Version 19.05 - General Feedback

Yah they are, if there’s one of the observatory thingys in the system they have to expose themselves on a regular basis or risk a 40% chance of being exposed by force.
Now all the sniveling Goonswarm miners Brisc sucked up to will know what you are flying and covert-ops is now just an op. The best part is they won’t get much out of this, the people messing with them will still be messing with them but explorers now have some extra work to do for no reason.
All they (the people who wanted this) had to do was prepare their systems (sprinkle all the warpables with cans or cheap drones to decloak people and run solid gate camps) and defend them, but nooooo they shoved CCP around somehow and got their way.
“We don’t feel like exerting ourselves so we can feel safe, do it for us, ok? Thanks”
CCP needs to HTFU apparently.

What irritates me (mildly, I have to admit) though is this thing doesn’t even know you are warping around (which means you are active, not afk). If it sensed that you were doing stuff and reset it’s silly timer it would be fine, but it doesn’t, it just sticks crap over your HUD that makes it look like you have been targeted by someone.

Slow mode again, I should put my many alts to work on this!

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40% is the same as saying mostly not effective. so we expend time and materials in something that generally doesnt work, and even then only works if the camper is afk for at least 90 minutes. in addition we need a combat acanner active and response ships. all for 1 guy watching netflix. at least make it more successful. like , say 60%

Null you don’t, in low why should I take a standings hit when the person using the array is the aggressor.

Also, AOE items like this are all banned in empire space. What’s next, warp bubbles in low because the devs are too useless to even know about the Banned in Empire Space attribute?

Two words: CCP Rattati


I’ve been running into the exact same thing, no mater what I train for skill wise they come along and trash it. Now I’m switching to tiny cheap ships with normal cheap modules, ditching four of my five subscriptions and doing faction warfare. It’s sort of a last ditch effort to give a damn after all the negative and often drastic changes to things I loved or wanted to get good at. The loss of time skill wise though is really starting to get me pissed off, it reaches a point where there doesn’t seem to be a point.
I will say they went nice and limp on the cloaking nerf, it could have been a lot worse.


I want warp bubbles in Jita and I want my bombs to work there too.
I also want to infect the hypernet with a virus that mutes all of its spammers.


It would be part of the hacking skill…

Level I :rofl:


This is my biggest concern. It’s already easy enough to script a response to being decloaked, let alone a set 15 minute timer to make the decloaking item completely useless.


Acceleration gate graphics are now broken - the circle around them that helped to determine if you were within the activation range of the gate is no longer sitting centred on the gate, and it moves as you do (yes, I tried changing the dynamic camera setting, it doesn’t fix it). This only changed after the patch went in - it was fine literally minutes before downtime, broken within minutes of the servers coming up after downtime.

It’s not just me seeing this either, I have spoken directly to at least three other pilots in different corps/alliances who were seeing it live as I talked to them in game (and a fleet of ~40 experienced it and reported on it outside of game in a post-fleet discussion).

Given what was noted as changed in this patch, I do wonder how this got broken. What are they fiddling with under the covers that changes this and doesn’t involve being mentioned in patch notes? reminds me a little of the changes to drone aggro behaviour - at least then though they were actively trying to change drone behaviour (even if their fiddling changed it in unintended ways).

I hope the new CSM tears CCP a new one in terms of their “fiddling” without actually understanding what they’re doing…


I don’t think the relationship between CCP and the CSM works that way.

I just lost a ship cause of that. is it on purpose or is it bug? and please can anybody tell me how do I know if gate is new or old?

The CSM are players, and the players are the people who pay CCP. There has to be some pushback when the quality of the product is going down the toilet as it has recently.

the cloak stuff is for LS, NPC NS, and sov NS. devblog with patch notes specifically says “Disallowed in: Wormhole, Pochven, Abyssal Space” and “Restricted to Security systems below: 0.5”… or:

tl;dr: Cloak changes don’t matter in HS, WHs, Pochven.

My main can fly every subcap except Black Ops (oh, and the edencom ships, almost forgot them). Any time they nerf something I enjoy, I try something they have buffed (or left alone)… Marauders are back as of February 2021, if you didn’t hear, on that note.

The new gates are listed in the patch notes:

  • Hykkota (The Forge) ↔ Ahbazon (Genesis)
  • Irgrus (Metropolis) ↔ Pakhshi (Genesis)
  • Kenninck (Placid) ↔ Eggheron (Solitude)
  • Saminer (Tash-Murkon) ↔ F7-ICZ (Stain)

If it ain’t one of those 4 gates in those 8 systems, it ain’t a new gate as of now.

Rip hyper supers
Rip Black Ops hunting
CCP killed the one most excotic and exciting gamestyle in the game by listening to crabs
i wonder if ccp tries lately to force a serenity 2.0 just to create a haven for casual players instead for the players that have played this game for so many years.
No news on Team Talos
No Road Map for upcomming Content
Not a single Message on wich path EVE goes
Spending day after day looking on Hoboleaks in hopes for new exciting changes, nowhere to seen
Only to see on the eve launcher that a new skill package is being sold in the store that ccp promised not to do ever.
Kinda ironic that the Facebook page posted a Article about the microtransaction Riot nearly a decade ago that took place in jita

This game only goes downhill from here, huh?




I’m cautiously pro- this update, but I do not agree that a cloaked ship should have to de-cloak to re-apply the buff. They should 100% be able to stay cloaked at all times with the full buff if active. I’m not sure how to implement that in-game, but it really needs to be done somehow.
An active, cloaked player should be able to stay cloaked on-grid 100% of the time with a full buff. Any other implementation puts far too much power on the side of the de-cloak mechanism.


I like this idea, now the bots can watch the bots while actual people can screw around on the internet.
Soon the bots will be able to write their own bots and have to complain to the CSM that CCP isn’t preventing their meat bag from touching the mouse and using too much bandwidth.

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That’s the sad thing about many of their fixes, they inconvenience the real players with changes that are trivial for bots.


Love the decloaking alarm sound. Thanks CCP ! :love_you_gesture:

This is messed up post patch. The blue circles should surround the acceleration gate. There should be only one.
