Understanding and Dealing with Ganks and Gankers

Yah, I know exactly what you mean when you talk about ‘the spectrum’.

Also, Ridley, as the leader of gankerdom, I actually do represent all gankers.


You are using both the words “spectrum” and “represent” incorrectly. You could do with purchasing a dictionary. “Spectrum” has multiple contexts and “represent” has multiple meanings, and you chose the wrong ones.

I can’t purchase a dictionary - they don’t offer them in the commissary.

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Ridley, when I say that I represent all gankers, I mean that I live in a crystal palace orbiting Halaima. All the gankers, near and far, harken to my beck and call. I know who is naughty, who is nice, and I have a little list so that my gnomes can keep the tunnel snakes well fed.

When I talk about the spectrum, well, Destiny knows what I mean.


The first couple of posts read more like a whine about gankers, than any serious advice for potential gank targets.

As a result, the second stated aim falls totally flat:

1. Secondarily to be a guide for new pilots so they understand ganking enough before experiencing it, or better yet, avoid it.

In relation to that:

  1. Take responsibility for your safety. No one else (including CONCORD) is responsible to keep your ship alive
  2. Prepare - Detect - Respond :: do all of these before guns are ever active on you. By then it is too late


  • Gather intel from zkillboard:
    ** Ganked list - Kills (Ganked) | zKillboard
    ** Recent CONCORD activity: Concord Drone | Group | zKillboard
    ** System you are in (and click the Constellation link to check surrounding systems)
    ** If hauling, check systems along your route

  • Check intel channels
    ** Gank intel
    ** Hauler’s channel (more for hauling contracts, but occasional active ganker information)

  • Remember the old saying - if a bear is chasing you, you don’t need to be the fastest one running away, just don’t be the slowest
    ** You don’t need to be “ungankable”, just don’t be the juiciest target around.
    ** If mining, mine in an Orca if possible
    ** If mining in an easily ganked ship, don’t be sitting stationary. Orbit or mine aligned, so you have a chance of pulling range during the warp in (again, this is really too late. You didn’t response quick enough)
    ** There are 1212 highsec systems and only a handful of gankers active at any point in time. It is relatively easy to find systems that have almost no gank risk.


  • Set key gank groups (Safety., Goonswarm, Novus Ordo.) to terrible standings so you see as soon as they enter system
  • DON’T AFK - you can’t detect anything if you aren’t watching the screen
  • Watch local and intel channels for anyone entering that has terrible standing, or any chat messages that are clear signs (eg. a ganker posting that they are checking permits, etc.)


  • If hauling and you need to haul now, then wait until someone else is ganked and then travel through the active system(s) while the gankers are on their criminal cooldown
  • If gankers enter system, warp off immediately.

You can never be 100% safe, but don’t be the idiot that gets ganked. There are plenty of other idiots that will make themselves good targets, which makes it easier for you to avoid.


Clearly you did not even read the first few lines:

I welcome your pre-gank advice, but the main purpose here is post-gank support. Sort it out before accusing me of “whining” for offering support and behind-the-scenes explanations for the purpose of support.

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I agree.

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So you didn’t have 2 stated aims then? Just one?

If so, why even mention the second one if you actually didn’t mean it?

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I am not sure what part of me welcoming your pre-gank advice confused you son.

But you accused me of whining for offering post-gank support when the main purpose of the thread is stated as being POST GANK SUPPORT. Give yourself a minute before you reply. Let the simple logic flow over you.

No. I said that the first few posts read like a whine about gankers and as a result, the second stated aim is completely missed.

I stand by that, because the first few posts are just grrr gankers, more than they are support even for ganked characters; and they contain no substance at all in relation to your second aim.


But we are posting for support of ganking? That’s what your asking for? Is it not?


You are so deeply confused. Just because the truth is ugly does not make it a whine. Now drop it. The more you try and back up your false accusation the more you prove your intent here is NOT to help gank victims nor potential gank victims.

Of course. Being a whine makes it a whine. Hence, to quote the rest of the sentence that you conveniently left off:

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I like gankers because they always have a positive upbeat attitude and take on difficult challenges with excellence and integrity.


That is very easily explained. I knew when I posted it that people like YOU will confuse pre-gank advice with post gank support. And that’s fine. The pre-gank advice is useful. The trouble is that you have an issue with genuine post gank support. Yet I have none with pre-gank advice.

Before a gank, make sure to overheat your guns.


There has been a lot of useful info on how not to get ganked posted. You just chose to ignore it and whine.


All too complex. Don’t be a victim, and don’t put on the line what you can’t replace when undocking. It’s an all competitive PvP game. If you lose in an PvP engagement (and ganking is just one flavor), you just lost one match. Learn from it, get better next time.

Again, don’t be a victim if you lose in PvP. You are not. Don’t let others tell you, that you are. You don’t need to become the cat, playing the mouse can be as equally fun.


@Ridley_Rohan You even bash your host country because their laws don’t suit you. Where does it end? :roll_eyes:


You haven’t really given any post-gank support, though. Two of your posts define ganking (which is common information that can already be found in many places that aren’t an EVE-O forum subsection visited by maybe two dozen people), and the other (first) post is just you going “it’s not your fault, sweetums” and then telling the gank victim to not talk to gankers under any circumstances, lest their childe’s mind become corrupted by the miscreant bullies, and they will get recruited into the ranks of the socially-forsaken reprobates.

Maybe, you know, offer some actual post-gank support?