This. Since the introduction of triglavians last year rookies have always been the first victims, and probably the largest group (perhaps sharing that place with afk miners killed by the roaming trig fleets). Totally hilarious was the one time that a starter system was invaded, previous summer, and a big pile of rookie wrecks was floating near the undock. To most rookies it’s already a surprise when they go out mining and find that sansha or other rats attack them, let alone when they wander into a hisec system that was/is being invaded or has new slum lords.
But the cat is out of the bag. That leaves us with a need to mitigate consequences from within the game. A map only showing that a system is involved in “invasion” (big red ) but not a hint as to winning side or stage unless you mouse over and double check via the Agency if the invasion is ongoing or not, hence no indications related to standing, is not enough.
Trigs now affect as simple and basic a thing in EvE as traveling. The game should at least provide adequate intel via the map, not just the obligatory popup asking if you’re really really really, no, really ? sure to jump a gate. At least it’s simpler to teach a rookie how to use and read a map than to explain the ins and outs of invasions, the stages, what data to look for (and where). At the time I saw trigs as an early opportunity to tell rookies about dscanning. At the current stage it’s a bit of a mess.
As someone who’s made about 50,000 corpses at the Crossroads, I can attest that you’re very much right about the unfortunate encounters. However, that doesn’t change the fact that that zone is outgrown by the time you hit 25-ish, and doesn’t have anything to offer someone who’s been playing for more than three or four days. Similarly, the high-sec space in EVE doesn’t have much to offer to anyone past their trial period, which is proven by an income comparison between mining Veldspar or running level 4 missions, and something along the lines of a null-sec anomaly or wormhole site. With the exception of incursions, of course, which were a downright travesty shoved up this game’s nubile buttocks by CCP’s hairy viking fist.
Well, ■■■■.
He got me. I never thought this day would come, but someone finally called me out on my ■■■■■■■■. Owning only this sole character, I got caught with my pants down in my own web of lies, having never experienced space of lower than .5 security rating.
I see no way other way out of this, so I must tearfully and regretfully inform everyone that I resign from these forums in shame, effective immediately.
Actually a hostile environment encouraged me to stay with the game … but I‘m well past the “great filter”. If you drive education of new players, what better position you can have to teach them how to survive?
Also as said before, relocate to Perimeter and you are fine.
Yes, the improvements needed are so simple and the logic behind why they weren’t initially implemented or patched is beyond me.
Then setting a route, the system “triangle” icon for the jump should point one way or another depending on the forces controlling it.
The text when hovering on a way-point or the pop-up when at the gate of the system should describe the invasion in the system and not be generic “under invasion by Triglavian forces” once they implemented the possibility for different controlling forces.
The map should filter and/or display the controlling forces of the invasion and possibly have standings or invasion stage based coloring (as mentioned in a post I read recently, but can’t find again to link).
Only the Advanced Military Career agents on the second and, IIRC, the fourth missions. One kamikaze attack on a space station, one hopeless odds rigged fight. But not everyone does the Career Agents, and not everyone does all of the Career Agents. The NPE Tutorial which ran for a couple of years guaranteed you were killed (to be reborn as an immortal capsuleer), but not the streamlined “chase a few Drifters” tutorial which replaced it a couple of years ago. And even that tutorial is now completely optional.
I mean, I wasn’t even responding to you there, so I don’t know why you’re upset. And if that actually did upset you, then you really have no business teaching new players.
No, you see, I chose this one, a long, long time ago. Back when the term “carebear” didn’t even exist yet, really. We played the game, we mined, we built, we fought, and no one went on the forums to write essays about pirates being real-life sociopaths and menaces to society. Then the “carebears” started coming in, slowly chipping away at this game’s foundation.
So no, they can find a different game to play, because they’re not essential to this game, at all. If they all disappeared tomorrow, CCP might feel some pangs in the pocketbook area, but the game itself would be just fine.
And just in case you need some clarity, I’m not talking about players who like PvE, or those who aren’t into shooting other players or whatever. No, I’m talking about the bot aspirants who equate anything that upsets their low-risk/low-reward income generation with real life rape, murder, and slavery. And those who support them. For some reason, you’re really chomping at the bit to show us how “they’re people too and need to be given a chance,” but all you’re really doing is showing us why we need to keep our children the heck away from your school. The rotten apple spoils the bunch.
Heh, what happened to you casually going through threads and putting your beta-male portrait into the “likes” section of posters casually equating the support of Trigs in CCP’s invasion content to real-life rape and domestic violence?
