After the patch, I can’t start eve because the launcher just closes when I click anywhere on it.
I am unable to even see the chat window. And all chat groups have vanished.
The right click / close stack works but not the button.
I don’t like some of the new windows, I have my transparency set as high as it will go, and used to pin stuff so I could see though it, now my D-Scan window, fleet window, probe scanner etc. I can barely see though it. Please fix this.
Ctrl+tab doesn’t work for any opened window that isn’t a chat window.
Every time I undock my probe scan map is opened even though I close it before docking.
Annoying. please fix
This also happens when jumping wormholes.
Video of the glitch: glitch after patch 19.04 - YouTube
I just deathcloned to a structure and when I arrived, both item and ship hangar were not closed. I could not open them with the hotkeys or menu options, the game told me “The item is out of reach.” I had to undock to make them appear again.
Missing option to reposition probe scan on the LEFT, as it was before!
Yes I agree this is like moving the X on windows from the right to the left. There is just no reason to do it. Please give us back the correct scanning interface!!!
I have just noticed that CCP changed the hangar sorting settings behavior between characters on the same account. I have one char that sorts the item hangar by Name reversed and another by Type. Now they all sort by the same and I cannot have different settings for different chars on the same account, which is absolutely annoying. Who came up with that change?
If you are using a full screen map to probe with it all other windows are closed when you open it, including ship controls and the probing window itself. While it is possible to re-open the probe window (though you have to find it in the stack of minimized windows in the menubar first), you can’t display the ship/module controls.
This is a pain, as ideally you want to be able to see both – the probe window to control your probe and see results listed, and the controls window in case you need to manoeuvre against stuff currently on grid (which you could see on your overview – which also ends up being minimized).
The ‘close stack’ button no longer … closes a stack!
Since the map for the scanning window is opaque and can be selected independently of the probe scanner window, interacting with that → causes the probe window to disappear when you have the probe window over the solar system window. Also, you cannot move the probe window around in the map when it is docked. I think possibly you should, steal all the menus for moving the neocom bar around on the main screen, and apply them to the scanning window so we can customize how the dock works. The changes cause problems, because → without any transparency you cannot see anything going on in other windows when the scanner window is up.
I almost like parts of it, in that - you can have them as small discrete windows on the ui. And when they are all split up into discrete windows I feel that I can get a better percentage of the screen utilized (I.E. scan while interacting with the modules and the overview). Also I like that the docked version does not allow the dscan and the probe scan to conflict.
However there is no use case ever where I need the map above the probe window, or need it obscuring the modules or the overview, (so that window should always be higher up in the stack than the solar system map - but maybe you could drag other windows over both of them).
But i mean basically it seems like no one tried this interface before you pushed it out to everybody, so maybe take it into a wormhole and have a few people try to blow your ship up before you make us do it then you’ll see why its bad.
Huge negative performance impact in new Jita station interior after update to new model.
FPS is halved to previous model using same settings.
Probably due to all the adverts, gazilion ships moving around and “all-the-lights-that-can-possibly-be-found-and-fited-in-the-hangar”… and hangar is huge!!!
- Is there possibility to implement setting to reduce the “trafic” and light sources inthere? Would reduce the strain on older hardware w/o resorting to generally lower graphics quality of whole game just because of one single location.
Other “issues” that were resolved with trial and error:
Utter lack of proper explanation of what changes will look whan we open for example scannig window… and that we have to pin on top EVERY window we’d like over it… so practicly almost EVERYTHING compared to prior the change.
Ok so the PI window works but as I open one “planet” the window gets full screen and also every time it restores every minimized window wether market, wallet, notepad, industry and so on. Also it hides the drone control window and and it hides the small PI window with all planets. Further more I no longer see the last planet selected in the PI window (not marked anymore).
Next thing. When opening a can, MTU or select a thing in my sold list to show it in market then it opens and puts itself on top IF it wasn’t already open. Thus when Market is open under the Wallet window then the market updates to my selection BUT it dos not put itself over the other windows. Same when Inventory is behind Probe Scanner window and I open a can. It does show what the can has in it but it does not move to active on top of the rest of the windows.
Edit… So i missed one thing. The little button saying “Enable always above fullscreen” so now I see Drone interface and PI list. The rest seems to be broken as I haven’t found a way to mend it.
The new Jita 4-4 interior is very pretty. Now, when are we all moving to Rens? Next month, was it?
UI Fleet Window [BUG]
if you have the Fleet window (not fleet chat window) combined as a tab with a few other windows. when you leave fleet the fleet window disappears and you cannot bring up the fleet window again until you relog your client or close all other tabs in that window. whether trying to access the fleet window is done via the neocom icon or the neocom menu item. Once you close those tabs the fleet menu pops back into existence.
it doesnt matter whether the window is locked or light or dark background, or if its set to be above fullscreen elements or not.
Really frustrating!
I am now sure if this is posted or not.
Opening the Solar System Map will put it above the HUD and above all windows.
This issue can be partially fixed by ticking “Enable always above fullscreen” but there is not such thing for the ship HUD.
And why is entering and exiting the map reseting the overlay? It did not do this before!
Can we please get back to the way everything was before? Nothing was broken, this did not need to be changed, it was OK as it was!
i log in to my 3 accounts
I click my character, it doesn’t matter what one
the screen is black then, circle in bottom says, “resource loading”
if i push esc: the pointer does change when i move it around, and i can get a dropdown menu to pop up (it looks normal) from the settings window.
if i load the Exefile it won’t let me log in, but i can get to the settings window from there, and i have reset every setting i can find. I’ve set it for maximum performance settings. Also I clicked “clear all cache files” & “clear all settings”
i have done all of these:
Right click → Enable Light Background