Someone else bid thirteen billion already. Don’t be a poor, man.
Didn’t know that Mizara. Guess the next bid would have to be 14billion isk , i dont have that liquid isk available . Im out.
Kinda hilarious that people are willing to spend so much on what looks to be a completely ordinary trinary, other than being a piece of evidence CONCORD wants.
I’m amused you seem to think Concord couldn’t gut the null empires at whim as well. It seems fairly well established that they can simply turn off our pods, regardless of which entity we claim to serve or how high we claim to be in its councils, for crimes as petty as non-payment of fees and taxes.
Wow. Seriously? Whilst there are a good hundred Civire in the State that are genetically identical to me, in no way are a trillion of us clones.
That you can’t tell us apart says more about you than us, Dr Valate.
Let’s see them do it, then. Randomly disabling people’s pods would lead to one thing and one thing only - desertion by everyone. But frankly, I don’t see it as an impossibility, as Concord’s ability to govern has been less than stellar.
Desertion from our rich and privileged lives to lives as baseliners?
I never said they couldn’t. Of course they can—they can turn off any one of us whenever they like. What I’m saying is that there are places where CONCORD doesn’t give a damn who you steal from, who you shoot, etc etc. If you don’t want to live by the rules they establish in High-Sec, either move to where they don’t care, or accept that there may be consequences.
Oh right. Yeah - pretty much agree with you on that one.
Desertion from Concord stewardship. And there’s sod all they can do to stop it from happening were they to peeve the capsuleers off enough.
They can literally stop us from being capsuleers, Ria. We can certainly desert Concord stewardship - but it means becoming baseliners.
Just think of the amount of people that got barred from the capsule for interacting with the ghost sites that Concord issued a dire warning under punishment against. Surely, the people that accessed them illegally were a small enough segment of the population that purging would’ve been a non-issue. Yet they did nothing.
That only means the Ghost Sites were less of an issue than even that.
Why issue warnings about accessing them, then?
How many more people would’ve gone in if they hadn’t?
Purely speculative answer to a speculative question: the same amount. The warning probably drove more people towards them, too.
These /are/ baseliners. They tend to panic when death is on the line. It’s not like use where it’s merely a “I rather liked those implants you know”
As I have said in the off topic thread (because it is off topic), based on the description of the scenario, death seemed an unlikely outcome.
I wonder how this “Astromancer” managed to get into the employ of the Vherokior Tribe when it is Native Freshfood that usually handles the initial employment of Vherokior capsuleers after their graduation.
@Oveg_Drust There are parcels awaiting CONCORD’s attention, somewhere.