Triglavian Invasion; A Good Short-Sighted Idea with Poor Long-Term Consideration

Can totally agree here for a change.

Finding out what system belongs to which side is a pain in the ass and definitely needs out of game tools. There’s a trig system filter for the map. But if you try to look up the systems in the agency, most of them are missing there.
Tool tips and windows dont give you these info either.
If you dont check the kybernaut page, you basically got to jump in to know.

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Keep believing that, it suits you.

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Same to you bud…




Obviously it wasnt so important, maybe because of how short lived that event may be.


Objective facts are not biased subjective opinions:

  • Saying one thing and doing another is the definition of hypocrisy.
  • Claiming to fulfill a purpose and then act in a way that will not fulfill that purpose, rather habitually seeking to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable is the definition of a bully.
  • Asking people for ISK in exchange for nothing with the threat of violence or asset loss (even if it is in some sort of rule book) is the definition of extortion.
  • Performing certain acts within the boundries of the game, but lashing out at those who take action by employing said game mechanics against them is a down-right sense of entitlement and borderline narcissistic (at least according to the openly available psychological studies).

Just pointing us back on topic :point_up_2:

Who is “we”? :wink:
Lets take a look at this 15 low sec system.
10 of these are Caldari. I could bet, no one was there, it was just an NPC vs NPC fight. And these systems just fell because of Caldari is really bad.
This is the same reason so many Amarr low sec sytems went to Amarr. because Amarr was so strong.

just a few more numbers:
There have been 11 Caldari low sec fights so far. 10 went to Triglalvian, 1 to Edencom.
There have been 28 Amarr low sec fights so far. 1 went to Triglavian, 27 to Edencom.

Can you see a pattern in this? I could bet, that there were no player involved into this. They just went to the “stronger” NPC side.

The remaining 5 were 3 Gallente (out of 7), 1 Minmatar (out of 2) and 1 Amarr. Minmatar and Gallente might have a 50/50 ration who win if no one seems to be there. Or maybe the interference of a few could switch it to one side. But there are even a few Minmatar and Gallente low sec systems invastions that despawned after the time, without a winner. This shows, that they might be really well balanced.
The only real low sec fight that might have been was the Amarr system. But even this could have been just one person, who was doing the Forward Posts.

But this is my guess, based on the info i see.
I have not been at any of the Low Sec fights. And why should i? There is nothing for me to gain from it. Edencom cannot turn them into high sec (THIS would have been a good solution).
All that can be done, by winning it for Edencom, is not having at a null sec, instead of low sec. Basically its the same for most. So there is no gain (for me!) to go there and fight. It does not matter if it is a minor Triglavian, minor EDENCOM or Final Limitation system. It does not change anything for it.


Let’s be honest here, CCP won’t allow that all hi-sec turn to trig-sec, because the game will be unplayable for a lot of people and this is financial suicide for the company, but their goal is to shake things a bit, make them less static, promote more destruction. CCP simply use trig-sympatisers as a tool for that, creating the illusion of player-driven content. The end goal of trig-supporters is to divide all the main empires. The division of empires will force people to go through low sec and supply pirates with easy targets. Also, they’ll try to destroy Jita if possible, but i’m in serious doubt that servers can technically handle the Jita invasion without massive disconnects and lags.

The implementation of the invasions is wrong and unbalanced. CCP are forcing hard-mode group pve content on players, which don’t want to do it. EDENCOM can’t win anything, UI is terrible (can’t properly distinguish EDENCOM systems from Trig-systems, not enough warnings). The loss of connections between empires will make assembly of roaming fleets a pain in the ass (clone jump cooldown, implants make medical-clone jump undesired), so this outcome will further increase the safety of null-sec.

