USA players unable to login for over 48+ hrs now without, regardless of DDOS attack/server statuses

I’ve finally been able to login and have chat not sure how long tho lets see if I can stay in and yeah maybe an extension on our sub if we have one and/or maybe some in-game items to compensate

Yep no log in for three days now I think. I didn’t know this could crush me this much. But there it is! Please fix CCP o7

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Same story as everybody else - Going into day (5?) now of Disconnect Online.

I don’t care so much for my own sake, as those of us who really love Eve are here until it’s last breath…(is this it?) but the new players in my corporation are about to unsub because they can’t justify paying for a game that hasn’t worked for half the time they’ve been subbed. I can’t blame them.

There should definitely be compensation for this massive inconvenience.


I managed to get on around an hour or so ago, but the chat server was down. Got my 10k SP and logged out. Not worth risking a ship till this is over.

Chicago here - still unable to login this after noon and past 5 days gameplay has been terrible with chat issues, login issues etc.

Tried to recruit a friend and after coaching him with all the intro - he couldn’t login :frowning:

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I updated the launcher. logged in and gamed right before downtime. Now I get a message saying that the connection has timed out when other connections work perfectly fine.

Everything on my end checks out and is operating fine.

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