Version 19.03 - General Feedback

Dangit, Arrendis! Stop making so many gudposts, k? CCP can’t take it anymores.

yeah, I’m wondering how this is gonna affect so many things… from belt rats (incl faction spawns in HS/LS/NS and officer spawns in NS)… to events… we just finished an event yesterday wherein the guristas easter egg NPC pods we had to kill for the gate keys to do the event sites (both combat AND data)… mostly warped around between planets, moons, and BELTS… so… no more belts eventually?

or, worse yet… will the pods (and other NPCs) still go to belts… belts that players can’t find on their celestials list to easily warp to? that ain’t cool, man.

Yeah, my first reaction was “like survey probes? for surveying moons? with all the new changes to indy? wait… character select?”

… once I read the character select part, I got that they meant getting players to complete surveys for them… which I think used to be just by e-mail? I never check my e-mail, at best I see those things months and months later. if they pop something up on the login screen, at least I’ll see it now.

I hear ya, man. Apparently well before my time (2013, post-Odyssey) you used to need salvagers for either data sites or relic sites? that’s gone, ofc.

CCP really should just add a salvage type signature to go along with all the data, relic, and gas signatures… for us salvage fans to do some salvaging that doesn’t require player killing or rat killing first. For sure.

Still really not sure what they mean by this. I read this thread, I see that perhaps it’s not behaving as intended yet, since different parts of null are getting belts stripped (or not) differently…

But my thought was just that if players and/or NPCs have stripped a belt… the belt will no longer be a warpable celestial until… more rocks respawn? downtime, I guess? or some other amount of time?

But either way, whether it’s perm or temp… whether they’re really empty or not before they get despawned… my questions about what about the rats that spawn there and/or warp to them. I really think this has the potential to be bungled on SO many levels, even once they fix the unintended buggy bits of the implementation… and that’s just from a ratting POV, not even taking mining itself into account. Christ, guys… why?


yes if you look who is at the helm now.


BTW those significant differences in input material quantities in the new blueprints vs the released data in the dev blog is a cause for concern too.

Thankfully its not needed right at this moment so inputs can be adjusted and error corrected without any impact on new eden right now.

I can imagine people who’s livelihoods are based on battleships and up and t2 components freaked out when they looked at the BPs :smiley:

Still @CCP_Dopamine coming out to say those are erroneous and will be update in game soon would help alleviate concerns a lot! :heart:

examples in this thread regarding errors in BP quantities were pointed out by @Joseph_Panacan here and here

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Perhaps it means we’re officially moving from “Scarcity” phase into “Depletion” phase :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it means that 14000 belts were taken away from nullsec (see wollari from Dotlan’s tweet dotlan update), yes that’s 14k belts that went up into the Great Beyond. As there is not an iota of response from ccp we can assume it’s working as intended.

Whatever is in the plans, they’d better be near completion. This whole Ecosystem story is becoming about as enjoyable as a pandemic: i t…t a k e s…t o o…l o n g. Roll out the complete thing when it’s finished so we can adjust, adapt and move on, and not piecemeal ! Letting people wait for the inevitable is not part of engaging gameplay.
And depleting entire regions of static belts, what weird kind of calculated thinking makes that appear as a good decision for our entertainment ? Alternatives ? None on radar, unless they want wormholes invaded - which is even sillier. Rats can’t spawn where the belts used to be, and the same ones don’t spawn in the mining anoms (which serve a different audience), making the special rats go extinct. Also working as intended ? And that’s 14k fewer locations to find pvp content as well.

Still breaking arms to fix a broken leg…


I just wish i hadn’t plexed all my accounts up for an old player 15 years i occasionally belt rated , now you have taken away the one thing i did actively in the game ccp , I will seriously consider in October weather replex my accounts or just play something that isn’t a total cash cow, that you need plex to do anything, How are New entities in null-sec going to do adm’s? and an answer wouldn’t be so bad. Stop alienating your player base with Patch notes that are clearly miss leading.



It will be interesting to see how the nullsec community responds once the war in the southwest is over. I don’t think this will go down well…

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Yeah… I just meant mechanically…

… and yeah, I saw the reference to a reddit thread about it, went there after posting here and read up.

Pretty freakin’ crazy. sounds like most (if not all?) of those nullsec belts were already not respawning at downtime, tho.

So the question still remains: what does a HS/LS belt have to do now to not get poofed as well.

Yeah. I really thought it was odd timing to nerf the market (for most people) last spring as the pandemic lockdowns/response was beginning… and then the resist mods nerf… and then removing Niarja from HS. And now the indy changes.

