Dangit, Arrendis! Stop making so many gudposts, k? CCP can’t take it anymores.
yeah, I’m wondering how this is gonna affect so many things… from belt rats (incl faction spawns in HS/LS/NS and officer spawns in NS)… to events… we just finished an event yesterday wherein the guristas easter egg NPC pods we had to kill for the gate keys to do the event sites (both combat AND data)… mostly warped around between planets, moons, and BELTS… so… no more belts eventually?
or, worse yet… will the pods (and other NPCs) still go to belts… belts that players can’t find on their celestials list to easily warp to? that ain’t cool, man.
Yeah, my first reaction was “like survey probes? for surveying moons? with all the new changes to indy? wait… character select?”
… once I read the character select part, I got that they meant getting players to complete surveys for them… which I think used to be just by e-mail? I never check my e-mail, at best I see those things months and months later. if they pop something up on the login screen, at least I’ll see it now.
I hear ya, man. Apparently well before my time (2013, post-Odyssey) you used to need salvagers for either data sites or relic sites? that’s gone, ofc.
CCP really should just add a salvage type signature to go along with all the data, relic, and gas signatures… for us salvage fans to do some salvaging that doesn’t require player killing or rat killing first. For sure.
Still really not sure what they mean by this. I read this thread, I see that perhaps it’s not behaving as intended yet, since different parts of null are getting belts stripped (or not) differently…
But my thought was just that if players and/or NPCs have stripped a belt… the belt will no longer be a warpable celestial until… more rocks respawn? downtime, I guess? or some other amount of time?
But either way, whether it’s perm or temp… whether they’re really empty or not before they get despawned… my questions about what about the rats that spawn there and/or warp to them. I really think this has the potential to be bungled on SO many levels, even once they fix the unintended buggy bits of the implementation… and that’s just from a ratting POV, not even taking mining itself into account. Christ, guys… why?