Uedama anti-gank

There were some rumors, the original Kusion sold his gank setup … anyway I may dig up the logs from July 13/14th, 2019 if back in town. At least he was angry enough to waste his squad on my Phobos in revenge two weeks later https://zkillboard.com/kill/78064241/.

About whining, people losing to ganks whine on the forums, but gankers whine in local or send angry emails/convos, which may not be that visible to the public. :wink:

The tears help fueling the business :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lol what :laughing:

How is that him angry? It’s just him dunking some dumb antiganker with 20mil of thrashers lmao

Lmao, yeah sure

Just another failure following gankers around failing nonstop daily as we gank like you’re not even there :rofl:

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I see, you are as easily triggered as Dracvlad sometimes. That’s the amusing part of it. Hint, I’m not an anti-ganker. Because if ganks fail I have nothing to gain. :grin:

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Lmao typical ager, say dumbass stuff and say people are triggered because you can’t stop ganks :laughing:

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You don’t get it, I see. People in filter bubbles are so cute.

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I get it. You can’t stop ganks and just sit there watching them in awe of our greatness


Yeah, this describes me perfectly well, nothing else to add, GF GF.

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Somebody help me out, what kind of mental condition is displayed here?



Was checking your killboard.

What’s up with that 32 billion ISK hauler?
How did that happen? :smiley:

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Loot denial. They do not attempt to stop the gank any more. They let the gank continue and kill the neutral alt of the gankertrying to scoop the loot. AG sees that as a victory.

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Usually there’s someone scooping into the hangar …
… but apparently that was not what’s happening.

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That was a Chinese player who auto-piloted a JF with a huge cargo in ISK. It was bumped off the gate and because it was slow boating to the gate the gankers concerned kept it in location while they formed the gank fleet. I rushed there having been informed of it in Gank Intel.

The gankers had a freighter to loot scoop, but because I was there in a Devoter he hesitated and they did not have someone able to loot scoop. So a Tornado gankers looter who operated in Niarja nabbed the loot instead. He went FY and I pointed him. He almost made the gate, the Gnosis pilot did a great job bumping him and overheating. And the whole lot was lost to the loot fairies dark side as it was in a plastic wrap.

The other plastic wrap that survived the JF I don’t know what happened to that.

The gankers were asking in local for the kill mail after the Occatar was blown up. They did not get upset in local, but they logged off soon after.

It is a victory, don’t forget that we are there to oppose gankers.

They hesitated or did not have someone in position fast enough. When that happens they often take a punt on loot scooping and hoping to warp out. It is likely that he screwed up his loot scoop alignement. I had the freighter locked and was watching for other people. My alt was on the way back in a ship which was designed to vaporise the noob ship that scoops into the hanger and help blow up anything we pointed but I did not get him there in time.


Wow, you admit a planned suicide gank :wink:

… just to help fueling the discussion :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW, shifting the mind of AG people towards loot denial, loot thieves is a success story it seems.


AG sees it as a victory.

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Yes they do that, the anti gankers have a wing which suicide ganks folk too. I am not sure if they understand the irony there, as folk say, if you cant beat them join them.


Are we moving goal posts again?
Wasn’t the goal of AG to stop ganks, intead of “oppose gankers”. That is not the same thing, far from it.


Hehe, suicide ganking ganker scouts is great fun and killing the noob loot scooper may make them chance their arm with a DST or freighter. Then party time!!!

In truth Knowledgeminer shifted my thinking and Equ really made me see it as the only way.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

There is no irony here.

Not using all the tools available at your disposal might seem honourable for some,
especially when these tools are being used by the enemy,
but it is ultimately foolish in the eyes of history.

Hubris, which this is about, rarely makes a winner.

My personal advise, if you asked me, would be to take the growing threat seriously. You would not wish to repeat the history of others, who ultimately fell prey to their own hubris. It’s the pride that goes just before the fall.

I … I guess I need to say something dumb now …
… to balance this out again.

uh …
