Uedama anti-gank

Yes. It rests on rice paper.

Highsec gankers don’t gank in lowsec. It’s kind of in the name.

So if Uedama was made lowsec, then they’d just move and highsec players would be left, whinging that there is no longer a highsec route from Jita to Amarr.

It isn’t hard to understand how this would impact non-gankers far, far more than gankers.

Congratulations. You may be starting to finally get it.

I get it fine. You apparently don’t though, which is no surprise.

That’s just it. You keep insisting you do, but you clearly don’t.

BTW we are talking about the situation in Uedama. If the gankers leave Uedama, that’s a victory for AG right there. So if Uedama becomes low sec, then the current gankers must either adapt or leave. Obviously.

That is your contention and you are welcome to it. I have not made up my mind because I think its more complicated than you do. In fact, the first thing I said about this was “might be” because I think its complicated. You think its simple. Fine. Solved. We disagree. NEXT!

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Yes, I get that something that’s simple, is complicated for you.

Maybe answer this question:

How does removing one more highsec system from the game, have more of an impact on highsec gankers than on other highsec players, for example haulers?

There used to be 1212 highsec systems before Pochven. Now there in 1192. If there was 1191, is that somehow going to change the game drastically for highsec gankers more than the introduction of Pochven did for haulers?

See, you don’t get it. I am talking specifically about Uedama. See thread title.

Yes, 1192 current highsec systems, take away Uedama = 1191 highsec systems.

This isn’t hard Ridley.

If you remove Uedama from highsec, there is no all highsec route from Jita to Amarr.

Who does that impact more. Gankers (who still have 1191 highsec systems to highsec gank in), or haulers, who no longer have an all highsec route between the 2 main trade hubs?

There is no more anti-gank in Uedama, because there is no more highsec gank in Uedama.

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The Uedama gankers will have to either move to a new system or change their playstyle. If you think those are mere trifles, that’s fine. You are welcome to that opinion.

Personallly I think haulers will fly just as are now. Some will fly smart and some will fly stupid…right through to Uedama, either way.

Yes, 1191 other systems they can still gank in. Hooray, you removed 1 system and they move to other highsec systems.

You claiming that gankers needing to move to a new system is a bigger change for them than it would be for haulers, mission runners, people who just want to get from Amarr to Jita, etc. is lunacy.

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That is your opinion to cherish.

But the Uedama gankers don’t seem to keep packing up and moving around. I think its a bit more than just laziness.

Yeah, they’ll totally change their playstyle that they enjoy, and instead become lowsec pvpers.

Sure, sure.

This is something that impacts their gameplay (and that of any miners that now pull CONCORD to a belt):


Removing one system is laughable as a change.

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The idea that somehow changing Uedama to a low sec system and the belief that will somehow effect gankers more than haulers is one of the most wild opinions I have heard on these forums. That is a hot take my man. That would demolish that trade route. You honestly think freighters could get through there? There would be a goonswarm fleet of 150 guys there 24/7. Literally nothing more than a shuttle would make it through. And the gankers would move to a .5 system by Rens or something. You know, like Aiko already has.


So I would have to fleet up with Snuffed Out? Ok.

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Cool. Not sure where the heck you heard that but cool. My opinion was that in Uedama Concord might AFFECT AG more than gankers.

But do go ahead and accuse me of things I never said. Its standard here.

What would be a laugh would be if their structures got blown up by AG before they could be moved out out of the fresh low sec area.

No, it was that everyone would have to change, but gankers would have to change the most:

“Would”, not “might”, and “everyone” not “AG”

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Don’t presume to tell me what MY opinion is.

If you misread what I wrote that’s one thing. But you don’t know what I am saying half the time and if that’s my poor wording or your reading comprehension well its another matter.

But telling me what my opinion is is beyond mere doofus level, so I am going with your comprehension being the problem here.

Yesterday the X-100 group of gankers were no longer operating in Uedama and were reported operating in Hek.


There aren’t ganker gate camps in low. Just gate camps. Ganking only happens in high sec :smiley:

Uh, it really isn’t. I’ve done quite a bit of time at a low sec gate. Its much the same. Talking with the mates until the gate flashes and then its go time. Not much different LOL.

I’m guessing your thing is that the gankers could get ganked first if it was low. They still can in high :smiley:

No ganks happen there :smiley: Only PvP.

You don’t as you’ve posted wrong about it several times :smiley:

They are already moving to Hek and ganking untanked t1 indys that drop 360 mil in loot.

No, no they won’t LOL.

Its why they don’t use the safe path thru Uedama.

They already due to the structures being burned. And cause of the event and increased AG in Uedama. You’d know this if you played.

You literally said that. Its ok bro. Keep on trying to gas light.

That’s quite comical when one considers that ganker threads are entirely filled with condescending justifications involving how un-worthy, lazy, stupid, yada yada, miners are. I mean its the gankers who aren’t minding their own business…not the miners.

Oh, I totally agree that Eve is an Attenborough nature documentary. It’s just that you’ve assigned gankers WAY too high up the food chain. They are not the brave and cunning lions or cheetahs, whose very survival may depend on the next meal…they are the leeches, tics, locusts, and other critters better know as ‘parasites’.