Type's of ganking

I’m the Alltime Galactic Belt Champion. Ask your question champ!

(not harassing you by pretending you are a champion, just a FRIENDLY joke)

(exclamation mark not intended as aggressive)

Yes, of course, he is an old friend.

(not implying that was a wrong question)


Clearing New Eden of High Sec mining bots is a thankless job that requires the donations of others to keep things going.

With the recent rework, most mining ships can now fit a MWD, so it doesn’t take much for them to burn back into range, so they don’t need a mining tac to warp to and back from the rock if a bumper comes along.

Unfortunately in Y125 Frostpacker will only be looking forward to donating isk to support CSM Mike’s [Operation Magic School Bus]

This decision is currently a final draft and has nothing to do with Princess failing me on her impudence training course.


Got that back to front sweetie

Seems like a worthy cause to support. Bonus points for Aiko disagreeing with what Mike’s doing. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:

Let’s also not forget that the asteroids seem to have a larger hitbox and when a Barge is up close to the Asteroid it becomes next to zero chance of being bumped.

Did you switch sides Princess?
If so, belt protection has lost its most noble patron.

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I had only upvoted your comment as I once was a patron member of James315.space

Though I am not sure if your reference towards a noble patron was in reference to Frostpacker!

You are missing a lot of things.

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Its a teaching from Sun Tzus The Art of War.

Fight your opponent where he least expects it, at a location where he least expects it. Do not fight your opponent on their terms.

Whats wrong with that.

Yes, gankers are superior to miners. We already know that, though. No need to declare it.

You might as well be declaring the sky is blue.

We can all selectively quote from Sun Tzu’s Art of War and incorrectly apply it.

So let me see, enemy being of course all miners not the one who set up to fight them. It is only wrong in terms of the context of what I said, which was looking for a personal war with someone.

It is declared by gankers all the time, and I agree gankers doing that are in fact declaring that the sky is blue.

I hope you are well, long time no see, you must have cleaned the cobwebs off of your Eve account to write this… :stuck_out_tongue:

What I find interesting about ganking is so many people complain about it , post about it , refusing to talk about it on streams . You would think with that amount of negativity there would be armies of players to stand up and fight .

I know it’s a lot to do with game mechanics but you would have thought CCP would have add some form of ag game
play in the sys .
All we wanted was the tools to fight gankers not to get rid of them to see if there was any up take on that style of play, they did well with FW . Instead they nerfed things making ganking a bit harder but making ag even more boring.

Which is exactly what gankers did ,run and hide from us at our peak . Which I understand , they didn’t want to fight us

One game machanic that could be used and shows promises is used in FW is the way you can adjust the sys security status, players could low a sys to gank in and other could raise it to stop them . Like in the battle of The fall of Niarga that was a great day in eve even though we lost , as it was written it had to fall.

Sadly CCP destroyed organised AG. I truly do not understand CCP.

It has nothing to do with game mechanics. The fundamental issue that you don’t seem to grasp is that you’re trying to get people to fight who have absolutely no interest in combat of any kind. Now, if I were to post what you posted, carebears and their sympathizers would start yelling about how I shouldn’t tell other players how to play the game. But you’re actually doing the exact same thing. Except the griefer lobby isn’t vapid enough to pounce on you with some pointless non sequitur for it.

These people just want to log in and grind garbage-tier PvE content for pennies. As they say, it’s “relaxing” for them. They’re society’s worker drones. They go through their entire lives being someone else’s content in some way. They’re basically cattle. I don’t know why you keep trying to convince yourself that this isn’t the case, desperately trying to swim against the river’s raging current. Do you go to slaughterhouses and try to pull the livestock off of the conveyor belts, thinking that you’re performing some kind of noble deed? That’s exceptionally misguided, and you’re ignoring the bigger picture with your refusal to understand how this complex economic system works to completion.

You can’t have beef on your plate without killing the cow.


Very good post , I was thinking about you the other day .

It’s a shame we are on opposite sides of many things about eve I’m sure you influence more people in eve than you ever know, keep posting and doing your thing.

Happy new year

Destiny, are you not a griefer? How many blockade runners has destiny popped, stealing their goodies?

I don’t grief, any combat I do is purely defensive in nature.

I think it’s a case of who’s blockade runner it is really

The bockade runners put up a good fight?