Triglavian Invasions, and why they need to be looked at closer

Could have used Large Shield Extenders and Bulkheads with defensive rigs (either more hull HP or shield regen) and you would have lived a lot longer.

You have almost no tanking modules, it’s no wonder you died (2 weak passive mods and a single invuln is nowhere near enough tank).

Looks like someone got caught AFK. Even so, that Orca wasn’t even halfway decently tanked. A squad of Trigs can’t even get my shields down in a tanked Skiff before I kill them. Long story short, don’t mine in a Trig invasion system, or if you do, at least pay attention…


There is no such thing. You can have one or the other. You can either have yield, or you can max tank and mine in relative “safety”. Pick one. If you choose both, you will fail at both…

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I see battleships and battle cruisers, were you mining in an invasion site?

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This one’s for Mr. B
I couldn’t resist :wink:


Calm down, miner.

In your last thread, you claimed that you as a miner are responsible for there being ships to undock at all. I highly doubt that you, as a High-Sec belt miner, make any meaningful impact on the amount of ore compared to the Rorquals.

Triglavian invasions aren’t end-game content, anyway. And there’s no such thing as end-game content. One of the core charms of this game is that you can be subjected to any content regardless of whether or not you are ready.

If you want to mine undisturbed, you’re free to move your Orca somewhere else.


hmm…Maybe - just maybe - mining in a system that is the center of a Triglavian invasion might not be such a great idea…hmmmm


That Orca deserved a better owner…


Are you deficient?

Yeah the buffs etc must really hurt.
Including the one that tempted you to undock that monstrosity in the first place.

You have no power here.


Just because CCP does something that negatively impacts your playstyle that doesn’t mean CCP hates you. They’re trying to fix problems that they see (i.e. botters, OP ships, careers with out of balance risk to reward ratios, and so on).


This is not a normal squad, this is their fleet in the center of invasion. There is even a battleship in the combat log.


Are you sure the Triglasian’s weren’t actually goons in disguise?


You had plenty of opportunity. Unless the system you were in, suddenly became invaded 7 seconds before you died, you had all the opportunity in the world to move systems and to go to another system that wasnt invaded.

Instead, you knew the system was being invaded. You knew triglavians were going to warp in and fight you. You knew Invaded systems are not like normal systems.

You assumed they were going to be easy. You were wrong.

Costly mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. Your mistake.

I can get minerals from reprocessing dropped items. So you are factually wrong, there.

Yes, the person who made this thread was very toxic indeed.


Didnt you die in Warouh?

Its a 0.5 system.

If 0.5 is a “beginning game system”, then what constitutes as a mid-game system in hisec?

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Yeah but it is kinda cheap that you get used to dispatching the 4 spawns over and over untill “BLAM”
The Triglasian’s hit you with the sucker punch from hell.

The whole “why has the sky gone red and all the system information written in strange symbols” should clue you in that things are not normal.

Large roaming fleets are a thing in TrigVasions, they have been since they started.

Sensible people don’t mine in systems that are involved in a Sansha Incursion do they?


It sounds to me the OP was mining with an Emerging Conduit open.
There is no way he was mining inside a Triglasian Invasion for three days without getting blapped.

That was their plan all along.

Didnt you ever see Rocky 2? He kept punching with his right, until that old guy shouted NOW, then he came out with his left.

These Triglavians are smart. Almost as if there is a human behind it…

I bet 500 plex that someone can control the spawn.

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The biggest ship to come out of an Emerging Conduit is a single Vedmak Cruiser in the final wave.

The Trigs that spawn at the Emerging Conduits do not roam if you trigger them and warp out they just sit there waiting for someone else to warp to the site.

It looks like he was happily mining the 'belts in one system day after day dealing with normal belt rats and the tiny roaming Trig gangs (its 4 frigates max) and then the system got hit by a full on TrigVasion.

Instead of wondering why the sky was red, why the system info was written in triangles and wondering if maybe he should find out he carried on his daily routine, undock Orca, warp to belt, launch drones, turn on Netflix … (ok that last one is a guess of mine).

Then he comes here to whine about it.

I’m just :woman_shrugging: and :woman_facepalming: