Trying to conform to modern times is what’s killing EVE.
EVE Online is a game of roles and niches. PvP is a role with many niches in it. PvE is a role with many niches in it. I myself require a varied palette of content and prefer not to get stuck in any one playstyle. PvP is good. I love conflict. Other things in the game are good, too. I’m fond of mining (in complete CODE compliance of course). Many people fall prey to dichotomous thinking, so I won’t fault you for that.
Yes but how?
Yes but how?
I was thinking about this last night. Some players being wealthy actually isn’t the problem. Some NullSec coalition leaders having 10 trillion ISK each likely doesn’t have much of an effect on the economy. These players don’t really generate wealth - they accumulate it. The problem is wealth generation and the playerbase in general being too wealthy. That’s what causes inflation and devaluing of items - ISK inflation reduces the value of ISK, and over harvesting of resources makes them worth less. It’s a double whammy. Null players generate ISK. That their leaders siphon that wealth in the form of taxes and rental fees isn’t the issue. The problem is actually new ISK generation and harvesting.
That’s interesting point considering PvP is incentive enough for ‘PvPeRS’ and what you say about people who like to engage in combat.
So to be honest you actually haven’t added anything new to this years-long discourse. You’ve just repeated the same old talking points without elucidating upon them. Everyone knows we need to “fix null krabbing, addressing over-production, sink ISK out of the economy, and promote destruction”. These are 10 year old talking points.
I do. I’ve been really enjoying the risk and reward of mining in LowSec.