Using Bumping outside of preventing warping

how many times do I have to answer? I WANT TO FIGHT MYSELF period end of story

I’m not overthinking it, you’re underthinking it.

All sorts of people play in HS and your rule is going to make some of those people real mad when they become suspect because they accidentally bump into someone at a gate or station.

30 seconds no collision. coming out of a station. Look before you leap. You are invulnerable for 60 coming through a gate…thats 60 seconds to figure out what you are doing…over thinking

And that’s just accidental use. What if people intentionally park their ship in front of your PvE ship, cloaked, so you don’t even see it happen before it is too late and you get a suspect timer and get killed?

You think it is easy to just redefine some rules to fix bumping. You are mistaken, people will abuse your new rules so you have to make sure the solution you propose isn’t actually worse than the current situation.

and that is why I was asking for discussion that is constructive. questions like these bring up good points. Most of it can be achieved with coding algorithms for speed and collision numbering. then there are the things you are bringing up like the Stealth parking. that one would require almost pure luck to hit them.

im not saying that my idea for it is perfect, but with some work and constructive input and questioning it could be made much better.

Foolish commentary.

Please, if you’re going to discuss coding, know how to code first.

The player knows their intentions, the programmer does not know the player’s intentions.

You are deliberately talking absolute gravy at this point and I shall, to protect my sanity, disengage with you presently.

Good day.

‘coding algorithms for speed’ ‘collision numbering’

It just makes the solution more complex, but doesn’t solve the issue.

People are already using tricks to suspect bait big blingy PvE ships into an engagement.
Imagine what happens whenever one of those battleships can be in a PvP engagement any time a bomber decloaks in front of them long enough for your complex solution to trigger but short enough to not be able to move the ship another direction to avoid collision?

EVE players are creative. They will abuse your new rule, no matter how much complexity you throw at it.

Best case with the complexity is that people cannot use it to accidentally trigger engagement timers when they don’t want to.

But all those exceptions to make it more complex to avoid such situations for innocent PvE players also make it harder to trigger this exact bumping situation for bumpers, who can abuse those exceptions to find a way to bump you without getting the engagement timer.

I doubt that.

I think the status quo is much clearer and fairer than whatever complex trigger you can think of that does cause bumpers to get a suspect timer but doesn’t cause anyone else to get a suspect timer this same way.

Even if you can make your idea ‘better’, I do not see how it would be better than what we have.

Not to mention calculations have impact on the server. CCP removed bounties because the numerous server calls when a ship exploded by a bunch of people in fleet caused issues, serious ones, lag, drops, and so on, because everyone who was involved with a kill got a bounty payout instantly. This basically choked the server to some extent.

Now imagine that with these “simple calculations”… every server cycle.

:eyes: :thinking: :psyccp:

Nah, those numerous server calls are only an issue when the server is crowded. You know, with large fights where dozens of fleets each with hundreds of ships are bumping each other.

Only then would the server have trouble keeping up and shouldn’t it make bumping calculations.

I don’t see how that could be a problem. /s

Yeah wasn’t 100% sure the first time I read (the originally worded) post. Though was still almost certain it was sarcastic. :stuck_out_tongue: But yeah probably that would be the reaction, that it is such a rare case. Though as the example I’ve mentioned shows, it is a serious enough case that was addressed by CCP so in the end it is a realistic, valid and important concern.

As an aside just a somewhat relevant picture just for the sake of it…

…because why not. :wink:

There are many legitimate uses for bumping. For example, if some random player with an Orca and 10 Macks warps into your moon mining OP and starts sucking up all of your moon ore that you paid fuel for, you have two choices. Gank them, or keep bumping them until they give up and warp out. Well, if you’re just a small Indy corp, ganking isn’t an option, so, bumping it is.

Just be glad that we can no longer keep you perma-bumped. You will warp automatically after 3 minutes. Having said that, fit a Higgs rig, stay aligned, and don’t AFK, and 99% of the time you won’t have to worry about it.

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i have done all of this in my Orca…within 2 min it will be 150km outside of the belt.

If you have Higgs installed, are already aligned to a station or bookmark, and you aren’t AFK, all you have to do is watch your overview and if a bump ship lands on grid, just press go and you will instantly warp. Sounds like you’re AFK or not paying attention.

Every time this “issue” comes up, I tell you people the same thing. You do not want bumping mechanics changed. Any change, no matter how slight or no matter how much you think it will benefit you, will be used in unintended ways to make it even worse, and then you’ll be begging for the old mechanics to come back.


maybe you have forgotten…if your industrial is active on your Orca…you can’t warp. For that matter you can’t move until it shuts off. If you need to compress ore or ice…your done for. that Orca is going flying

That’s the risk you take running the industrial core. As with most things in EVE, there’s a tradeoff.

In this @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras is correct. I do not support the idea of making bumping a ‘crime’ the bloodbath outside of Jita undock would be something to see though, wouldn’t it? Something that can be thought of as unintentional is the difference between bumping and web or tackle that you mention in the response, OP.

CCP did add a mechanism to keep people from ‘trapping a ship though continuous bumping’ a while back and I thought that was a great idea. Jostling for position in belts? Fine by me. Heck I wish there was a bit more physics veracity to it so we could play a bit of interstellar billiards (Red Dwarf reference)



Then make it the opposite : can’t bump in HS without a suspect timer.
Problem solved :slight_smile:

And back to OP : bumping is a legit strategy in some cases.
Allows you to move a titan out of tether for example.
Or to prevent a tanky ship from taking the gate once his weapon timer wear off(be it in NS, LS, or with wardecs). Or people burning back to hole.

The issue is, that bumping is mostly used for aggressive actions( that is, to force another ship status against his will), but is not recognized as such in HS (for good reason, that is sometimes bumping is not voluntary).

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You’ve only had 3 cans and you’re steaming!

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