Triglavians and Invasions...Stops the Bots, but spoils the game!

In my experience, this is incorrect.

Now, if someone would like to correct me, but there is a particular circumstance where they will, but Id not dream of spoilering it for you.

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More than one circumstance actually.

Consistency is boring. Go back to wow.

The most definitely are.

You didn’t bother to READ the post I replied to did you ?

I’ll save you some time… It was about Epithal @ POCO

You were saying Lancers will attack under specific circumstances, well this is true but NOT at a POCO - unless you can find a system with a Jove observatory next to a POCO and I’m pretty sure such a place does not exist.

You are wrong about there being no circumstances where lancers would attack an indi at a POCO
Also pointing at a single thing while ignoring everything else is really bad. The game does not teach people that reg won’t attack you. Landers are the exception not the rule.

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Thank you, much appreciated.

Anyway my new player friend has quit. I guess he was ‘unwilling to learn’ how to prevent his Venture from being killed in just a couple of seconds. I watched it on his screen: literally the Trigs jumped in at CLOSE RANGE (less than 6km), locked him in 2 seconds and destroyed the Venture immediately. There was nothing he could have done, believe me. I laughed and told him jokingly he must be a Trig magnet, the laughing stopped when his third and fourth Ventures went the same quick way. It was a 0.8 system. Had learned before to use drones against rats but Trigs is really something else.
New players do not stand much chance. Nothing to do with learning curve, nothing to do with stupidity.
It did not happen to me, I just tell you what happened to this new player. If this happens to more of them, our player-base will not be increased with new blood. Just we bitter old veterans.


Trigs take several seconds to land, like you said 2 seconds to lock and a recon squad will take about 10 to 15 seconds to destroy a tanked venture.
In the mean time that venture warps in about 4 seconds.

Now please tell me how 20 seconds to destroy a ship that can warp in under 5 equals nothing he could do. Please explain because I see a 15 second warp out window, and changing of fit after the first one to have tank.

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It’s called not paying attention or being AFK…

Sorry you are wrong. The Trigs have jumped in and locked me in 3 secs and had my Cov down to hull in 10secs. Frankly I do not see a newbie survivng or wanting to bother in a Venture! This “Git Gud” response really is rather silly and short sighted.

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The solution is simple. Stay aligned, pay attention, and dont mine in paper-thin ships. And no, if you are paying attention, they can’t kill you in a Venture either.

Most of the tears about the roaming Trig patrols are from those who are used to being able to AFK mine and can no longer do so.

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Using just t1 modules and I believe zero skills… unsure since it was an online fitting tool since I’m at work. Venture. Approx 5k ehp when t1 tanked. Note. T1 tanked. Not t2. And no active modules either which you could do to cap manage also. This also wasn’t a max tank fit but a basic shield omnitank which could easily be improved if Trigs are your only concern.

Covetor. 7k ehp. But larger So Trigs lock faster.
Assuming you tanked with a dcu if you tanked at all since using a covetor you should be max yirld fitting your hull is your primary tank anyway, so getting into hull you might still have 50% ehp left probably.

So… um… tell me again how a venture can’t survive if a covetor can.


Then, how about, instead of acting like a child, adapt to the situation and make the best of it? You can make use of the unusuality (i think i made that word up, but it’s nice) of the situation and fight the triglavians. You don’t need to do the same ■■■■ every single day as if it was a job. Have some change, it’s a game!

Shoot them, steal loot, mine ore … but stop being such a robot yourself, who can only do the same things over and over again. You calling it “my gameplay” doesn’t change anything regarding your behaviour.


You sound like a T***L so I will not respond!

It is the correct response.

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You are clearly the expert! Just thinking of all those new players who gave up because they were not as clever as you!

All those new players take their loss, leanr from it and get better. Others, like you, whine about it and leave. Good riddance.

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Who’s whining? I’m in Null mining in fleet loving it?

You are clearly a sad T***L

Nothing to do with new players not being clever.
It’s about new players not having the right social connections. The right social connections will give you a lot more answers than being smart yourself.

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