the standings anywhere.

From time to time I will just shoot trigs with some other peopleā€¦ :policewoman:


It never meant anything, and it never was

Everyone could see from the way the event was planned that the eventual goal was for pochven to exist, all the edencom players did was damage control to prevent the region being even larger, CCP said it could have ended up being as high as 81 pochven systems, and from looking at my list of all invaded systems both amarr space and caldari space would have been swiss cheesed had that number actually been reached

Edencom were never the winning team and i knew that before i started fighting for them, my goal was triangular salt and i collected lots of that so i enjoyed the event, now iā€™ll just be fixing my standings in order to just do what i want :stuck_out_tongue:

The fact that Pochven only consists of the minimum amount of Triglavian controlled systems tells me that EDENCOM was the winning team.

Actually 21 was the minimum, we hit 27, and considering the 28 minors we lost aswell

Thought it was posted that 27 was the minimum amount of systems needed to complete the invasion.

Especially since Triglavians are fixated on the number 3.

Wouldnā€™t it be figured out as 3 x 3 x 3 = 27

I really do hope that CCP is planning to release EDENCOM cyno bridges or something, but they are just waiting for everybody to grind their Trig standing first.

I also hope that the drifters end up replacing the trigs as the main menace - but having them only go after all these people that have shot at them (in the process of grinding their Trig standing).

This Trig debacle still has more salt that it could extract.

There are now trig combat sites in Povchen, which can be farmed by EC affiliated people.