Triglavian pod killing and the paradox of high-sec space

Thing is, what each player thinks is the right direction is entirely subjective, i don’t see nay major issues with the gameplan, looking at it from the bigger picture its just mostly falling in line with other MMO’s that still exist, hell people complain about skill injectors and expert systems yet FFXIV has had the ability to pay to skip class levels for years, not seeing that as a dying game, going to have to accept that what some people think is bad isn’t actually bad for the long term health of the game

EVE needs to differentiate itself from any other games, and by being a harsh MMO where loss matters is its niche

It is quite obvious to me and many others that losing half of our playerbase is not progress. What about it is progress to you?

The right direction is and always has been to remove the shitty restrictions on HS PvP and restore the balance that we had before the mass exodus of our player-base.

Pretty cut and dry. Shitty changes were made. PvPers left. Shitty changes are still being made to make up for the PvPers leaving. None of these changes are the right changes though because they’re still not trying to bring those (or any) PvPers BACK.

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Implying all loss is “bad”

You can quite happily lose things that you don’t need, i think a lot of people don’t quite realise how cold and harsh the game is meant to be so we have ended up attracting the wrong players for a real long ass time, its why the forums are full of whines about needing autopilot features to avoid systems instead of manually doing it yourself, or people whining about something being too hard or too complicated

If it means we end up with players able to think for themselves without needing to have their hand held 23/7 i don’t see that as an issue, and in the long run its far more healthy for the game

Agree to disagree

I’m assuming you’re referring to the war changes that prevent people from randomly griefing a corp for the lulz

Not really seeing that as a downside, if they want to gank people so be it but there is a cost involved they just don’t want to pay it, i wouldn’t call those “PvPer’s” in the least

Again, if they aren’t wanting them back, consider they might not have been the intended playerbase to begin with

Uh… have you read the old forums? PvPers were the intended playerbase to begin with. And I’ve said this a million times, it’s not about the cost, it’s not about the risk, we’re all rich as ■■■■, it’s about the content drying up because CCP does nothing but coddle solo PvEers. They change the mechanics to favor the worse kind of player and THAT is why we have a bunch of entitled PvEing brats instead of the cutthroat PvP playerbase we used to have. It’s not just about 1 change either. It’s about YEARS of nerf after nerf after nerf to HS PvP.

Furthermore I KNOW CCP doesn’t want them back but they’re primary goal is not a thriving MMO rather a MMO that caters to BOTS and Whales because neither require much attention and both pay CCP way more than 90% of their playerbase ever could. Does this mean it’s the right move for the game? HELL NO. Does this mean you should endlessly shill for CCP every chance you get? Quite the contrary sir. It means you should stop defending this corrupt piece of ■■■■ company and start demanding answers for why easily solved problems have gone unattended for a decade.

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Sure, but i odn’t really think they meant for people to just wardec miners all day for “leet PvP”, the war change was justified, also, PvP doesn’t just cover shooting each other, you know that right?

Citation needed, for both

You can still wardec each other, you can still bait each other, you can still gank each other, what nerfs are you referring to exactly?

Because i’m not seeing anything valid that is no longer present

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The sentence after the one you quoted explains how you make isk off it.

But either way it adds plenty, sorry you dont see it.

Nah I’ve provided proof in a million other posts you can look at my post history for that. I’m tired of you lazy carebears demanding proof, when you yourself have NOTHING to back up your entitled opinions. Then when I post the proof your rebuttal is “NUH UH NO IT ISN’T”.

You’re quite simply wrong. You do not even have the experience required to have relevant insight on the topic. You are speaking from a position of bias while I am speaking from a position of knowledge, fact, and experience.

Furthermore, how is a non-PvPer, making baseless claims about PvP that he doesn’t understand, butting in on a conversation about gameplay he’s never attempted or experienced, going now come and demand proof about said activity from one of the major players in the gameplay being discussed?

My proof is I was ■■■■■■■ there and you weren’t Chad. Go back to whoring on CONCORD killmails like a ■■■■■■■ symbiot and gtf off the forums. For all our sake.

You do know that making an alt is SO MUCH easier and more reliable, right? Its almost the optimal way of dealing with gatecamps, especially if you are playing solo/independent style.

This is called adding unnecessary headache to basic activities. Effort required is now higher, but the reward is still the same. Oopsie, now a lot of high sec content isn’t worth doing.

You entire reasoning comes from the assumption that there is a “proper” way to play the game. There isnt.

