Using Bumping outside of preventing warping

over the course of trying to learn to defend against bumping. I have 5 Accounts going. 1 Orca, 2-3 Mining ships and 1-2 Large ships (Destroyer-Battleship depending) tring to get between the bumpers and my orca. So I do have Combat Ships Present

Again with the speed differentiating. An Orca should not cause a PvP reaction because it should not normally be going fast enough to be a bumper.

there were similar calls , to open players to pvp , when mining the moon rocks another corp had created . these corps called the ore ā€œtheirsā€ and wanted a mechanic to be able to protect it .
and , universally , they argued for making the ooc miners ā€˜suspectā€™ . NEVER did they ask for limited engagement for the player or corp . they wanted other players to take advantage of the suspect timer , and kill the ooc miners for them .
so , i ask you , since you have specifically not mentioned what type of PVP you want ā€¦
would you argue for your Orca , when bumped , to get a flag to the bumper ? what would you do if so ? you canā€™t mine while you have an active limited engagement ā€¦
so the bumper could come back in a ship that can kill your orca . or warp off while youā€™re in a pvp fitted ship and wait out the timer and come back and bump you again .

OR ā€¦ you want the bumper flagged suspect . so others can fight your battles for you? thatā€™s what i thought . :drooling_face:

So you will engage one bumper at a time (as they are suspect for 15 minutes each you can do this assuming they donā€™t warp out) and try killing them off one by one as many you can is your plan then?

Please clarify what you mean with ā€˜speed differentiatingā€™.

When is a bump fast enough to cause suspect status and when is the bump OK?

Also, you havenā€™t answered what the miners will do once the bumpers become suspect.

you know the speed of a regular mining ship and a bumper.

No because once you engaged one, you would be engaged in PvP and the others could now join right in

He would fight himself.

I would Assume mining ships wouldnā€™t do anything. But as I said. I and others have been fielding combat type ships to try to counter

Thatā€™s not how suspect flag works. Suspect can be shot at by anyone and until they do so the suspect can not shoot back. It is a limited engagement timer that is created when you shoot a suspect (or anyone else) that also enables it to shoot back at the non-suspect.

Edit: Official related infoā€¦

Please clarify what you mean with ā€˜speed differentiatingā€™.

I want to see some clear rules that people can design their bumping ships for.

thanks for clarifying that for him , lets see if he answers .
does he want LE between the bumped and bumper , or suspect for the bumper so others can fight for himā€¦?
*edit . could extend the flag to his whole corp , the way the old stealing mechanic worked ā€¦

Absolute Horseapples ā€œitā€™s not hard to code thisā€.

Yes it is.

A simple physics fart, or a bit of lag, is enough to make bumps recur and therefore trip your ā€œintentionalā€ detector.

Tell you what, you go write the code and show us it yeah?

Donā€™t use ChatGPT, weā€™ll know.

that is exactly what I said. the bumpers would be flagged, I would engage and thus I should get flagged for PvP as well so all the other Bumpers could engage me

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Thatā€™s good. Just note the fact you as non-suspect donā€™t have to fight all of them at once, only if you wish to, because as long as you donā€™t shoot the suspect it can not shoot back at you.

again if you are a bumper, you very well much know the difference between a regular ship speed and a ship fitted out for bumping. dont act like you dont. a simple lag spike is not going to erk that.

so you do want suspect so other people can fight your battles , instead of your corp fighting the bumpers ?
suspect or LE ?
waiting ā€¦

So if Iā€™m flying a regular blingy PvE combat ship with MWD active and someone parks their ship in front of me I get a suspect timer?

Your rule is going to get a lot of people real mad.

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I dont believe in letting others fight my battles for me. I came on to discuss this because I want to have the chance to PvP fight it out to defend myself. and if I lose thats my fault

so you would like the mechanic changed so the bumper is flagged to your corp only ?
not suspect .
itā€™s a big difference and would clearly show your intentions .
and iā€™ve asked you several times and you refuse to answer ā€¦

this really only matters in High Sec. So if you are flying around with your 2k m/s engine running not paying attention to what you are doingā€¦you deserve it. but again you are trying to overthink it