Triglavians and Invasions...Stops the Bots, but spoils the game!

I just came back into the game after a few years away and jesus christ. Even with 3 skiffs I can’t kills the triglavian scouts fast enough before having to warp one of my ships away. They donlt come that often but when they do it’s either run or die. The state of mining is terrible. I can’t wait to make enough to buy a carrier and off to null sec cap ratting again. Mining in high-sec has never been this bad.

Are you active tanking them or passive tanking them.
Also consider that there are support ships with decent mining abilities, drone damage bonuses and remote shield boosting bonuses.

A single active tanked Skiff can easily kill off a group of 5 Trigs. I do it every single day…

Stop with this BS fake news ■■■■…

Your skiff is dead in a minute and your drones do not make even close enough damage to survive it…

Fake news like this spread by PVP’ers that simply have no clue how dangerous the trigs are for a not bling bling bling PVE ship are the reason why so many leave this game…

Try more fake news spread by you since you don’t know how to active tank a skiff.

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You cannot really think somebody believes this crap…

Yes it was me nicolai…

Using nearly all just T2 fittings, active tank of 200 DPS at least vs Trigs, depending what you do with your low slots, cap stable, certainly stable for long enough. I believe the Trig scout squad starts at about 200 DPS, it does ramp up over time but you have about a 40,000 EHP buffer in your shield as well to soak that ramp up. Given the hull is 220 Mil, this is only 80 Mil of fittings, hardly bling. If you use the rule of thumb that fittings can be up to the value of the hull without it being excessive you can take that active tank even higher.

The skiff being used is the same used in null with tank adjusted for trig damage types (I tried omnitank as well) Active tanking does not work either. One of the skiffs has perfect skills. the other 2 have level 4 skills across the board. No way to kill them fast enough before the skiffs get into armour. I will need to get an orca alt with remote shield repair, also 5 additional drones will help.

I really find that weird because I’m not encountering the same issues and I’m not even in a skiff or triple boxing. Are you trying to max yield fit them and not using a damage amp also?

Stops more than just bots, making many either not undock or Clone Jump.

Sometimes it is fine but other times you just want to get something done.

What annoys me is the fact that they don’t drop loot. Our mining fleet is fit for defense. They show up, we blow them up. No loot. Also there have been times where they show up again less than 5 mins after the last patrol. Can we at least get SOME loot on them? Or make them qualify for the abyssal event. They are triglavians after all.

Try salvaging them.

We do that. Be nice to get some loot drops too since these are the same rats from the Ec’s.

During the egg hunts I’ve seen some trig patrols drop some surveys at celestials, 5-20 surveys at a time, but I admit it was uncommon. They should be the same patrols as the ones that go to belts I would think, so over time you should see some loot drop even tho it won’t be much, in theory.

It would also be nice if they dropped chocolats.

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Over the past 2 weeks, we’ve killed about 50 patrols. Not a single loot drop. I’ve even checked the fleet loot history to see if someone is looting them before the MTU.

I’m positive I saw the trig patrol drop loot cause I was kinda surprised to see the rare full wreck myself, so I started getting in the habit of dropping MTU for them. Either the belt and celestial patrols have some difference, or maybe one of them is glitched. Bug report time?

They certainly used to drop loot. Will keep an eye out myself for it.

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“Stops the Bots, but spoils the game”

The bots were spoiling the game.