Uedama anti-gank

Mr Attenborough would be dismayed, Cilla, at your loose harnessing of his work to illustrate the supposed nature of a video game!

But I’ll let it pass. The survival of gankers as gankers very much depends on their next meal, for at least some of them.

As for my pals not being the ‘brave and cunning lions or cheetahs…’, you’ve rather exposed your dainty foot to the blunderbuss of factual accuracy.

Predators such as you have described seek out the youngest, weakest, sickest prey they can find rather than expose themselves or their hunting partners to needless harm.

It is known.

James 315 placed miners at the bottom of EVE’s food chain precisely because of their generally slothful disposition and the need for some entity to occupy that ignominious spot in the game’s hierarchy.

Take a look at this:
EVE’s Food Chain - James 315

It’s good to find something we are practically all in agreement on.

I don’t get why people can’t just travel in fleets. It won’t stop gankers, but it should stop for-profit ones. To profit a ganker needs an alt to scoop up the loot. If you’re in a fleet and the main hauler gets ganked, just scoop up his stuff and carry on. How much is dropped anyways? Does 50% of the stuff survive? 75%? 90%?

Lol…James 315 invented a stereotypical straw man ‘miner’ in order to somehow ‘justify’ the cowardly Eve shooting of something that can’t shoot back. This then gave the green light for hundreds who can’t cope with proper PvP ( you know…where the opposition actually fires antimatter back ) to pool their collective uselessness into gangs of cheap Catalysts that go around bumping off noobs in Ventures. Such a hero !

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You are roleplaying as a new player, remember?

So your character wouldn’t know who James is.

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I can always guarantee a combative response from you, Cilla!

On a side note, I know a fair number of gankers. Many of them are not Highsec-exclusive EVE gamers. They are also not exclusively gankers, with representation from nearly all of New Eden (maybe not WH folks, I don’t know any of those).

I knew a few of them in Nullsec, quite a while ago now. They do know about PvP in other regions, but they only attract attention for their antics in Highsec - perhaps because the impact is so much more noticeable there.

Of course, you’re not obliged to take my word for it; I just thought I’d mention it to counter the impression that all Highsec gankers do nothing else in-game.

Hehe…well actually I AM a new player. I read about James 315 via a long article on the ‘death’ of James that I think you yourself wrote ( and linked to here ). But yes, you correctly surmise that my ‘character’ is more against ganking than I myself actually am. But its a nice little niche for me to fill, and find my place in Eve. Cilla the anti-ganker anti-hero…or is that ultimately, hero. Time will tell.


Yeah I wonder where I got the idea you were talking about changing Uedema to low sec

Last night a bro flew thru Uedama with an untanked t1 indy worth 800 mil, droppd 350 mil on pop. Yes, they are lazy and stupid and deserve death.

It isn’t that gankers are high up, its that their prey don’t know how to play the game and thats the prey’s fault :smiley:

Pretty sure if CONCORD was gone you’d never undock again :smiley:

Cause peeps are lazy and refuse to work with others :smiley: Cept the gankers LOL.

What is proper PvP again?

Wait till she finds out Goons regularly gank :smiley:

Lets not front like you are RPing. You’re just terribad at the game.

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There was no need to presume. I quoted your opinion. It was pretty clear:

My corp and some freelance ag always work together.

I know which is good!

Like, when the gankers warp to a MIGHTY Venture :rocket: (mining its business) and splode it?

*For the gankers (that can read)…I intentionally replaced “minding” with “mining”. It’s called, a play on words.


That is unworthy of you, Mr Razorback; I know you can do better than this. Surely, some of us are less well-educated than yourself, but you hardly need to make of it an attempt at humour.

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Be that as it may, I’ve been insulted so many times by that subset of players that I feel no sympathy towards them. Do you know or remember:
He’s a great example of that “community”. The joke stands, so HTFU!

I do recall Agent loyalanon. What of it?

I am also of that Community, loosely speaking. To my knowledge, I have never insulted you nor even been tempted to do so.

Are you saying that all gankers are illiterate ignoramuses? Or even that a discrete subset of gankers is so?

The ‘joke’, as you have it, was a direct and bigoted attempt to decry the educational achievements and cognitive abilities of fellow EVE players.

I get that you may have been hurt in the past by a person/persons, but, surely, the mature response is to ignore them.



Off-topic, but since you mentioned him, Tom Stoppard is a great playwright. He uses the English language as only someone not brought up with it and superbly talented otherwise, can do.

Pleased to find a fellow fan!

I hope that good advice is worth both giving and receiving. You don’t have to take it, Codename.


It’s pretty wierd being so salty at people, who left the game years ago.

You can’t stop me.