Understanding and Dealing with Ganks and Gankers

Perhaps if you were less paranoid about gankers you might believe i /we are actually trying to help as are most folk that care about eve. My motives are purely noble and honourable as anyone that has dealt with me is well aware. I do not live for “tears” or even seek them out but if they are splattered all over my local, inbox and chat convos then i will share this stuff, shared often in disbelief that there are folk like that in rl.


You forgot windshield!


Don’t get me wrong, I’m still trying to think of a middle ground…

This is the part that stood out to me in particular, not least of all because it’s straight-up lying.

There’s absolutely nothing complex about putting a tank on your ship and not going AFK while out in space, and gankers, who keep repeating this to people over and over again, are definitely not active in maintaining any confusion. If they were, they’d be spreading barge yield optimization fits. But that’s not what’s happening; they’re doing the opposite of that by sharing valid survival strategies, and have always been doing so.

That said, I’m reporting the OP for these reasons (first one I’ve ever reported):

  1. Ties discussion of real-life attributes to in-game behavior
  2. Threats of considering unfavorable disagreement to any and all thread content as harassment, stalking, trolling, and off-topic posting, to be reported as such.

Combined together, those factors constitute pretty heavy-handed and obvious troll-baiting. Basically “gankers are real-life sociopath griefers and anyone who disagrees will get reported.” Yeah, no. I’m going to hold you to the same standards to which you hold others.


stupid snitch


are you a ridley rohan alt ?

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It’s just some crazy Polish dude who’s been following me around the forums for months now. But unlike certain other people, I don’t find this to be “stalking” or “harassment.” I just find it funny. I hope he actually mans up and does something more than that, though.

If they don’t respond to us, that just motivates us to gank them more, because we want to make sure they aren’t botting. If you are ganked, make sure you always respond, because that at least shows that you are a humanoid.

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Well, I don’t know what sort of attention you are going to get, but man, any time I say anything uncomplimentary to gankers in general or a subset of them, there is always you there to own every word by gnashing and thrashing and taking it all personally.

I can only hope a moderator will have the sense to reprimand you for your rants and false accusations and remove your posts, at which point I will remove this one for the sake of the thread. But even if it doesn’t happen at least you have exposed yourself for what you are with your unwarranted bitterness and baseless accusations.

And there it is. Another ganker who thinks every last thing is about him. Straight from “we” to “me”.


Ridley is giving a lot of very bad advice here. Think of gankers as more akin to law enforcement officers. You might think you should ignore the police, but it rarely ends well. It’s best to comply with all instructions promptly, and remember that they are just doing their job and trying to help you.


More terrible advice from Ridley the Gnosis miner.

Let’s think about this for a moment. Let’s say person A pays me, and person B does not. Who am I more likely to gank? Logically, if person A pays me rent, I will conclude that ganking them will result in the cessation of payments. Therefore, if they pay me enough, I will naturally prefer to take the money and focus on person B.

There’s just no way around the question of economics. If you pay enough, gankers won’t want to gank you. On the other hand, if you refuse to pay…


Excellent advice here. With just two words, doodel provided a fool-proof roadmap by which any player can avoid being ganked. Amazing!


A few tips:

  1. when you fly in unfamiliar space, ask yourself if you’re worth ganking (ship+fit value, cargo value, etc). You should have at least a vague idea about what a ganker is willing to risk (even fitted catalysts have a price tag).
  2. plot you course and check on the F10 map - which should be colored for recent kills !! - if any systems show kills. Alternatively use out-of-game maps like eveeye and use the data there.
  3. use zkillboard and check on the system names, assess what has been happening
  4. always assume “eyes” will be on you in neighboring systems, scanning cargo and even fits
  5. for valuable cargo or ships, send a scout ahead. You can do that yourself, by parking your ship and going in with a corvette or shuttle or even a pod.
  6. postpone your journey and do something else or avoid system if possible or get a reliable and competent escort when the stakes are high. Heatmaps on Zkillboard will show you when certain gankers are active during the week, learn to use those. If really stuck, consider outsourcing the transport to a competent group.
  7. you should know the names of the usual ganking systems along the main trade routes, especially the one linking amarr and jita via only highsec systems.
  8. don’t blame gankers if you make mistakes or take too many risks. Just like anyone else they are a legitimate part of the sandbox.

In the course of your EvE career you will learn to recognize neutral associates of known gankers and their corporations. Grace them with a nice orange or red standing and add them as contacts, so you see them as a first warning in Local chat.

fly safer o7


Don’t post on public forums if you don’t want to deal with disagreement. You don’t get to make threads full of opinions and then exclude disagreement by putting in a disclaimer on top that it will be considered as harassment and stalking.

There’s nothing baseless about anything I’ve said. Just throwing a word around doesn’t make it true.


I have to disagree, I don’t know any gankers that are griefers. I’d say it’s the friendliest group of people in the game.


Here is a ganker who openly admits to loving the grief of other players:

And another that openly admits to actively griefing

To say they are all like that is as laughable as saying none are like that. Its just obviously and patently false, with the latter being just plain absurd.

To many this attitude is simply incomprehensible. But those people exist and they cannot be fixed, or at least not easily, with text messages. Don’t waste your time or emotions trying. Just talk to people who actually and only want to help you.

Seeing as how I personally removed Viirilithizu from CODE. and the game, I don’t think it’s fair to use her as ‘proof’ that gankers are griefers. If anything, it’s proof that I am not a griefer, nor is my organization.


I will just add this to the list of narcissistic posts from people who actually do seem to think their experience and actions is 100 percent equivalent to the entire ganker spectrum. I can keep saying there is a spectrum, but they will always come back to saying there isn’t, and its proven by the (misrepresented) example of themselves.

So we have Aaaarrgg, Destiny Corrupted and Aiko Danuja who try and indicate that they are not only virtuous, but represent all ganker behavior. More will show themselves, not that I want them to. Its just how narcissism works.

When you get this, you will be well on your way to understanding a vital chunk of ganks and gankers and ganker supporters and how to deal with them…in short…don’t.

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Please stop narcissist shaming me.

My therapist encourages me to play EVE Online as a way to develop myself.



First of all, I never said that I’m virtuous. I’ve only argued against you when you underhandedly labeled gankers as real-life criminals.

Second, I don’t even gank. In fact, my biggest single ganking loss is probably bigger than your entire EVE net worth.

Hey Aiko, you hear that? We’re on the spectrum.

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