Triglavian Invasion; A Good Short-Sighted Idea with Poor Long-Term Consideration

Your question answers itself. People are doing this because they are motivated to do it, because the reward they get from it is perceived as appealing enough for the time and effort they need to invest.

Contrast that with the average high-sec mission runner, who doesn’t get any meaningful rewards from their activity. At best, they see their wallet go up bit by bit.

The Trig players put in this effort because the change that will come from this excites them. What does the mission-runner get? Just more money that they’ll never actually use for anything meaningful? The satisfaction of knowing that things will always be the same?

Working toward a goal and working because your mind and body are used to the routine are two very different things.


I agree. Factional Warfare systems should have been whitelisted so that new players could explore the joys of solo, nanogang and fleet content in their own wholesome way. Did you know we actually had to send half a dozen guys to shoo those NPCs out of Frerstorn and Ontorn? We almost had PVE in our warzone :frowning:


I will say maybe not trig invading the newb starter systems might be a good idea. But these guys need to learn fast if they want to survive New Eden. Space is a cold and unforgiving mistress, her capsuleers even less so. You also missed an opportunity to teach them about maybe not piling all their corporate assets in one basket, or how to help retreat from a conquered system. Also they should learn that NPC’s can pull gate camps just as good if not better than some capsuleers (mainly because they dont get distracted by anime or netflix) But eve does allow you every opportunity to rise from the ashes, if you’ve got the guts. You either learn or you die. The risk just makes the rewards that much sweeter. Besides, I love the smell of burning Edencom corpses in the morning, it’s better than folgers. Tell em when you first see them and try to recruit them what kind of game EvE truly is… “A Universe of pain and Opportunity, if you’ve got the guts to pull the trigger”. I think I may have just gone on a villains rant. Meh

It is in the name of the Corp.

I would have if they had logged on since.

That Lesson was already covered.

That Lesson was already covered.

This is part of the recruitment process. I don’t look forward to training Capsuleers who haven’t taken this into consideration and are likely to drop it anyways.

“These “numbers” @Laika_Kalishaka refers to change constantly and as mentioned in the original text above are not clear since just as you claim to be a new player, it is hard to believe you suddenly heard of some random game and decided to choose a side without ever playing it. Most likely (another) Alt, but I refuse to jump to conclusions.”
I"m glad you didn’t jump to conclusion. I joined the game because I became extremely close with a new friend of mine who mentioned the trig invasion and how it would be implemented very shortly. The Prospect of such a huge shift in game dynamics and also being a fan of trig aesthetic and my friends description of how trig’s operate is what drew me in.

I’ll read the rest of the thread now but I wanted to address this first. I’ll edit any other further replies later.

For the record I do have an alt…that I created after this accoutn to help me mine in trig systems.

Nice. Welcome to New Eden, now prepare for Combat Probing of your safe-spot.

I took part in ravaross and Sendo. I’ve had amazing time so far.

I did have one unfortunate incident where I lose a few ventures to the roaming trigs of ch2. that threw me off a bit

btw now that I read the thread I’m not oppose dto waht your saying. it seems a nice compromise here would be:

  1. to make sure new capsuleer space is al itle less threatened by end game pve content
  2. improve EVE UI explanation and hopefully someday the tutorial.

in return don’t underestimate the appeal of a major shift in game environment potentially attracting new players, but it’s clear you do understand that to some capability so I won’t write 5 paragraphs on it. Seeya out there in space ;3

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:point_up_2: :+1:
I took 24 hours, but we found someone who can read English!


I am glad to hear dude. Keep it up.

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Just because some people disagree with you, doesn’t mean they don’t understand what you’re trying to say, or that their points are not valid. You’re not infallible; there’s really no need to make a comment like that. If anything, it actually weakens your stance.


“We” are Stribog Clade in my case, as well as the larger TTI community, and you owe me some money.

So you admit you’re full of ■■■■ and have literally no clue what you’re talking about.
Got it.

The most fun comes from these forum whine posts from people who have no idea what’s actually going on.
We’re having a great time.

Again, you have literally no clue what you’re talking about. I make 200-300m a day doing this. Not the best ISK/hr but thats not why I play, and it’s certainly more than “No ISK”

Personally I just want to have the standing neccesary to enter Jove space when it opens :wink:

But really for me it’s In-Character RolePlay.
Trigs=Jove returning to save us.
EdenCOM=Sansha controlled plot.
The whole reason the Jove are back is to stop Sansha messing with the stuff they left behind, as six years ago it was reported that Sansha vessels were spotted on the other side of a wormhole that appeared to lead to Jove space.

I don’t really give a ■■■■ about high sec or low sec, it’s all the same to me because I’m not a carebear, but if it makes you feel better I do believe Trig systems will go back to normal once they use the stars energy to reopen Jove space.



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Why not?

They have cool costumes.

I think it’s funny that you think anyone is really giving that much consideration to the feelings of highsec players.

Again, this whole line of thinking is stupid, and divorced from reality.

Nullsec industrializes PvE. The mom’n’pop PvE that takes place in high sec is… quaint, by comparison.

Your assertion that people are “doing stuff they hate” by shooting NPCs is just a (particularly stupid) notion you’ve invented.

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Assuming it will be so… what the hell are you talking about.
Jove systems are complete desert. What do you want to do there? You have enough of space already everywhere.

Trigs are trigs. I dont think you know what Jove even are or history of them.

Sansha is not EDENCOM. Sansha is more connected to Jove technically than your trigs. They were even spotted in Jove space.


I wasn’t going to bother replying to you, as you clearly missed the “in-character” part of that theory, but then you edited in some fan made graphic full of question marks as your “proof”.

Then you edited again, to try and tell me something I already said,

This is literally an in-character conspiracy theory I’ve worked up, the likelihood of them opening Jove space and UUA-F4 are quite low, sorry my RP seems to offend you enough to further derail this thread. :man_shrugging:

No it doesnt, I only see you dont have much base for your theories.

The question marks are not much important in this graphic tho.

Cant see anything connecting Trigs to Jove.

Trigs seem to be just another faction with not much lore behind them this time, as CCP isnt much worrying about it at that point. Also the thing I understood from the cryptic messaging of trigs is they have something against the Drifters and they fought them. Drifters do have Jove roots but the rest of Jove is dead.

Trigs may be just the faction thats there to fill the hole after one of the factions.

Their origins are very similar to origin of slavs in history of europe. There were many theories, but it looks like one century they just migrate and go to big swaths of land in all directions from some forest-steppe environment east of Poland.


:point_up_2: Just reminding us of the original post.

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Saying it’s a smart idea is reaching. Any idea intending to provoke behavior, especially when designed by people who aren’t really authorities in behavior, is by definition a road map leading into a bog.

It isn’t very clear what you are commenting about.
If you are referring to the title of this Topic “…A Good Short-Sighted Idea…”, I recommend you read past the title.