US Congressional & EU Hearings on chance drop from video games

We used to get Christmas boxes


Did anyone ever pay real money for them? No.:roll_eyes:

If you actually read the whole quote I quoted, it clearly stated we used to be given them. I was correcting it as CCP stopped it for 2017.

Yes we were given presents, you know FREE stuff every Christmas. This entire article, if you read it, applies to gambling within video games for real money and particularly underaged gamblingā€¦:roll_eyes:


The one senator punted to ESRP and even if she wanted to actually do anything she is in the minority party in a very hostile Congress and the majority party is dead set against regulating business.

Yes it was FREE. Why you canā€™t comprehend the fact that I was simply correcting someoneā€™s statement is beyond me :roll_eyes::thinking: :roll_eyes:

So then why are you replying to me and not them? Then why are you correcting me with false information?

thats because they fired the community devs while firing VR, they still have some VR working for them fromw hat i heard

In the small chance this both passes and covers a wide enough net to affect CCP, it will be easily rectified. Thereā€™s a plex vault to prevent drops, and everyone knows the drop rate in items is 50% in the event of ship destruction. They could just make a one page blurb on how theyā€™re compliant and bam, problem solved. Plex could be close to getting hit, but its really a different animal entirely. Plex is less so an exploitive practice, and moreso a way to combat RMT(Yes I know it hasnā€™t worked) and to allow poor(irl) but effective players/groups to function well above their numbers.

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Because YOU are the one that made post 7 or 8 (not sure it is) which I was commenting to.

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