Version 18.06 - General Feedback

I think he meant that the bit you quoted already means that capsuleers aren’t human. hence them (sorry, us) being listed separately. :wink:

There was a lowsec only event in January, a WH only event in February, and a lowsec-only dailies in March.

This is hardly unprecedented at this point. HS used to have all the events from 2015 to 2018, this is a change CCP has started to make in the past year or so to spread the event love around.

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There is such a thing as over tending the garden. Since I stopped playing there have been so many “balancing” changes that it seems like a different game entirely than it was. So much so that tbh I’ve just lost interest in it all together. Like why rename perfectly named shield modules? Frankly there are so many changes that its almost overwhelming. Your doing the same thing to kill the game as Gearbox is doing to borderlands 3… I stopped playing that too for the same reason. Its almost like a bait n switch tactic. give you something good then when u spend lots on it… nurf the crap out of it. So done with this game. Time to focus on something where at the end of the day you feel like you accomplished something, not just another bang your head on the desk grind to get something nice for yourself then realize that there is no security in your purchase/hard grinding work because CCP will come along with the giant golden nurf hammer and beat any sense of making forward progress right out of your heart.


I went through the tutorial and know what I’m supposed to do, but am still unclear as to what exactly I’m doing. Like, what do the regions actually represent? How does it help fight Covid? In contrast, I knew exactly what was going on with the last project discovery.

Also, I’m old enough to know that I shouldn’t find this amusing, but not mature enough not to.


who cares about the sites, in it’s current state the new ships have no usecase, any normal HAC can split it’s guns and do more damage against 5 targets then these and i doubt even application mods would make them viable

They jump to absolutely anything, waste jumps on structures in PvE, jump to drones without applying to them in PvP, even friendly drones
If over buffed they’d be braindead f1 fleet ships, instant application, huge range, no individual skill required

No stat changes would make them interesting gameplay, they are either OP or useless, i say we need a mechanical change, IMO manual aiming like the super weapons would make them engaging to use and a support role instead of mainline ships


Then I dont see how its gated.

Unless Null isnt “super safe ratting space” after all.

As someone on the fence, considering a return, reading the feedback on recent changes just cements the idea in my mind that the current CCP development staff really seem quite clueless about the game.

Keep up your clueless patches and continue to make a game no one recognizes and understands so you can satisfy your own hubris.


So which patch nerfed the hell out of the Abyssal loot again? This is so pathetic that even carebear mining pays more than T4/T5 now. First you nerf the resists, then you throw tons of DC’s and DDoS into the mix - why not just eliminate DeadSpace altogether? Or is it merely an ISK-sink hobby-horse now?


Good for you! I fully agree with your sentiments.

You want to gate camp some PvE bling? Senseless answer.

Perhaps it’s because there are no pve areas or distinctly pvp areas. All areas of the game are both. Pve is meant to expose you to pvp.

Low sec is under utilised. Getting some more content there wouldn’t be a bad thing. And perhaps, under the new perceptions of where risk/reward should be, the value of the sites warrent spawning somewhere more dangerous than hi-sec.

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Understanding is hard.

Me live Highsec

Me transport stuff from High Sec to other place and back

Make many beads

You saavy?

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I imagine it’s too late now, but how about making future event sites deadspace, even when they don’t have acceleration gates? You know, the way mordus besieged anomalies are. The way anyone can just light a cyno in these makes them not all that appealing, both offensively and defensively.

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eve is becoming too much “are you kiddung me” moments.

ccp and the koreans dont care about bugs.
ccp and the koreans dont care about us.

time will come when we dont care about them.


Still don’t know why CCP doesn’t strengthen the gate guns ONLY on the gates leading from HS to LS. This would encourage newer players to at least poke their heads into LS without getting them immediately shot off by campers. This would increase the number of overall players in the immediate LS system, providing far more targets and fun for PvP players at belts and sites, while allowing the PvE players a relatively safer diving board to jump into the LS shark pool. Could even be better with a dynamic reaction at the HS gate by ramping up the damage per ship loss: increases when actively camped and multiple ships destroyed, decreases when quiet.


That idea has been floated before, problem is it doesn’t address the underlying issue with low sec in general. Doing something like that would get limited participation in a space that is basically become pvp only as the culture that is out there is mostly not inclusive to newer players. This event is just proving that better than usual. The sites were poorly placed, and that needs to be fixed before this roll out goes dead on arrival. Either CCP needs to open the pve sites up in high sec with reduced rewards, or somehow make the skills, mats, and ships available to all. I for one wouldn’t mind bp/mat drops staying in low/null, if high sec got the skill drops in a site to at least make the training possible, assuming people actually utilize the sites, and ships come to market at reasonable rates. As it stands currently, this roll out is a disaster, mainly due to player culture, and the devs not taking that into account. PVP events in low and null are all fine and good, but anything that effects the market needs to be cluster wide.


Well, based on the , at best, lukewarm response to the new ship class, perhaps we are not missing much. Much different response from the introduction of the Trigs and their technology. Still, I understand the graduated reward system based on sec level, but would have appreciated even a token amount of the sites at a reduced payout rate to appear in HS. Higher risk, higher reward is fine. Lower risk, no reward isn’t.
Any change in EVE gameplay to encourage more use of LS is great, but I would hope that CCP is looking forward past the current event for other ways to increase LS participation. Changing current HS/LS gate mechanics could be one.

Crrimson Harvest remains the gold standard for events, imo.


I think the lukewarm reception was mainly due to the way they were presented. Played around with them on the test server quite a bit as a mission/ratting platform, and they do great as ratting ships, or missions with high numbers of npc ships to shoot at. I also have to agree the CH should be the gold standard for events of that type. However locking something that provides skills and other things that are supposed to be used cluster wide to only certain parts of the cluster is not just wrong, it’s detrimental to the health of the game.


Here’s my take on the Upwell ships.

Although their concept is… ‘novel’, they provide no ‘new’ or ‘added’ value to a fleet or any engagement.
The Vorton weapons as such are only truly effective against clusters of targets (especially since an upwell ship, the only type that can fit vorton weapons, can fit only one), and even then it is a perfectly counterable attribute by having the blobs typically seen in big fleet fights increase their formation distance and spread.

As for the event that is supposed to seed them, well.
Who, in their right mind, would take what is a three-front risk (general gate camp, pro-trig players and the sites themselves) to gain a reward that honestly sounds misplaced and overestimated. Blueprints? Ok, those might make sense. Skillbooks? Uh, how about no. From a lore perspective, does it even make sense that such (in)valuable assets are placed in hostile space? We are talking EDENCOM, or literally “CONCORD but that actually does something”, and they place sensitive facilities in areas of space where even CONCORD typically does not operate in ordinary circumstances, as if they NEVER expected anything to go wrong.

Just like FOBs, this event completely throws any sensible evaluation of risk-reward out of the window.

I seriously doubt that even the much more hardy PvP users like null sovs and LS gangs will bother running the sites. They have no real incentive to do them outside of getting those skillbooks and blueprints and price gouging them far beyond their effective worth. Feel free to correct me on this tho.


Nothing to correct there, it’s already happening