Version 18.06 - General Feedback

QOL Suggestions on New Project Discovery

Make pressing Enter (currently does nothing) draw a line between your first node and most recent node, automatically closing the gap for you and avoiding an unecessary click which requires weird precision to actually achieve.

In other words, make an Enter key press “close this polygon from first click position to most recent click position”. The same way the polygon auto-closes when you reach 10 nodes, just make it something we can do with enter!

Would be amazing!


Also clicking outside the bounds of the area should not clear all the drawing you have done for the polygon so far… considering the background is black and the outside area on my UI is black… it’s very easy to do. Just make it flash red or something to indicate it can’t be placed. There’s no reason to delete already done work just for one errant click!


I would appreciate it if CCP stop Nerfing Resistance Modules.
CCP increased the resistance of a handful of modules, but decreased the resistance of most of them !
Use a Scalpel and Balance the Ships.
Fix the Deep Space Transport that is still broken !

I think CCP is saying that I should become a Ganker too ! “Salt Industry”.


First thing I did.

Got it working again just now, though. I ended up having the client download all files and it’s launching now.

So “thanks” CCP for launching this nonsense new discovery project and taking away all the progress on previous one. Some people were relatively close to get Marshal BPCs and now everything is gone. I’m not taking this scam second time.


they forgot the lightning and the strike.


I have noticed that “log off safely” option under a ship’s capacitor has been replaced by “quit safely”. I wonder what is the difference? Or did you people at CCP just changed the text because you were bored, yet incapable of fixing other issues?


posted on r/eve



6 points·1 hour ago

Its the areas that are Upwell related through lore :slight_smile:

( syndicate, outer ring, and the only mordus constellation in pure blind )

Never forget these ships are for Blob vs Blob fights. Don’t need a pesky damage bonus, when tidi will render most of this useless. Its a shame the damage bonus was on the test server this whole time


:red_circle:RED :red_circle:■■■■■■■ :red_circle:DOTS
:red_circle:CCP :red_circle:REMOVE
:red_circle:CCP :red_circle:Destoy
:red_circle:CCP :red_circle: NOOOOOO
:red_circle:Red :red_circle:Dot :red_circle:BAAAAAAAAD
:red_circle:Red :red_circle:Dot :red_circle:Hurt :red_circle:Brain
:red_circle:LAZY :red_circle:■■■■ :red_circle:NO :red_circle:REMOVE :red_circle:RED :red_circle:DOT :red_circle:ME :red_circle:SAAAD
:red_circle: :poop: :red_circle: :poop: :red_circle: :poop::red_circle: :poop:


Capsuleers aren’t human.


(…) Human and capsuleer (…)

It’s clearly stated that this are two different entities. It’s really so hard to find things to ■■■■■ about?

We all know they actually meant human and EVE online players alike but marketing would not let them say that.

FYI: Finding something funny =/= bitching about something. You’re the one bitching about me not actually bitching about something :joy:

Please update Project Discovery so that when we pass/fail, we can drag the Passed/Failed bar up and down to better see the “gold standard” polygons underneath the Passed/Failed text. That way, we can better learn from the gold standard, but it’s hard to see the polygons underneath this text.


Event looks interesting, but why low-null? not everyone can fly there… A bit sad


What happened to the option to switch characters on the same account without quitting the game? If it’s there it is really well hidden and not in an intuitive spot. The only change I see is you finally replaced the “Log Off” text on the neo-com with a more accurate “Quit Game.”

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Hey, CCP? I have a question. Why do you rename the Basic modules to ‘Basic’ (with the single quotes)? I thought they were supposed to be low-power modules with equally low fitting requirements, not special models like the since-renamed ‘Accommodation’ armor repair module.


I’m just throwing mud at the wall here and proffering that maybe the new covid project discovery UI could be improved slightly by (re)moving the pancake square grids of pixel dots at the corners since they serve zero purpose and obscure the samples. Also…it seems more like a mobile game than the exo PD was…move it into eve portal :slight_smile:

edit add a counter for vertices perhaps…so i dont have to count dots…

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These new ships are bad… like really bad. Using the cruiser as example the fitting is non-existent, 1 high slot, terrible application, short range ammo is likely going to kill your own fleet, and the only real use I can see is third party sniping blob fights.

On a side note maybe if you forgo the gun, the enormous fitting it eats could make something silly?


now we have the sites not spawning, and the only edencom skill on the market is so overpriced it’s ridiculous, CCP fix this already