Triglavian Ganks in hi-sec non minory victory systems

95% of the things i fly have a cov ops cloak fitted, trig camps aren’t really going to affect me in high sec lol

If you don’t want to lose don’t play EVE, because 99% of the playerbase is going to lose :stuck_out_tongue:

There will always be faucet’s adding ISK in to the economy, even the trig sites have ISK payouts as do the WH’s in pochven as they count as sites

People getting ganked by NPCs instead of NPCs being dumb, static and no threat whatsoever.

I have little doubt that there are many people who rather prefer strong NPCs who aren’t just waiting to get killed …
… and I have even less sympathy for those who wish for games to be as static and boring as they require them to be.

rollercoaster: theme park ride.
doom: death, destruction, fear, terror, obliteration.

Mash the two together, you have a comic scenario.

CCP Employee: “Hellmar, the players are autopiloting around the trig minor victories - they are evading the chaos.”
CCP Hellmar: “Just add random minor victories throughout the game each day. We need more senseless destruction.”


So dont fix your standings lol.

True, But CCP goal is to reduce it massively, there is still a big amount of ISK in peoples wallets. Too big. It will to be freed up and pumped into economy while draining ISK fountains.

Big economic reset is their goal, while they introduce new pressures and ways of spending real moneys.

It doesn’t seems to work so well. Just personal experience: resent loss of Gila (Absolute loss of ~25mil), but in last couple days I’ve got blueprints for another 4. It looks like they promote ganking (increasing drop rate to 90%, ‘temporary’ removing bounties), but I’be seen only one ganking attempt on me in last couple weeks and so on

Its not ISK, mind it. Its ship that you have to produce with minerals and pay for industry job.

it’s clear 110-130 mil profit after producing from 1 blueprint

Its deducted from someones wallet, so first that person needs to get it somewhere. With harder time to gain ISK, that person will feel bigger preasure to gain advantage by paying for Omega or buying PLEX and selling it on market for ISK. That is how the game needs to work in CCP/PA devs minds.

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You are contradicting yourself now. PLEX doesn’t magically create ISK for anyone either - it only shuffles ISK around between player wallets. Until CCP lets people either directly convert PLEX to new-to-game ISK (e.g. sales of PLEX to NPC buy orders) or trade PLEX for in-game assets (other than extractors), your argument is inherently flawed. In addition, your premise that additional PLEX sales will occur only works if there is a matching increased demand for the PLEX on the market - as more people buying PLEX to sell for ISK actually sabotages the ISK value of PLEX because increased supply with static demand drops PLEX-for-ISK prices.

I dont really argument the price of isk but pressure to get it.

Right, but there is only pressure to buy PLEX if it can be sold for a reasonable amount of ISK - if a lot of people suddenly started selling PLEX and there isn’t anything new to spend the PLEX on, it’s going to crash the PLEX market and nobody will buy more PLEX because they won’t get enough ISK for their PLEX to be worth their money.

If anything, this would drive people to RMT for ISK from botters, not buy PLEX that will rapidly de-value.

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If everything becomes more expensive on market, you will need more PLEX to buy from CCP tho. If PLEX price stays the same. CCP can regulate the amount of PLEX on market to some extend.

They can inject the PLEX from the banned accounts, they can do promotions, they can make game changes. Adding new sinks for PLEX.

And now you are requiring CCP to step in with PLEX redemption changes (price for items from NES in PLEX) to achieve you projected effects. Unless and until that happens, your premise is non-functional.

I think the new sinks for PLEX may be added soon. Or items that can be bought for it, that make game easier.

There are new SKINs coming out pretty regularly; they don’t have a significant impact on the PLEX market.

I also already said that CCP would have to add PLEX redemptions for functional assets (anything that impacts gameplay) to make your idea work. Until they do, standing on it as a ‘well what if’ doesn’t support your argument - it paints you as someone determined to come up with any way to be ‘right’, even with no evidence to support your stance. Your argument is not accurate as to current game state, and nobody can reasonably project future CCP decisions, so you cannot use ‘what ifs’ to support the expectation that players will buy more PLEX to acquire ISK in the current and known upcoming game state.

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Because such category is not what the game like EVE and mmorpgs is getting money from mostly. Of course there are some exceptions, but generally the items that are in demand are those tied directly to power, and convenience.

Yes. And unless/until CCP makes a dramatic policy shift to sell game-affecting assets for PLEX, the destruction of assets has zip zilch nada to do with the sale of PLEX, because there is no increased demand for PLEX due to any of the recent game changes.

So again: your theory is a baseless assumption about future state with no evidence to support it, and plenty of evidence of actual market behavior to show that increased destruction is not being done with the intent to sell more PLEX.

No, they are doing it gradually. For years. I remember the time when you had only subscription, then PLEX was obtainable only by converting the game time card into PLEX (Pilot License EXtension). That other pilot could buy in game to use as gametime extension by 1 month.

Look what happened since then. Old EVE is dead. :skull:

CCP is creating NPC interactions that essentially make high-sec the same as low/null, but without the PvP aspect.

Trig wormholes, when they open in high-sec, essentially create random gate camps. The same can be said for null-sec where people claim there is 100% safety because of blues.

Do Trig/E-com ships show up on D-scan?

and, just a random question: will these Trig ships attack Drifter ships if they both show up on the same gate?