An idea came to me a while ago to make the triglavian world ark accessible by players and how to not make it extremely OP. So first off, I think an introduction to ship crews can be a great idea. By that, i mean that the World ark is only pilotable when multiple players are on board the ship.
1 pilot for weapons
1 pilot for propulsion
1 pilot for tanking
1 captain for commands
The triglavian world ark should also come with a completly new Doomsday, one that might resemble the weapon seen in the movie Enders Game, or even, the one seen on citadels in game. Furthermore, the triglavian world ark can open up triglavian portals, similar to the one used in the proving site. Players in the same fleet as the world ark should also be able to dock (as in a station) to the world ark. It would be pilotable by both Alpha pilots and Omega pilots alike. Only the character in the command position needs to have the skills required for the ship and only his skills affect the ships’ performance. (as he is the captain)
the world ark would kind of be like a moving station/deathstar.
Unlike the other triglavian ships, this ship should have the ability to fit more than one weapon. I would suggest missile launchers, as seen on the triglavian NPCs. Hereby making the weapons pilot more important.
Pros of such a ship:
-Powerful addition to a fleet
-Quick fleet support (docking)
Cons of such a ship:
-Requires multiple pilots
-Each use of the triglavian jump portal has a 5% chance of spawning one drifter battleship (stupid idea lol)
-Not affected by command bursts (not even its own)
Here are some suggested stats, should this ship be added to the game:
10% to XL entropic disintegrator damage
5% to XL entropic disintegrator rate of fire
25% to armor command burst effect
+3 to warp core strength
25% to triglavian fighter speed, hp and damage (yes, those would be so much fun too)
5% to armor resistances
+3 to pilots needed
Role bonuses:
Can fit Triglavian jump portal
Can use Doomsday device
Can fit clone vat bay
Fleet members can dock
Shield HP: 600k basic resistance: EM: 5% Kinetic 20% Thermal 25% Explosive: 20%
Armor HP: 600k basic resistances: EM 20% Kinetic 15% Thermal 10% Explosive 5%
Hull HP: 700k Basic resistances: None
Align time: 180 seconds
Warp speed: 2AU/S
Maximum Velocity: 100m/s
Hangar Maximum Ship size: Battleship
Sensor strength: i have no idea, you decide CCP
Well, this concludes my idea, in all, i think that piloting a single ship with diffrent people can be some seriously intersting content and a new challenge to all of the EVE Online community
Hope to see this ship in space one day