Refiting ship does not take any skill. There is no thought process involved in refiting ship everytime you want to travel 5 jumps away, just because there a random chance of gate camp. People play in high exactly because they do not want to deal with gatecamps/intel/alliances/standings etc. There is nothing wrong about that.

And you are actually wrong about this:

This is not how “safe” in this game works or ever worked. Its not “never safe” as you might think, its “your ship is (almost) always destructible”. Which is a big difference actually. If I am alone in a null sec system I can be pretty sure that im safe enough to do whatever I’m doing, if I know what I’m doing. Its very safe, unless someone cheats local somehow, which would be either cheating or a bug, but definitely not an intended mechanic.

That’s how “safe” works. If certain conditions are true I am actually safe, if not not then there is a risk.

This exact change is bad, it is objectively bad. Because it introduces inconsistencies to the rules, which i kinda tired trying to explain to you tbh.

This is exactly what inconsistency of rules is. And its always bad, its never good. The game teaches the player that it WARNS him when he is trying to enter dangerous space, and then it suddenly doesn’t because it’s apparently different system. Its either always warn or never warn, that would be consistency.

It doesn’t. You yourself already proposed the way to solve the problem with more boring but yet much easier and more reliable solution of mwd+cloak. Or a scouting alt.

Restricting travel in high sec is not a good way to encourage cooperation. Pretty much everything that can be done in high sec is better done solo, thats the problem, not the “safety”. Triglavs kinda help here, not in the form of random Retriever killing gatecamps, but as coop PVE content.

There are low sec, null sec and WH space and now Pochven for MM part of MMORPG.

You kinda sound like if they add a captcha to every gate jump you run around and yell how much smarter the game has become.

You kinda keep thinking that Eve is “harder” than it actually supposed to be, lewl. Its not hard, its kinda too easy, so it becomes boring. Adding more boring doesnt fix anything.


It doesnt.

It pretty much doubles the amount of time needed to travel from point A to point B, and thats it. It terms of reward there are ways to make much more, much easier, using much cheaper vessels, with even less effort than needed to do Distribution missions, lol.

“You now need to scout gates in high sec” does not improve high sec gameplay in any way period.

Old invasions, the ones you could see on your route panel did. There is simply no reason do trig fleets the they are now.

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So thats a no then i guess, like i said, i’m not seeing anything valid that was removed in the last near 17 years

Citation needed

Citation needed :slight_smile:

Ad-hominem, pretty standard when you realise you’ve run out of arguments :slight_smile:

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Sure, i have one myself, not that i actually need it, but your complaint was that trigs don’t add anything, so i told you to find friends as that then makes it add something, you could use an alt but that doesn’t fix your complaint

Oh dear, you have to put effort in get something out, think we found your problem

Where did i say there was a “proper” way to play the game, there are many, you just don’t seem to want to actually step outside your method of playing and would rather CCP address your perceived instead of adapting

Well sucks to be you i guess, welcome to multiplayer where interacting with others is the end goal, if you want to play without worrying the X franchise of games might be more your thing

Which is the same as “never safe”, your ship is at risk 100% of the time if you’re undocked, so you are never safe, i mean unless you can find a backwater system where you’re literally the only person in local, but trigs can resolve that discrepancy for us :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats temporary safety which can change at a moments notice, for someone who doesn’t want to deal with intel channels you’ll find that peace likely to be disturbed :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it re-wrote the rules, there are no inconsistencies, not sure how this is confusing for you, the old rules no longer exist, your country could create a law that banned orange cars, that wouldn’t cause an inconsistency with the rules, it would be a complete change of the rules, in this case one of the fundamental rules was changed, there is nothing for it be consistent with anymore

Not really, its very simple to understand

Incursions last multiple days and have systemwide changes and penalties, you get a warning

Triglavian chapter 3 invasions lasted multiple days and had the potential to change the security status of the system along with minor victories and liminal systems gaining new entire deployable sentry guns, permanent changes to the way the system operates, gets a warning

Triglavian wormhole spawns last 12 hours, don’t affect any of the mechanics of how the system operates nor do they threaten the ownership of the system in question, no warning as nothing is permanent and the effect will be gone shortly and can infact be removed faster than this by simply rolling the WH which will cause the spawns to stop

Not really seeing any inconsistencies here as they are entirely different mechanics, do i need to ELI5 it for you?

Well my evidence disagrees with you as i regularly see people posting intel about current active triglavian systems, hell i even run a public tracker for it, so yeah, intel sharing happens and i own the evidence for it, could invite you to the EDI discord and ingame public channel if you wanted to witness this intel sharing for yourself, but that would require you paid attention to intel channels, which i think we have covered is not something you want to deal with

Actually there is an even easier and permanent solution, but if you want to find that you’ll need to do some legwork of your own

Out of interest, how much did you participate in the chapter 3 trig invasions?

