Universal Timebase Measurement Research

Valerie & co.? Yes they are. Terrifying jokes, but jokes nonetheless.


Edit: Not actually wasting the words on you, since you’ve apparently biomassed.

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It is odd, isn’t it? I’m effectively an infomorph stuck on Galnet without a body to return to. If something gets unplugged or rebooted, I am a goner.


A fair point.

Sabik ideology is centered around personal ascendancy. Strength and will are foremost in one’s journey on the road to…savanthood(?). They believe those who are not destined for greatness only exist to serve those who are. It’s not at all unsurprising that some Sabik would be seen as selfish, self-absorbed, perhaps attention-seeking.

At any rate, I am hoping this situation gets resolved, particularly if the rumors about this research being related to anti-Drifter tactics have any grain of truth to them. As amusing as it this has all been thus far, the Drifters murdered an Empress. The Faithful must be protected, and the Drifters must be purged.


Seems to me it’s far more likely you’re a falsified identity being used to sockpuppet, and so, better ignored.

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As you can see here, my prize-winning academic essay on the decline and fall of the Takmahl Empire did indeed win a prize.

And there is also my work detailing the Labyrinth, as part of the Arek’Jaalan thingmydoodle a few years back.

And other stuff as well.

So, it is quite clear, that I do not “claim” to be an accomplished academic, I am an accomplished academic.


You seem to have a particular obsession with stalking my IGS postings.

Now why is that ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Yes, I can see that other capsuleers gave you an award. Congratulations on currying favor by posting a “paper” on a public Galnet site. Now let’s see the publication in multiple, respected peer-review journals, and citations of your work by other academics, as well as actual scholarly praise and not just a bunch of eggers sitting around patting one another on the back for their skill at peddling fedo feces.

You claim to be an accomplished academic. And other stuff as well.

You demonstrate being a liar, a fraud, and a fool who refuses to ever accept the consequences of your actions.


I dont remember stalking you, I’ve replied to you directly maybe a couple of times in the span of several years, at least that I remember.

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But, you know what, you want to know why I’ve recently given you attention that you so crave, more than in, I don’t know, years?

Most of the time I don’t even care. You spout senseless drivel each time you open your mouth, much like your bimbo clone of a daughter or whatever they are, that’s fine, you lot can live in your la-la-land all you want. You’re every bit of a self-fellating nutjob as Nauplius is, though maybe you’ve sacrficed less or more people - honestly I don’t know because I actually don’t obsess or stalk much anything you do.

But right now you’re no doubt enjoying the hooting and hollering from several people who love “sticking it to the man” and apparently consider you now somesort of a folk hero for playing stupid games with stupid prizes with CONCORD. I can’t say there aren’t more deserving winners but I wouldn’t shed a single tear if you hit the grand prize and lose your pilots license, forever if need be. Though we all know that CONCORD won’t do that, since even worse sociopathic blooders and toaster lovers roam ever free.



You have 13 packages waiting for you in Yulai.

If you ask nicely, I may tell you how to open them safely.


"Dear God, the capsuleer dementia is running strong in this thread.

Valate is a heretic. Now she is a declared international criminal heretic. Get over it."

I think you’re the one with dementia if you think that’s going to really change anybody’s opinion of Valerie. Positively or negatively. Nobody cares that she didn’t surrender the doodad, and the DED just come off looking like authoritarian pricks as usual.

Speaking of which, how are you able to speak with your mouth firmly licking their boot?

Anyway, I don’t have time to read this whole thing, so who knows if I’m already too late to the party, but, Val, I hope you give this thing to ARC or someone else capable of learning something from it. Keep it away from the DED on principle alone. Besides, they’ve clearly stated they don’t need it, anyway.


I am a holder in the Empire; I don’t lick authoritarian boots, I am an authoritarian boot. Trying to get another authoritarian boot to kick one of my enemies harder is part of the business.




Valerie, just give him the doodad already, or did you already sell it to someone who is now regretting their ownership of a yet another worthless trinary relic.

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Strictly, I thought that rank was conferred on your wife, and if you two split, you’re still just an egger with a private army.


So… he’s a ladies authoritarian boot, is that what you’re saying? :boot::high_heel:


Yes. Exactly.


Word has Miss Doctor Valate has lost track of the doodad in her zealous attempts to throw CONCORD off trail! And she did this by making countless boxes with fake doodads and stuff them in her hangar! Or contract them to CONCORD.

Here’s a security footage from Miss Doctor Valate’s hangar for reference! Her hangar is in Yulai.



Looks like the hangar I use for wardrobe overflow.