There’s a great GDC talk on psychology of loss aversion Board Game Design Day: Board Game Design and the Psychology of Loss Aversion
At 17:40 of the video they offer an excercise:
A deadly desease is spreading! If nothing is done 600 people will die.
Choice A: 200 people will be saved.
Choice B: 1/3 chance 600 people are saved. 2/3 chance no people are saved.
Choice C: 400 people will die.
Choice D: 1/3 chance no people will die. 2/3 chance 600 people will die.
72% of players choose A over B, 78% of players choose D over C. Even though A = C and B = D.
Framing is key. And with Waste mechanic you are forcing people do the “wrong” choice. And people would rather not do wrong choice, thus stop playing.
There is a reason those 70-80% of people are picking their choise. Even if just to feel good. It is their meaningful choice framed by the game developer.
CCP makes you consciously go suboptimal losing time or losing ore. Lose-lose.