I already think the answer is “not at all” which reinforces your uninformed belief that none of this encouraged co-operation, because there were lots of people wanting to help protect specific systems because of the impact they would have on travel, so i’m going to ask for some evidence to counteract the months of invasions i lived through showing the opposite of your claims to be true

Yup, and now you need help, not seeing an issue here, i mean strictly speaking with the right setup and knowledge you can solo most trig spawns in high sec, but that again comes down to you doing the research yourself

You missed high sec, just because you seem unwilling to interact with players doesn’t change that this IS a multiplayer game

So you say its too easy and are now complaining about something which makes it harder?

Seems legit

Just getting the info and preparing a ship takes much longer than that.

Actually doing what one plans to get positive trig standings without getting negative Edencom standings will also take longer UNLESS one is hella lucky. All told I think I need 24 hours or more, of course a huge part of that logged off and waiting for a rogue drone site to spawn in the Pochven system I was in.

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Im starting to suspect that you have never actually played a skill based game before.


Go play at least 300 games of DOTA2, then well speak about what is hard, what takes skill, what is depth, what is complexity, what exactly is metagaming, etc. Right now you kinda seem to be completely clueless tbh.

It does make the game harder in that it requires more tedious and pointless work to achieve the same goal. It’s like how I could make your forum posting harder by forcing you to type with a pen taped to your foot. No meaningful content or depth has been added but the task is certainly more difficult!

What it doesn’t do is make the game harder in a good way, where the difficulty is a test of skill and adds interesting content.

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Did see (and report) some Trigs doing about the same on a bit smaller scale. Did see them destroy ships on gate on another occasion. The threat is real. Although probably somewhat exaggerated.

I heard that if you leave Highsec, you no longer care what it’s called.

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I was referring on how much it takes when you are actually there in Pochven already in the right ship .
How much does it take overall ? Well let’s see …

A few seconds to type in the forum or google search bar “triglavian standings guide” , you will come across this one:

You copy a fit from there, import it in Eve fitting window , buy ship and fit it , that takes a few seconds too .

Watching the video: 10 minutes . Add this to what we already did , you get a maximum of 11 minutes.

You don’t need 24 h or longer !
Getting positive standings with both triglavians and Edencom is actually easy , you need just to apply some ewar to rogue drones or sleepers . From my own experience you don’t need to be a huge part logged off in there and wait for a drone site !
Rogues drones and sleepers often roam around custom offices and stations , mess around with d-scan and it’s impossible not to find any . On two of my alts I just found those drones on custom offices and just killed one of them , but the kill is optional , if you just apply ewar , these drones will eventually get into triglavians or triglavians will come to them and you’ll get those standings when trigs kill them.
For another of my alts , I have found sleepers outside of a station there , i waited until trigalvians warped there and just applied ewar to sleepers , after 2 waves of triglavians landing, they died and I got my standings .
This did not took more than 15-20 minutes for each of my alts !!! No need to wait for any sites !!!
Also, if you get incredibly unlucky , re-roll filaments for other systems , it’s that easy.

You are trying to make this look like it’s rocket science , when it’s actually very simple . I don’t understand the new generation of Eve players , nothing but to moan , they want all served on a plate, they refuse to engage in thinking and they all think they are entitled to everything while doing 0 effort … we don’t need you in Eve, actually you can stay so we can kill all of you over and over again.

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Assuming you know how to do that you still need to find/make/ purchase the mods.

I already explained I had to wait for them to appear in system.

I did. What part of “I did” confused you? I have to do things like eat, sleep, go grocery shopping, cook dinner, go to work. I would log on and off to see if there were any targets when I had time. It took ME about 24 hours. Don’t friggen tell me I didn’t need that much friggen time, cause I did, and YOU weren’t here.

They have have to be there. And being there means you were either lucky and they were there when you arrived, OR you have to wait for them. And since you cannot really just go back and forth to Pochven on a whim, that could mean a lot of waiting while your character does basically nothing.

Why are you so adamant on contridicting the obvious?

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Are you talking about hauling or what?

If you are using a DST or BR for small items then you dont even need to worry about ganks in HS.

I think you are just grumping.

I make plenty of isk for little effort this way, is entirely an opportunistic profit that costs a few minutes at most in even a free ship if you are freightering.

If you lose your cargo from not scouting, then the value if your trip becomes even less?

Whine more for me , I like it when you do.