Version 18.06 - General Feedback

shrug i did a multi and an em/therm boost to hit in the 70s omni tanked, threw dps in the lows, extends/purges in the rigs…definitely not getting one because i dont fleet F1 i suppose…

You can def hit 70ks omnitank if you compensate the power grid and sacrifice any utility. The problem I keep come back to is what is it’s role outside of a snipe blob to third party?

  • Fit tackle, and get it close = You’re an overpriced tackle that is rather slow and unreliable DPS.
  • Assist a small gang fleet = You’re prob going to damage your own tackle or brawlers
  • Smallish fleet = You’ll likely help kill your own tackle while not doing enough damage to down anything.

shrug guess we’ll have to play around with it?

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This is their only purpose: to screw with larger fleets.

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However unless you are a much larger fleet you won’t really do anything to them. If you’re third partying the fight and don’t care who wins, sure.

Why? Wouldn’t it be better to leave the virus out of the game? It is not enough to have to tolerate it 24 hours a day … I play to forget about the horrible world that is out there. Now you want to put it inside. Ask those who made it for help because this is more than evident already! :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :mask: :bomb: :boom:
I’m furious. I hope you haven’t screwed up Project Discovery with this. I didn’t want to go in for fear of getting madder at this tiny idea.


If you have that many red dots in your stool you need to stop playing EVE and go to the hospital :ambulance: :hospital: :man_health_worker::woman_health_worker:


I guess we’ll have to call on project discovery to establich sucessful communication with the alien intelligence that invented the red dot…


I knew I was spoiled for all the progress I had. I was about to reach 200 rank. To get the ship. Now I am sick !!! GB :wave: Proyect Discovery


Not exactly, You are training rather new version of warhead upgrades, range extension skill and two missile application skills merged into one. :wink:

Vorton projectors does not use turret mechanics outside of having “optimal range”. Beyond that it’s all missile application. and because of that discrepancy they’ve received own set of skills, probably to not confuse people on “why this new weapon type wants me to train into both missiles and gunnery?”


Initially I hated it having just got used to the previous version - but I thought I’d have a crack to help the world at large.


  • My eyesight isn’t great and the dark blue dots on a black background can be a struggle - option to adjust the colour gamut would be great (programming nightmare) - or lighten change the colour of the dots - programmably easier
  • Clicking a path sometimes randomly closes the path - so you have to delete and re make if you want any degree of accuracy.
  • if you could add a node to an existing path it wold be cool especially given that it often closes the path before you want it to - and would lead to more accurate results
  • Using keys to move / nudge selected areas would be cool

Now the HATE -

There is cut off point for the amount of times you can submit in a day.

I’ve got to level 9 and now can’t use PD again for 15 hours

I’m using mac - and since last update 18.05
I can’t leave the station - the game is currently goosed for me - big time

In the meantime and until a fix is in place I have been playing with project discovery to at least earn a bit of isk - and help the world of course.

I appreciate trying to stop the bots - but limiting the use of an in game function is a sledgehammer to crack a nut process.

Can you imagine if you could only do a handful of missions in a day ?!?!? or only PvP a few others.

Now - there is NOTHING I can do in this game for 15 hours - until the PD timeout ends

PLEASE - kill the restriction on submissions and create a programatic solution for botters rather than killing this - the last vestige of game play I currently have :frowning:


Funny how everyone comments on the new weapons and ships, and leaves out the fact that the event screws over an entire subset of the game. The fact that these sites are not available in high sec is the most discrimitory thing in eve history short of blackout only effecting null. When that occurred the entire game was up in arms. High sec gets left out of something and no one gives a damn.


Are your ships not able to use gates anymore?


so…at least i got a nice thumbnail of a virus for the virus i failed to catalog…

“They’re not PVPing enough…battles aren’t bloody enough…nerf things until they pvp more! Make them go to lowsec!”

Which is just going to further alienate a population set that you need to keep going in low and null. If this event was high sec only i can guarantee low and null would scream bloody murder. Instead, it’s in low and null, and no one cares about screwing over long term high sec players, or newer players.


my ships are more than capable of using gates. 80 jumps today between freight runs, missions and a side of ratting

Stop Extortion, Boycott all Edencom ships and skills on market until CCP fixes the sites, or seeds market at a reasonable price, unsub, do what we need to as paying customers to make it so the Devs know that they ■■■■■■ the pooch on this one so hard it can’t lay down let alone sit. Not only that, do not re elect the CSM panel that made this ■■■■ show possible in the first place. It’s time that High Sec space gets represented too.


Eve is an amazing game, the events of which occur in one universe, on one server. CCP, why do you separate people? Why this ■■■■ is present in localization - Medium Black Condensor Pack?

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Yea, well, given how “cloning” works in EVE, it’s pretty accurate. A capsuleer is something like a flesh construct made out of biomass and cadavers, controlled by an artificially implanted mind based on a snapshot of a dead person’s brainstate. Arguable if that’s human even if it thinks it is.

This has been your daily #theloreyouknow, now back to your regular programming of folks bitching about an update and misunderstanding each other.


I gave a damn and wrote about it numerous times on the blackout forum page. I think it is a bit unfair that the sites don’t spawn across the cluster, its baffling why PvE content is being pigeonholed into the distinctly PvP orientated regions.