Something for the mods when they inevitably read this, since apparently all of my posts are being documented and sent to CS: note how I never initiate any interactions with this person.
I dunno man, old C&P and CAOD were always big game of forum wars and the tone was similar to now. Just had less players. I’d almost say, people were more salty then, than now. Now they are just more in numbers and used to yelling on ze interwebz.
You don’t have to try to convince me - people can check and see for themselves.
Every time you implicitly and explicitly support people like Balos, when they say something along the lines of ganking miners being the equivalent of chattel slavery in colonial America?
You have no credibility, at all. You try to pass yourself off as a serious member of the community, and then you put your stamp of approval on that kind of stuff? Why? Because you believe in a risk-free high-sec, and they “share” your viewpoint?
Like the EVE version of selling your soul for a roll of scratch-offs and a jug of whiskey. I seriously don’t know how you go to sleep at night, knowing that you have so little integrity.
Many of those here remained because of the hostile environment. Many remained in spite of it. Many didn’t because of it and several other new-player retention issues which have yet to be fixed. The Chapter 3 implementation is only the icing on the cake.
I rise to the added challenge, but it definitely puts an unnecessary hurdle in the way.
Primeter was scouted during the long period of System assessment before launching the Training Program. I seem to have fine-tuned the program in a way that it yields the highest success ratio so much that having the sudden sporadic and volatile state throws it off. I have done not much more than scout for a new home system where to base the operation from whist covering all the requirements of the Program, but the fact that the System I chose to base the Operation out of might fall the day after all the logistics take place, has prevented me from making the move. I am currently waiting to see where this Chapter takes us to make a better decision.
Not directed to anyone in particular, and subjectively speaking:
I understand that it is difficult to conceive that someone would dedicate their entire EVE career and their few Alts to doing everything possible and expecting (and actually receiving) nothing in return to give a New Capsuleer all the information needed to:
-figure out what they want to do
-have the tools needed to do what they want
-make a more educated decision as to whether or not EVE is for them
-prevent their neglect in Future Corps due to their ignorance (it happens more than you think)
-ensure Future Corps don’t have to spend that time and can employ the Capsuleer productively
The fact is, I have been doing this for a long time, I realized how great EVE is and wanted to make sure the most people possible get to enjoy it as well, but when the obvious hurdle of Chapter 3 is placed in my way with no consideration as to the effect it has on the target of my Operation, anyone can understand my concern.
I don’t need to do this. I would make a fortune of ISK and Plexing myself doing pretty much anything else. I do this because EVE and the New Capsuleer deserve it, and I have yet to encounter anyone else willing to throw their personal ambition to the side and engage in a proper education for New Capsuleers without some Corp’s personal ulterior motives.
Yes, anyone not actually playing EVE shouldn’t even be logged in.
I strongly promote this and emphasize this through Training.
I don’t condone “high-sec piracy” in my Corp, but damnit, I actually taught some Capsuleers who were interested on how to do it. I even pointed out that were they to join CODE. or some other hypocritical Corp like theirs who practice it, how to do the entire operation correctly, and I pointed out how the way they currently operate is as bullies and not an ever-present source of terror for anyone who “Bot- aspires”.
My Training covers EVERYTHING any New Capsuleer should know and wants to know, without any brainwashing, completely unbiased. Their opinion is theirs to have, not for me to mold.
Yes, it is a shame that the rest of us must share our space with your liking. But I put up with it, and you are far from becoming a factor in any of my decision making.
Was about picking that too. The best thing in EvE you can teach new players is to accept, deal with or embrace all possible playstyles without personal judgement dominating thoughts and talks. Think about the rules of the Sith and the way to the dark side …
Yes. I do know how to make a band of extortionist bullies who hypocritically exempt themselves from their own set of rules as they see fit and claim to serve a purpose while achieving nothing, into a proper operation which would actually achieve said purpose.
I know that all of those miners out there don’t give a damn about CODE. because they barely make a dent.
Do you think someone would be so silly to keep flying out there to AFK mine if they were actually losing?
You should really look up the definition of “condone”. You don’t seem to know it.
I am not against it. I didn’t say that. I said:
I do this. If I ever incorporate my subjective opinion into a conversation during the Trainee’s Training, I am explicit about it being that, and always point out how I may be wrong.
As an educator it would be wrong for me to incorporate subjective opinion into education. It seems like what I discuss on the forums is being misinterpreted as how I train New Capsuleers.