
I hope to see Infomorphs on the field in 14 days.

Some ideas for Vanguard

  1. Introduce Triglavian themed environments. In order to enter the Triglavian environment you would to need to use filaments in order to gain access to Trig space. You would then depart your cloaked ship using a space taxi to the planet in question. Planets that are not populated by real players would be populated by bots, the rewards would be less but none the less, entertaining. Sleeper stations could also be introduced as environments.

  2. Sharhelund III - Somewhere in the stratosphere…only the strong and victorious would be able to land on Sharhelund III. Sorta like a Eve Tournament finale for those having the best kill rates to deaths and loot collected on standard maps and advanced maps involving Sleepers, Trigs, and Drifters. Nobody knows what the hell will be found on Sharhelund III.

  3. ESS system. A system similar to the space based ESS system would be present on planets located in Null Sec. Just like the space based ESS, the planetary based ESS would yield tokens to be turned in. A broadcast would sent to all alliance members within range of the planetary based ESS who would then log into Vanguard to defend the ESS. The planetary ESS bank would take deposits from space based ESS every few hours and could be in the millions or all of the assets in the space based ESS. Restrictions would be in place that would keep the Infomorph from using certain features or weapons until the timer ends.

  4. War Trophy Systems - WTS would be systems where large scale alliance battles have taken place and would have several planetary maps involved. The ships lost during the battle would appear as wrecks on the planetary map that the Infomorp could search and loot, but only after obtaining numerous digital chip wins from the standard maps.

  5. I would also hope there would be hack and relic sites to raid as well in Vanguard.


edit: love your ideas


Me and my mining lasers are ready.



With terms like industrialists, explorers, mining, and construction coming from the devs, who knows, you may just end up carrying those mining lasers in holsters with an assault rifle strapped across your back =)


But what type of ore would be so unique that the ore could only be mined from a Vanguard map? What would the minerals be used for that would necessitate Infomorphs having to mine on a planet and then call in the Big Friggin’ Ore Taxi to haul the load out?

Would the ore be able to be refined on the planet, in smaller amounts, less cost compared to specialized space-based reprocessing stations?

Plants and Herbs along with other items that must be gathered for Homefront Operations. The plants and herbs would be used similar Nanite Repair Paste as well as going into short term Infusion Capsules that would be similar to Boosters but would increase a Capsuleer’s Sec Status, over time.

There should also be Project Discovery kiosk on certain maps where the Project is only located on Vanguard maps. Much higher pay-out, but much more risk than the space-based Project Discovery.


Only thing i want added to vanguard (before i will even consider touching it) is the ability to use my capsuleer name in the game, this is a dealbreaker CCP


We honestly admire your work!


If you played Dust you can claim your Dust name (I claimed mine a few days ago through an email invite). But I could see a reason why you should be able to use your Eve name as well to play as both a Vanguard and Capsuleer. But unlikely the latter will happen as the character probably needs to be unique and separate when interacting with the Eve universe.


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Would you still want Chribba in a merc suit if it exposed your Veldnaught to the risk of destruction or theft by other mercs?

No. Haha. I guess I’m safe for now with that as ChribbaX will be doing the shooting :smiley:


I did play dust, but i wouldn’t want to reclaim that name, i want to use my capsuleer name, i accepted that with dust the names would be screwed because it was a console exclusive and thats just how that stuff used to work, however, with this not being a console exclusive and run by CCP and connected to TQ i am no longer going to give that a free pass

I have no issues with dealing with only being able to log one in at a time, i wouldn’t want to be playing EVE and VG at the exact same time anyway

But yeah until CCP resolve this technical hurdle i will not be interacting with the game

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If vanguard doesent allow a small group of players to grief everyone else then its a bad game. Drops mice.


CCP should seriously consider allowing Eve Online players to use their Eve Online name in Vanguard to ensure more of the player base enjoys Vanguard instead of walking away.


Would multi-boing be allowed in Vanguard?

I mean, you probably can, but not sure it would be worth it, how do you plan to multibox in an FPS lol


The same way some people mutlibox in EVE… using bots. :thinking:

That’s probably what’s going to happen. Not griefing per say but it will be like ganking and group-on-one attacks, only this time on the ground and not in space… Very original. :yawning_face:
If I want that I play PlanetSide 2.

Oh, man, seems like someone never played the original PlanetSide. outmatched fights were part of the fun. Just talk to OzziKing. that kid loved ToDs. He made them pretty fun, too. Plus there were the standard base farms as well. Playing outmatched fights are actually fun in certain genres. No need to bot. Bots killed PlanetSide, even if it did stagger on for another 4 years after the final server merge.

There are lots of games I didn’t play.