I like to trade, produce stuff and to collect shiny ships and items, to do solo-pve missions and chat with people. I play EVE casually due to RL, so i’ve chosen hi-sec as a home. For me the recent loss of Niarja was unfortunate because:

  1. i was unable to participate in that content due to vacation (happened too fast, less then a day, seriously?)
  2. killed the Amarr - Jita freighter trading (no way i’m going to do all these jumps)
  3. Caldary epic arc - big goodbye

Not a very big deal, but if all empires are to be divided, i’ll probably just stop playing, until CCP stops forcing the undesired pve-pvp content upon my head.


Actually not as good as CCP see it obviously. Imagine you could do lvl 5 agent missions in high sec. Specifically against what CCP is trying to do.
To get rid of new people making ISK, for them to buy SP or PLEX that will be bought by nullseccers for ISK they make on ratting. THE CIRCLE OF PLEX.

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You’d lose that bet. We’re regularly in LS invasion systems.

Both sides are.

Now we’re already at less than a day…

Niarja was under attack for around 36h.

Even the new galactic news hour article mentions that.

You can say the same about Triglavian :wink:
How else can you explain all the childish actions that are being done (by BOTH sides, i assume).

I have no idea about the Triglavian side. But the average fluctuation, of the pilots, is about 2-3 hours for Edencom. Most come in, stay for 1-2 hours, and leave again. Only a handfull stay for these extreme 12+ hours.
If you have more player, who can, and will, play longer than average, you need less player to achive the same. And because of the reduced travel time, it is even more extreme.

How many hours are you playing each day? How much time do you spend into the Invasions? Maybe you are already also beyond the “have fun” part :wink:

I assume null sec has the same problem. Few player, with lot of playtime, can achive more than many player with short playtime.
This IS the reason so many are playing in High sec. Because they have not the time for the low/null sec stuff.
And kudos for these who stand up and fight for what they belive with the limited time they have for it (again, on BOTH sides).


Edencom does win a bit though. Before Niarja they came out of the weekend making 3/4 available liminal stars available. It’s very wrong to say that they can’t win.

It is unfortunate that you are leaving and I must ask you one important question based off of that. Can I have your stuff?

Why this?

Yeah, it went fast.

So fast it was almost like an overwhelming preponderance of participating players wanted it to go that way.

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I just noticed one other really funny part on this.
CCP was able to force player to do something they hate so badly that they fight for it.

They forced the pro Triglavian players into doing the stuff they accuse others.
The boring and endless killing of NPCs in high sec systems, over and over again, for nearly no ISK (the same as mission runners :smile:).
Basically they are now doing exact the same, but for other reason. But the result is the same. What will happen when this invasion never ends? Will the Triglavian players do this forever? Killing NPCs with no bounty over and over and over and over again? :wink:

And the only ones, who profit from this, are the persons who are not fighting for any side, and just looting and salvaging the wrecks and making billions this way, without killing.

Now this is what i call irony.


lol wat?

The fall of Niarja is largely being attributed to null players showing up to support triglavians.

If there’s one thing null players know, it’s shooting NPCs endlessly.

In this particular case, the reward is not ISK, but an unprecedented treasure trove of salt.

We already know the invasion is going to end. This is an event.

You think the biggest beneficiaries in the sacking of a major trade lane are the vultures picking the bones. Wew, lad. You could have just told us that you’re simple.


As above, so below.

Looters are Halliburton.

My post was not directly related to Niarja.
It was about it in general.

Why are player helping the Triglavian? For what reason? No one know the intention for Triglavians so far, so this, helping them achieve their goals, could not be the reason.
The only reason (my guess) why most player are helping them, is to turn high sec systems into los sec systems.
And why? To piss up high sec players, to force them into low sec, to lower the space these “high sec” players have or for whatever other reason they might have.

And what are you doing for this? Going into high sec, and killing endless NPCs in spawned sites for over 3 month now.

I cannot help myself, but i find this funny.
Eveyone can play the way they want. This was always the credo. And yet, some are suddenly doing stuff they hate when others are doing them, and find it “right” when they do it :smile:.