Version 18.12 - General Feedback

And? I didn’t say anything about CCP needing ISK or not being able to print it.

You argued that CCP is ‘fighting against’… what was it again? Oh yes:

So you’re arguing that CCP is ‘fighting against’ people exchanging their time for in-game currency so they can play for free. The only way they play for free is either a)staying alpha, and not giving CCP any money, or b)going Omega through PLEX, which drives PLEX demand, and thus indirectly gives CCP real-world money through the whales willing to sell PLEX for ISK.

In effect, you are arguing that CCP is fighting against getting money.


We are already on the way.

Funny enough, last changes looks exactly like this, because CCP effectively driving multiboxers out of the game by making their life harder and harder.

No, I said CCP fights against producing too much ISK.
You say it is needed to “take” the PLEX from the players, which I have disproved, when CCP will go the way of offering the ISK for PLEX themselves and at the same time making it more difficult (but not too difficult) to get ISK so that ISK inflation does not happen.

I started in 2009, PLEX was already there with pay-to-win concerns from some players, We are still not where, not pay-to-win yet, which left some hope for me.

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I do not see it as P2W, but as an additional service. It is clear that the current owner (BP) has a different view than CCP itself. It is also clear that in the coming years there will be more and more things that can be bought directly for cash. it doesn’t have to be all bad.

The person buying PLEX from the proceeds of 15 AFK Ishtars doesn’t help CCP at all. No cash at all.

Try controlled it, without additional software. CCP say, you can multiboxing, so, what problem has multibox pve? you forgot, it content for filament gangs, for example. Now: no afk ratting → no ratters → no targets for pvp → no online. Also i see now reduced online players, this changes make it more.

Also i unsub my accounts (i had subscrube for my accounts, i paid ccp real money - for ratting too), also my online significantly reduced, but i planning play and pay omega plexes (no more money for ccp) and want see sunset of this game. Aaaaand buying TESO on black friday, also CCP, thank you - if you don’t provided this “beautiful” changes, i’m didn’t try play in TESO :smiley:

If everyone pays for an account instead of PLEXing their accounts with AFK ratting fleets then people like me won’t need to buy PLEX to compete the 40 billion per hour AFK ratting fleets that have ridiculously inflated the ISK price of everything for years.

The economy is broken.

The economy, like many things in EVE, is based on ideas from 17 years ago, when ever being able to PLEX your account was a dream, something intented to be very hard to do.

Now people can PLEX 15 accounts in a day.

17 years of botting and AFK ratting has made the economy a joke.

CCP cannot sustain this, and Pearl Abyss probably had a fit when they saw the mess.

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If ISK will become really hard to earn in-game while easy to buy from store - it become a pay-to-win. But this is not concern of mine, I will leave long before it happen.

Not at all true.

No, I said that players need to be able to afford PLEX with their ISK. Which means PLEX sellers need to feel like they’re getting a good return on their real-world payment, or they won’t buy PLEX to sell. CCP isn’t going to sellf PLEX for ISK, because then CCP isn’t getting $$. CCP wants $$, so CCP needs players to buy PLEX for $$ that they then sell for ISK.

And the more ISK it costs to buy non-PLEX items, the more ISK the PLEX-sellers will feel they need to get in order for the return on their $$ to be worth it.

Ideally, as ISK supply tightens, prices come down on everything. But the material supply to make everything has also tightened, so there’s an upward pressure on prices in ISK, and so far, nobody’s hit the point of mass ‘that’s ludicrous, I won’t pay that much for a T1 battleship’. So prices on everything non-PLEX are still going up, which means the amount the PLEX sellers need to get for their $$ stays high.

Absolutely true. None of those PLEX came into existence without CCP getting paid for them.


I see what you mean. However, it is currently very easy to get 500 plex through a few hours, just like before through few rorquals to get much ore, through a few supers to a lot of salvage. Very simple. CCP BP now wants to steer against this and not out of charity but out of pure profit interest.

There will be nice and perfectly fair game noone can play, because CCP will not be able to sustain running costs without people subscribing with PLEX.

But we will see, currently multiboxers got strong kick in the balls. Maybe CCP really don’t need all this money.

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By me.

Not by the person PLEXing their account. This is fraudulent logic that has been used to excuse playing for free for far too long.

Sure if you want 10% less dps and no control over targeting : )

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Nope, you don’t want to work in game, so you buy PLEX and pay with real money

PLEX buyers don’t want to spend real money and pay with in-game work. Without this in-game work your PLEX worth nothing.


Well, first, neither mining, nor salvage, generate ISK. They simply move ISK around between players.

Second, yes, ratting generates ISK. However, I question your math of ‘it is currently very easy to get 500 plex through a few hours’. Usually, this kind of assertion is based on the ‘600M/hr’ that CCP Quant put on reddit a couple of years ago, but that was based on literally the highest single tick ever, and was never a sustainable amount generated. The guy got lucky w/titan spawns in multiple anomalies, so he got 200M on one tick, and Quant based his whole premise around that one tick that was never repeated, much less consistent.

Next, 500 PLEX right now is 1.398b, but let’s call it 1.4 for simplicity. To get that in 3 hours, you need ticks of 155 million ISK. 2 years ago, that wasn’t impossible, but it’s still pretty well above average. In the last two years, we’ve had a slew of changes to reduce the amount of ISK you make. We’ve had anomaly respawn nerfs, anomaly number nerfs, fighters being less effective, the dynamic bounty system + ess cutting down the bounties you’re getting… I’d be pretty surprised to hear people are consistently getting 100M a tick, now. If they’re even ratting in their supers.

In most of null, supercapital ratting is pretty dead. It’s only in ‘safe’ regions like Oasa where there’s no easy way to stage dreadbombs that it continues in any amount. Instead, people have moved to subcapital ratting, and there… good luck hitting a 50M ISK tick these days.

It’s not ‘fraudlent logic’, it’s literally the logic behind CCP’s entire microtransaction model: people who have more money than time IRL can subsidize people who have more time than money. It doesn’t matter to CCP who they get the money from. Either way, CCP still gets paid. In fact, they get paid more for PLEX sales than they do for subscriptions, because people subscribing tend to use the longest-term, lowest-price option, while a lot of PLEX sales are ‘I need ISK, lemme buy 1000 PLEX’ at full price.


get your drones back through help and target paint

I’m in null and get max 13m ticks. So yeah, it’s pretty much impossible to hit 600m now.

This is mean only one thing. Activity you chose to generate income is awfully ineffective. You need to reconsider your options.