I do try to listen. I’m not always successful. But generally, I have been a lot better, other than the special case of this guy, and the one who just made it a point to go pushing buttons and make it personal.
At the same time, though, this is what? 2 instances of casual pedantry in a week? I haven’t gone and started dissecting his spelling and grammar, lack of footnotes or citations beyond the boilerplate same-old-scriptures everyone trots out for every single thing… (seriously, they’d use those same verses to explain why apple pie, not blueberry, I’m sure of it!)
I’m pretty sure a year, eighteen months ago, I’d have as many, much deeper dives into pedantry in a day. And they wouldn’t be in a thread specifically set up for nonsensical crap that nobody but a few obsessives care about.
Yeah, but, unless I’m mistaken about the implications of KIU (Kaztropol Interstellar University, maybe?), so’s the senior staff and probably most or all of her class.
Oh, welp, I am sorry, thought about Khanid. I guess she’s 100% safe in KIU then. Well, at least 98%, who know what can happen, maybe there are some loose bricks on a roof… or an old lady spilled some oil in front of a maglev track.
Usually I’d say “safe in Sani Sabik territory” is an oxymoron even for the Sabik themselves, but Kaztropol’s not … actively and violently horrible? Usually? It’s more kind of … surreal.
The city of Kaztropolis is an oasis of civilisation and culture, in the wilderness of the planet of Kaztropol, where fearsome wombats stalk the forests, and their eerie howls echo from the mountains.
Seriously, there’s a 250,000 capacity all-seater stadium for sporting and religious events, Kaztropolis Imperial University, the Natural History Museum, the architectural marvel that is the Great Wall, and much more.