It doesn’t matter if the communities within EVE that you’re killing off produce less revenue than the new communities that emerge in a less PvP-obsessed environment.
One thing is for certain, trying to become more appealing to casuals like me piecemeal isn’t working. They need to drop the pvp focus and make EVE a game for a broader player base. Make FW and NS meaningful because you’re opting into permapvp.
Every portion of eve, except sitting in station engages with player vs player. No matter where you are, you are consenting to pvp. Some space has rules/regulations that punish those who engage in pvp but even then there is no place that prohibits pvp. Pvp is what makes the eve universe go round.
If eve were to do a purely pve side of the game it would have to be a completely different server like Serenity and SiSi are. That would have absolutely no connection to Tranquility. A purely pve server that binds with Tranquility would destroy the game.
To avoid the feeling of getting kicked in the gut. I would pay CCP to avoid the negative experience of constantly being stressed out that someone is going to decide I’m their content. If you don’t pay, you’re at the mercy of the current PVP system, same ol Uedama. From the PVPer perspective, you get to flex on newbros with your T3 tackle destroyers when they don’t pay their CONCORD protection. (Or whatever ships people use to hunt newbro ventures. Don’t care. Never appealed to me.) I will pay to enjoy the game on my terms or not play it.
I am just reminding the developers that since they alienated a lot of their core fans with years of stagflation, they don’t have a lot of brand capital with their existing fans. They need fresh blood. I am fresh blood. They can’t make the game appeal to fresh blood like me if the game is entirely PVP focused.
But why would you pay a monthly fee to play a game stress-free that is built from the ground up to be stressful?
There are hundreds or thousands of games that are designed to be stress free. A lot of them are free. It is like paying to join a gym and then paying extra so that you don’t need to exercise when you go there.
I enjoy the lore that I’ve read. I enjoy the humor. I like hauling and mining and PI and missions and every non-PVP related interaction I’ve had in EVE. 700 hours of play time on three Omega accounts is a lot of activity. I’d still be subscribed if there was only voluntary PVP. I think they need to update the gameplay of these and make mining more like hacking if they want to stop bot miners, but I think the game could enjoy a new revival to make up for all the lost revenue over the last two years.
I don’t want to constantly be worried about being cornered by someone stronger than me, unable to escape as they harm me. I don’t want to gear my virtual behavior around the anxiety that I need to run and hide from people who want to bind and kill me for fun. Because every ship I bought was from mining profits, I can tell you how many mining trips everyone of my solid red zKillBoard cost me. Insurance is useless because of in-game inflation. None of this is fun, bro. T
I haven’t logged in for weeks because it hurts so sharply. I have literally cried as I tried to hail someone in low sec that I was very sorry for crossing their path in my procurer and would pay any protection they asked for. I didn’t even have Drones skills enough to defend myself, I just wanted to try mining Gneiss in my new ship. It’s a great game, except for the helpless and painful experience of constantly being blamed for other people hurting you in the involuntary PVP system that is very unpopular with a majority of people that were turned off by this feeling of losing real-life effort.
If the PVPers are done with New Eden, carebare moms that want to mine gneiss without getting blapped by Goonwaffe would like a turn.
you got blapped in a procurer? thats was one of the hardest to gank ships, if its fitted for tank… but i bet you had it fitted for yield, thus losing your ship. no need to cry over space pixels
Don’t be rude. I was geared and tanked up enough that I had time to chat to my assailants. When three people have you warp scrambled, how do you outtank that? I bought that procurer with 100 trips in a venture. Please don’t tell me what to feel about the time I spent earning something that I cared about in the game. I am not saying you are wrong to feel the way you do, but I am also willing to say my reaction is not an uncommon one that shuts down people from becoming customers.
i been ganked… by aiko herself… i was in a retriever just floating in space, turned my head and next thing i know im in my pod… i went back to the station and started mission running again.
when you realize that in the end, you own nothing in this game, except paying ccp for the license to play it, it may make you feel better. but you are not entitled to play pve on eve, without the chance that another player will blow you up.
Maybe a stressful, massively immersive dangerous space game isn’t for you then. If a single loss affected you this bad. Eve is not a solo player game, it can be played solo, but it is geared towards playing with other people. You will always interact with people. Whether that interaction is good or bad is up for debate.
A little advice.
High sec is for higher safety. Highly unlikely to be attacked there unless you are flying a stupidly expensive ship with no tank.
Low sec is low safety. Will have some assistance if you fight on a gate or NPC structure but that is it.
Null sec and wormholes are lawless lands.
If you don’t want to die, fly cheap inexpensive ships and stay to highsec. If you want to explore eve find a group that will help you and can teach you how to play the game. You are never going to escape PVP in a PVP oriented game. Eve is built around the creation AND destruction of player made ships. Everything is player made and for the game to have its thriving eco system, those creations must die.
You can’t accept that then you need to find a different game because Eve Online is not for you.
I hope that by engaging with this issue for long enough, this thread can be seen as an important community impression and maybe some iteration of its message ends up on the Agile board. Or they tell me nothing like it is ever gonna happen. The game has to hurt less if they want customers like me. I am not disagreeing that the game is not for me in its current state. I’m offering a ham-handed solution in a public forum and being insulted. I don’t have a perfect solution, I am not a game designer. I just want to say why the game is not for me, and since it seems to desperately trying to court casual players, I thought it might be wise to mention the elephant in the room.
The Devs may want to watch the active users tick lower and lower month by month for a few years out of artistic integrity, or they might want to take the necessary risks and open up EVE to the whole world.
They don’t want customers like you. If they did there would already be something like this. Your ham-handed solution is not a good solution as it has no place in the Eve universe.
This is not the elephant in the room. No where close. It has more to do with PVP than PVE as well as ship balancing and structures. Very few, as in an extreme minority of players are of the same mindset as you.
Is that revenue or profit? I know CCP has also been downsizing and putting more weight on community volunteers to mixed results. Where are their financials published year over year, I thought as a private holding of PA they didn’t have to make these numbers public?