Not saying CCP shoulda seen the pandemic coming and tried to “fix the economy” in 2018 and 2019 instead, but… just poor, poor timing in 2020. Maybe once the pandemic started, shelve some of these scarcity plans till 2021/2022. Talk about making the game a lot less fun for a lot of people cooped up at home a lot for 1+ year. Just pushing players out the door to other games.


I’ve just unsubbed 9 accounts it was so liberating to finally do it after 16 years \o/


Congrats on winning EVE, mate.


Had some fun with the daily sov map.
red border = regions with all belts removed
orange border = regions with belts partially removed
numbers near region names = value mined as per Feb MER

Credits: poster Bootyratchik on reddit/r/eve for listing the regions affected; Verite website for their sov map; ccp for providing the MER; all mistakes are mine, of course.



While I really appreciate the ability to setup several JCs in one location … could we please do something about the notification spam? 2-3 notifications every day per char to remove takes away from the joy of not being able to kill my expensive implants anymore.

It would not be so bad of Ratf… Rattati stop telling us that he and Psych have a plan without telling us their plan. Personally, I think Rattati is on a revenge trip to kill EVE because CCP killed his baby Dust. Prove me wrong. :slight_smile:


Maybe we’ll get lucky, and get system wide asteroid belts, or the rings on some planets will turn into some kinda new belts … well, we can dream.

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I have lost faith in CCP, 1st the scarcity patch and now this. I’m around since 2003 i never complained about any changes but lately i’ve seen a lot of bad changes.

I was happy with the industry change, allowing more interaction with people. But after all, all i see is people already rich are getting richer, big blocs are getting stronger than ever and not allowing small groups to emerge and rise.

If to build a thing, bring some ore to my agent or whatever else i need spend my whole time traveling to the other side of new eden to hope finding a belt that’s not for me. I want to have fun and play a game, not having a painful second job.

I think it’s time for me to go to elsewhere…


to be honest since I have come back to game all ive seen is ccp destroying a good game turning it into junk, now the belts are gone in prov , thanks a big freaking bunch you guys keep taking away everything Im done, straight up my 2 accounts gone, sick of this crap, enhance the game don’t destroy it. What idiot sits around thinking of ways to keep ripping everything down, making harder and harder to make isk. Keep it up I will find another game to play and I will spend my money somewhere else. I trained a long train to get into a nag and now everyone in my alliance wont fly them because , yupo you did something to the em on this ship or the other dreads making the nag basically useless, yeh thanks for the long train for nothing yeh you guys are special. trash the mins every where too, Just make it so theres no way to make game money and you have to buy all your isk because thats where this pile of crap is headed and I’ll be headed for another game, what else you gonna destroy or should I just quit the game now? yeh its looking like thats gonna be the plan seriously , I quit for 8 years before and i will quit again, stop screwing the game up seriously and put the ■■■■ back you greedy sob’s


Hi ccp, the Change to fighters are so annoying. You can’t recall ur fighters if you leave grid , so you guys just make fighters like large size drone again?


You are trolling, right ?
How about going to Pochven ?
Or to a Triglavian Minor Victory system (I don’t know much, but I think there is a combat area you can enter, close to the star in those systems).
You have options.

Those who got raped on Triglavians’ gate camps in high-sec in front of navy/Concord who never reacted to Trigs aggressions (remember the elephant in the room?) (and this includes you, btw), we did not had an option.

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Not in the slightest, its the first time in ages that CCP added something that required people in high sec to use their brain, it caused groups of people to band together to “protect” shipping lanes, from where i’m sitting the trig update has been nothing but great for EVE

Been there since it was created, not sure what the relevance is, its not about having NPC’s to shoot at, its about having a reason to login

See your confusion seems to be that you think i’m upset at a lack of triangles to shoot at, that isn’t the case at all

Options for having a purpose to login and a reason for people to band together towards a common goal outside of blue donut circle jerks? not really seeing it, the one we had just got neutered

Concord never have and never will handle NPC aggression, they don’t deal with belt rats, they don’t deal with sleepers in high sec, they don’t deal with FoB rats, i’m confused why people even bother mentioning concord in this context, that isn’t and never was their job, they only respond to unlawful player vs player aggression, nothing more, nothing less, people expecting high sec to be “safe” are the problem here, because HS has never been “safe” its only “safer” than low and null

Also, i’m not bothered by losing ships to trigs so i’m not sure why you even brought up the 1 loss i have, which was due to my own mistake and i don’t whine like a baby to CCP everytime i lose a ship to my own mistakes

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