@CCP_Dopamine @CCP_Swift @CCP_Paragon @CCP_Fleebix @CCP_Aurora
New issue:
Started experiencing this issue just a little while ago today. While playing the game my monitor went into sleep / power save mode.
I thought it was a problem with my computer and had to restart it since I couldn’t log out of the game due to monitor being in sleep mode. I made sure my settings for sleep mode were off and then ran a diagnostics scan on my computer, found some slight security issues but nothing to do with this issue, did a repair anyway and rebooted my computer.
Logged back into the game and within 5 minutes my monitor went into sleep mode again. And just like before, I had to shut off my computer. I then verified all downloaded files in the Launcher which removed 239 files. Logged back into the game to find all my settings are now set to default and within 5 minutes of being logged into the game, my monitor goes into sleep / power save mode again.
I’ve never had this issue before and it’s definitely not my computer doing it. I decided to check the Issues and workarounds sub-forum to see if anybody else had experienced the same issue and had a fix for it.
Strange thing about this is there was a thread created 17 days ago by someone experiencing the same issue which I’m experiencing right now. Course no fix was posted and as usual, no indication that CCP even reads threads in that sub-forum.
Something was done to the code which now makes monitors go into sleep mode. The fact that this has happened shows your coding team is unqualified and should be fired. Implementing these untested changes right in the middle of an event instead of waiting till it’s over is just plain unprofessional. You guys seriously need to do proper testing on your updates before implementing them.