Uprising announcement

Maybe take on the role of Corp Recruiter and recruit a bunch of new players. Then you can be their FC and Mentor…

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He he he, not a single one of them knows how the ‘old days’ were. Mining in battlecruisers and destroyers. Trust me, this expansion will be right up there with getting mining barges.

Don’t talk back to your elders, hear?


Where is removal of pvp in highsec ???!!!


@Lucas_Kell ??

I member, back in the days, trailers where actually good


Well, those 3.5 players who still enjoy FW deserve some updates too, you know. They being ignored for 15 years or so, after all.

For the rest of player base this update will probably means nothing but buggy and borderline nonfunctional UI you can’t sign off from.



Or its a stealth nerf

Remember, its only toxic when you do it to someone with money who hasnt given it to Hilmar yet.

EVE Online | Uprising Teaser Trailer - YouTube

This is the new EVE trailer…
i saw some interresting things in it i made a list for you:

I made a list of what this trailer is teasing:
-0:16 new station interior

-0:24 you see a red logo on the ship with a texunder it that say drekar… were probably getting holograms of the alliance logo on ships

-0:32 on the monitors you see people walking… one is walking in a station and a other probably in a planet probably Athounon V because you see the planet name on a moniter wich may mean Dust 514 is coming back wich would be great… or walkin on stations is coming back, both would be cool

-0:38 you see a dude on a planet probably odin or gandalf (its actually the Mittani in exile lol)
-0:35 you a see amarr army and at 0:39 you see a absurdly big cube of ships (if i did the maths correct its 3 283 ships in the cubes correct me if im wrong : ) ) and at 0:44 you see a huge caldari fleet wich could mean that the faction warfare changes are coming with the update and MAYBE that they will do something against TIDI idk…

Did i miss anything if yes please tell me!

I really hope CCP does a good job on this update would be really great if you see some new content in the game!


Everything was already shown at fanfest.

But not surprisingly ZERO, NULL gameplay content or tackling at lest single major game/economy issue.

There was no QA for few years. It seams that now it’s only art team left at CCP. Oh, and rainbow oriented arc writers…


Merged a Thread into this one.

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Did you see a single act of highsec PvP in the video? No you did not. Clearly removed.

Is there an external article / thread / website that resumes the FW updates somewhere? Having a hard time finding updates in text format. :wink:

EVE cinematic showing huge battle in actual real-time.

“Hurray! They are going to fix TIDI!”

I am sorry, but I stay pessimistic about this :slight_smile: .

Probably will not be fixed…
ur right but hey maybe

Can someone p p please tl/dr this for me… please?

I see yet an-other overhypd NPC event thingy with moar makeup and shinyness.
I’m not dedicating time for this, so pls… just a cpl words if it’s worth it… If not, just be silent and I’ll understand.

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“Significant, visceral and immersive,” are equally descriptive of a very bad bout of diarrhoea and vomiting…
Spot of winter norovirus from CCP?

Hmmm well lets see how this goes.

I do think all of lowsec needs to have faction warfare. Places like Aridia for example are just barren lowsec regions.

Well, the cats out of the bag now. The video in question was apparently released early, proven by the fact it was made private shortly after release. While im indifferent on the matter, many players were disappointed in the reveals (or lack thereof) at Fanfest. This would give a lot of people excitement if you could release a little of what we can expect come November. I THINK this is a first for me using the term. But CCPlease?

Chomping at the bit to find out what’s going to be in those new EVE Store packages, eh?


Noone tells Frostpacker anything and we only find out when the sale is over. Please someone anyone tell more about what is happening.

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