Using Bumping outside of preventing warping

Bumping can save a freighter from destruction, though true your point is very valid as if one ship is holding a limited engagement timer when another ship enters the engagement via bumping then that bumper pilot should then also receive a limited capsuleer timer.


@Aiko_Danuja cries for isk all the time it seems, and the only reason in the past Princess had received her pan handling tackics was due to Frosty feeling sorry for the begger!

@Uriel_the_Flame pls refrain from pinging us to Assembly hall as I feel that I am not welcome to comment here as I am considered by some as being daft

Their seems to be a lower iq level amongst highsec ganker types such as the likes of the space witch and her cronies.

Kind Regards

/hmmm after reading back what had been said.

I would like to apologise to Princess Aiko

I don’t think was aware of what I as typing when I typed the above.

Only after reading back through my history had discovered the error and after maintenance I shall pay the fine.


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