I had a pulse gimmick phantasm tested a bit as far as tracking it’s OK but you get easilly neuted out and melt to certain spawns like vedmak cruiser rush especially if they have neuts
You also can’t rly fight trig bs group within their optimal they’ll easily cap you out before you get in range to shoot them
What is their optimal? Thank you very much for all posted info. Do you think you can try my kiting cerberus fit (my last posted fit here)? I have no time to test it myself on SiSi and you seem to have a really wide expertise running Abyss with different fits, so you can compare it better than me anyway
Well, that sucked. Ran a F4 with a Gila and less than 5 minutes into it the client locked up and crashed. I run on OSX so there’s zero point in reporting anything. Guess that ends my testing efforts. I’ll have to live vicariously through the rest of you…
I posted a much better rlml cerb fit in the test server feedback thread
There’s also details in there of fights within tier5 minus kinetic sites and even very good turnouts against spawns ppl had issues with like the neut vedmak rush group
If you want to breeze through Tier 1 and 2 a large smart bomb on an Aug Navy or Devoter works. It wipes out those annoying small drones faster then the Gila or Cerb can. Not sure it could handle Tier 3 haven’t tried it yet. Of course on firestorm the armor tanks is large. As long as you pick guns that can shoot out to 14km you should be able to take the Drifter and Tiv ships. I like the Small Beams, Cap is ok since you don’t need to run the SB and Beams at the same time.
I have been traying these sites today and the 1-4 sites are pretty easy but i’m not sure how to do the 5. I tried a F5 witha Deimos (duel rep) and it was 3 shotted in the first room by like 8 BS ( 1-4 had at most 2 BS). I know the Deimos does not have the most EHP but still thats a big jump. I know the Gila is like 80-90K in the Gamma but still the Deimos reps more and only managed to rep 1-2 times.
You need a very strong afterburner (1200m/s +) and maybe halo/snake set to reduce their tracking but then they neut to 30km’s so even that is not enough lol, their tracking is very high for npc bs’s :/.
Did you try any tier 2 sites?
I’ve run all levels. F4 and F5 filaments are not for the feint of heart. You will die. It’s not a question of if - but when. F1-F3 filaments are what I’m most comfortable with.
You can do them on 600-700m/s if you close in and orbit at 5km (or less) they cant even hit you, at all, as in zip, zero, nada. Its the closing in part thats hairy. You can’t just fly straight at them, kinda manually pilot and “spiral” inwards, it mitigates quite a lot of the damage. The spiral movement itself requires some practice, which you can do literally anywhere vs any NPCs just pick a generic security mission, fit up a cruiser with AB and have at it.
Your other option is to shoot them from 66+km, you also take zero damage, but the ones in lvl 3+ have too many hitpoints, if you kill more then 2 this way you will die to timer from DPS loss due to long range.
Exception is RLML Cerberus cause its DPS is the same all the way to 70+, but that is very spawn dependant, if you get wrong position automata supressors spawned you can say good bye to your DPS altogether.
For sure max transversal all the way :] but I mean when there is 10 bs’s you cant hold perfect transversal or be any closer than 20km’s to all at once since they dont sit on top of each other, so a bit tricky xD
I have been using a Blaster Deimos and F1-F2 are extremely easy needless to say, finish them in 5~7 minutes.
I ran a F3 with the exact same fit, 30 seconds to spare, however it’s mostly due to goofing around a having a couple useless modules and forgot to bring drones with.
the triglavian battleships have a weapon range of about 62km~. A vigilant or diemos with good skills can easily out-range that with 250mm rails and spike. With a 2 t2 mag stab vigilant, it takes about 4 minutes to kill 5 of those battleships, taking basically no damage in return. This is the only way I have found to combat these guys with turret ships, as sometimes they come with heavy nuets and stuff… better to just stay out of range. it also helps if you have max drone control range skills, as keeping your drones applied makes a big difference in how fast they go down.
the one problem I have run into is that they have sensor damps sometimes, and the vigilant has a hideous base sensor range (like 65km) so you will need to fit a sensor booster as your 4th mid. Diemos has much stronger base strength so this does not tend to be an issue, so it can fit 2 webs in stead.
I ran into and defeated 3 waves of triglavian battleships in single lvl 3 (which is really obnoxious) with a couple minutes to spare, but i don’t think either fits could beat lvl 4 or 5 as they can only apply about 400 dps at 70+km, and against 7 of of those things it would just take too long with the remote reps. maybe with a 3rd mag stab they could get it done, but then the trig cruisers would shred them, so… ya.
Your are outside the arena around those ranges thou
Missiles and smartbombs? I was testing large smartbomb Sacrilige on Sisi and it was performing fairly well on lower tier sites.
@Iwo_Sh_ivah Smartbombs only work until you get capped out. There’s also the issue of closing the distance to within 7.5km (any many NPCs orbit at 10km or beyond). Light missiles (about the only missile you can use that has halfway decent application) also get chewed up by the Trig defense structures.
i only went out of range once, and its only does a tiny bit of damage before you can get back in, its very easy to stay inside and out of their range, although both ships can tank 2 of them so you dont need to be perfect.
Let me know how you fare when you encounter the 8-spawn Triglavian fleet. When they alpha-neut you that’s pretty much the survival test right there (and I don’t mean this sarcastically in any way - this is really what has killed everyone who’s attempted to beat F5 filaments).
I’ve had a cap stable fit, I was never neuted and smartbomb did fairly well even with scraming cruisers. I’ve only done few sites before RL caught me though and I’ve run out of time to play.
Just a thought on a different approach.
well that’s why… not sure what point you are trying to make there… lol